Friday, December 6, 2013

I guess that makes it OK.

Have you ever noticed that when a sin or failure is brought to someone's attention, he immediately comes back with, "Well you did such-and-such," or "that's better than so-and-so"? The implication is that if I sin, but you sinned, too, then my sin must be OK.

Joe Palmer has that blind spot. He says that "a man having consensual sex with another man is more 'morally straight' than a man raping a 12-year-old boy."

That's a bit like saying that burglarizing a bank in the dark of night is better than holding it up in broad daylight. Maybe so, but the bank is still being robbed, and the perpetrators are still thieves. The same is true of the sexual deviant -- one man raping a child does not suddenly make another man engaged in immorality into a paragon of virtue.

"Get sexual deviation straight." The Dallas Morning News; October 13, 2012; p. 20A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His logic makes my head tilt like that of a confused pup!