Thursday, November 7, 2013

Look at the context.

The liberals are making a big deal out of nothing. Senator Ted Cruz's dad said, "We need to send Barack Obama back to Chicago. I'd like to send him back to Kenya, back to Indonesia." Todd J. Gillman conveniently leaves out two-thirds of the quote when he writes about it: "Last week, video surfaced of Cruz's father, Rafael Cruz . . . telling Texas voters that he'd like to send the Hawaii-born president 'back to Kenya.'"

So the liberals are coming unglued saying that Cruz is a birther -- that he thinks Obama was born in Kenya. If he really meant that, why bring up Chicago or Indonesia? The mention of Kenya is sandwiched in between the two. The liberals aren't saying, "He thinks Obama was born in Indonesia." Or "He thinks Obama was born in Chicago." Yet they are mentioned in the same context as Kenya. It cannot be denied that Obama has a Chicago background, that he has an Indonesian background, and that he has a Kenyan background.

Anyway, I agree with Mr. Cruz, Sr. We do need to send Barack back to wherever he came from.

Mr. Cruz is taking flack for having called Obama a Marxist. That's nothing less than the truth -- "From each according to his means, to each according to his need." Who can deny that that is Obama's philosophy? Tax "the rich" -- give handouts to "the poor." Mr. Cruz is also under fire because he extolls the virtues of making the U.S. a Christian nation. Again, I must agree with him. As for the liberals -- I guess the truth hurts. And I suspect they're just a little bit worried about a Ted Cruz presidential bid -- otherwise, why would they care what his daddy has to say?

"Cruz in damage control over dad." The Dallas Morning News; November 1, 2013; p. 2A. 
"Obama may offer Cruz quips in Dallas." The Dallas Morning News; November 3, 2013; p. 8A.

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