Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sad story, but does the media have it right?

This is a very sad story. Little Logan Stevenson had leukemia. He was just two-years old. He died this week. He was featured in a news story last Sunday.

According to the media, Logan's mother and father knew his time was very limited, so they married early (ahead of their July 2014 date) so that he could be included in the wedding pictures. Their wedding was last Saturday. I say Logan's mother and father married late rather than early.

Remember the old ditty -- "First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage"? Too bad it's become -- "First comes sex, then comes living together, then comes baby, then if we think it will work, we might make a commitment, but it's complicated so we might just give up and start the whole process over again." Sorry it's not as catchy as the simple "First comes love  . . ." but I don't have time to sit here and make all that complication rhyme.

"For couple, dying boy is best of men." The Dallas Morning News; August 4, 2013; p. 4A.

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