Saturday, November 9, 2013

Please let my daddy go back to work.

Nina Robledo is in the fourth grade. She wrote a letter to the editor during the government shutdown. Nina's father works for the EPA. Nina pleaded in her letter, "Can you please stop this debate so EPA workers can protect the environment and everybody can take care of their families?"

In the first place, Nina's father got what amounts to a paid vacation -- all the furloughed workers get back pay. In the second place, perhaps Nina might put herself in the place of children whose fathers and mothers work in industries affected by her father.

  • EPA regulations enacted during the current administration threaten more than 32 coal-fired power plants with closure.
  • According to the American Petroleum Institute, "Upcoming EPA regulations of ozone could shut down business expansion and new jobs where 97 percent of Americans live, without providing any significant environmental benefit."
  • The EPA just shut down the last lead smelting plant in the US. They raised the EPA regulations by 10 fold and it would have cost the plant $100 million to comply. The political by-product that threatens our constitutional rights -- what do you think ammunition is made of?
So, Nina, can your father please stop this regulation so that mothers and fathers can go back to work providing fuel and electricity and other goods we need and everybody can take care of their families?

"Let my daddy work." The Dallas Morning News; October 10, 2013; p. 14A.

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