Sunday, December 8, 2013

He should be put in the stocks on the town square!

The Richardson ISD is falling all over itself issuing apologies for having Justin Lookadoo speak at the school. Parents are coming unglued, and students are in rebellion over this man who has tried to corrupt our children. Just to show you what a terrible, terrible influence this man is, I'm going to post some of his points and quotes. Then you can see for yourself how dangerous he is.

  • Girls are nastier to each other than boys are.
  • Being a man means protecting the weak -- and women.
  • High school boys and girls should be wary of putting too much into a romance that is almost certain to dissolve.
  • Boys and girls should be true to themselves and not compromise to keep a relationship.
  • Men should be honest, chivalrous, wild and adventurous.
  • Women should be feminine, mysterious and confident and let men lead.
  • Girls are their own worst enemies -- "The reason it's so hard for you to succeed these days is not because of guys. You're doing it to yourselves."
  • "Somewhere between the modern church and the feminist movement, guys turned into pansies. Stand up and be a man! Do something with your life!"
The concern of the kids who surrounded him after his speech? What about gay, lesbian or transgender kids? What about high school relationships that do work out?

Isaiah 5:20.

"Motivational . . . or maddening?" The Dallas Morning News; November 14, 2013; p. 1B.

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