Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Does it eliminate the perversion factor if there are more of them?
Demographics on how many perverted people are in the U.S. were detailed in an amicus brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court which is hearing a case on the constitutionality of California's queer marriage ban. The argument seems to be that because there are more and more of them, it makes homosexuality OK.
Gary Gates wrote the brief. He said, "As a political and cultural issue, it's very important for us to understand how big and visible this population is." Unfortunately, I think we all understand how visible it is! I would counter Gary's argument with this one: "As a spiritual issue, it's very important for us to understand how wide is the gate and broad the way that leadeth to destruction and how many there be that go in thereat."
"Statistics on lesbians, gays poised to expand." The Dallas Morning News; March 4, 2013; p. 5A.

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