Monday, August 5, 2013

You may not do with your property what you choose to do!

There is a trailer park in downtown Dallas that's been there for many years. The owners of the park have decided to sell it. They notified their tenants last June that they needed to move out by August 31. The tenants shouted that wasn't fair, so the owners gave them until January 31 and offered each tenant up to $2000 in moving expenses.

"No fair!" the tenants shout as they protest with signs that proclaim "No!! Nos Vamos!" That's the Spanish equivalent of "Hell, no! We won't go!" "We want to be treated like decent human beings! That offer is insulting!" the tenants declare. I don't know about you, but way back there when I was a renter, I never had a landlord who gave me six months notice that I needed to move, much less gave me $2000 to do it.

The news says that the protesters had their toddler children with them. The children were understandably scared when the police arrived to make sure the demonstration didn't get out of hand. Sonia Brink, one of the maltreated tenants, said, "The kids ask me, 'Are we going to live in the streets?' It makes me sad; it makes me cry." Her children did not come up with that "live in the streets" quote by themselves.

So, Sonia, if I were you, I'd be looking for a new home instead of trying to tell someone else what he can and cannot do with his own property! Are you people so helpless and stupid that you don't know how to go about finding a place to live? Or are you just looking for a more lucrative handout?

"Trailer park residents protest at owner's offices." The Dallas Morning News; July 31, 2013; p. 8B.

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