Saturday, March 2, 2013

You're neither clever enough nor cute enough, Daniel.
Daniel van Rooyen of Colleyville thinks he's really clever and cute. He asks if those who advocate the continued selling of AR-15's and high capacity magazines could point out where in the Constitution they are given that right.
Sure, Daniel, it's in the Second Amendment -- The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. In case you don't know what infringed means, Daniel, it means that the government can do nothing to make it complicated or impossible for a law-abiding citizen to have whatever sort of gun he wants.
Then he says that conservative Justice Scalia is on record as saying that the Constitution is dead, meaning that it is frozen in time. So, Daniel says, that means that we can only have single-shot, front-loading muskets, because that's the only kind of guns they had in 1791.
Sorry, Daniel, but, in the vernacular, that dog don't hunt, either. The Second Amendment does not specify what kind of arms -- it just says that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Are AR-15's arms? If so, then the right of the people to keep and bear them is protected.
"Where do gun rights end?" The Dallas Morning News; December 29, 2012; p. 20A.

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