You know how the Democrats all claim that requiring a photo ID to vote discriminates against the poor and minorities because they can't get a photo ID without suffering hardship?
The same could be said for Colorado's marijuana laws which require a photo ID to purchase a little weed. I guess those guys in Colorado think only the rich should be allowed to get stoned.
"Heading for a high time?" The Dallas Morning News, January 12, 2014; p. 1K.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Since when were potato chips cheap?
There was a sob story article in the paper recently trying to get us to feel sorry for people on food stamps because they can't afford nutritious food. It said that they had to buy junk food. I don't know if you've done any grocery shopping lately, but the last time I went, junk food was pretty expensive.
Anyway, it tells us about Blanca Salas. She has five children and diabetes. For breakfast, her 4-year-old has a bag of Cheetos and a granola bar. The 9-year-old has sugary cereal and chocolate milk. With her diabetes, why does she even have such food in her house? For what she paid for the bag of chips and the granola bars, she most likely could have bought a large bag of frozen mixed vegetables. Boxed sugary cereals are quite expensive, but a large box of Quaker oatmeal is rather economical and much more nutritious. Blanca buys instant soup. Why not buy a chicken instead and make a large pot of chicken stew? She could probably feed the family at least a couple or three meals on that at little cost. I know when I make a pot of chicken stew, we have several meals on it.
The article also talks about how these people buy expensive snacks such as hot Cheetos (Cheetos with hot cheese sauce poured on top) and Red Bull drinks. The problem is not that they can't afford nutritious food -- it's that they don't buy nutritious food.
Essie has the perfect solution to that problem -- one she has advocated for a long time. Strictly limit the food items that may be bought with food stamps -- no soft drinks, no candy, no chips, no convenience foods, nothing that is not considered "heart-healthy." I've contacted Michelle Obama about this several times, because it plays into her fighting obesity program perfectly. I guess I missed it when she asked Congress to pass such legislation.
"Food-stamp diets hurting the poor." The Dallas Morning News; November 17, 2013; p. 29A.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
I'm unclear on the concept.
I guess I'm just an old fogey and unclear on the concept. According to the Associated Press, government figures show that the share of unmarried couples who decide to move in together because of a pregnancy surpasses the number who get married and legitimize their child.
Amanda Pulte, 22, had not co-habited with her boyfriend (at least as far as sharing a home), but when she became pregnant (OK, I guess there was some co-habitation going on), they moved in together. "I want to marry when I'm ready, not because I'm being forced into it," Amanda explained. "Whenever I see couples do that, things don't work out." Well, pardon me, Amanda, but nobody forced you to have sex. And if he did, you should have filed rape charges against him instead of moving in with the monster. And if you're not ready for marriage, then you're certainly not ready to have a child! And if you think things might not "work out" with this guy, then why on earth did you allow him to use you? If you're not committed enough to marry him, then you're not committed enough to be having sex with him! Get some morals, girl, and start being a good example for your child!
"Twilight for 'shotgun weddings.'" The Dallas Morning News; January 7, 2014; p. 4A.
Monday, January 27, 2014
They must think we're stupid.
The food industry is bragging that they've managed to reduce the calorie count in many of their products. Sure they have -- it's not hard to do when you reduce the size of the package.
From Kellogg's cereals (roughly a 15% size reduction) to Snickers bars (roughly 11% reduction), to Tropicana orange juice (about an 8% reduction), to Chicken of the Sea tuna (reduced from 6 ounces to 5 ounces), manufacturers are reducing the amount you get without reducing the amount you spend.
I seriously doubt, however, that this deceptive change in packaging will make any inroads into the obesity problem. People are going to buy food in the quantities they wish to eat whether it's one can or two. For example, I now buy two cans of tuna when I want to make a tuna salad, because that paltry 5 ounces just doesn't quite stretch enough. So in reality, the companies haven't reduced calories at all -- they've only reduced the amount of money in your pocket.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Our government has gone cuckoo!
If you saw a bunch of models wearing nothing but underwear handing out fliers on the street, what would be your first thought? Mine would probably be that they were advertising a strip joint or a brothel.
If you saw the ones passing out fliers recently in downtown Denver and that was your guess, you were wrong. The barely-clad babes were distributing handbills encouraging young people to sign up for Obamacare.
"Selling Obamacare to 'young invincibles.'" The Dallas Morning News; January 2, 2013; p. 7A.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Who would Jesus kill?
Rodney Pirtle of Farmers Branch is another of those "theologians" I find amusing. He doesn't like the death penalty. He says, ". . .my answer to this social conundrum lies somewhere in the answer to the question, 'Who would Jesus kill?'"
Mr. Pirtle is being disingenuous in phrasing his question the way he does. It implies that executions are in the same category as murder. People in the U.S. are not executed except for especially heinous crimes. They made the choices they did -- they can blame no one but themselves when they pay the consequences for their crimes. Similarly, Jesus does not kill anyone. He gives every man the opportunity to come to Him in repentance. Yet He does not shield us from reaping what we sow.
But, Mr. Pirtle, I'll humor you and try to answer your question by posing a few of my own? Are we talking about the same Jesus who said, "He that believeth not is condemned already . . . "? That Jesus? Or are we talking about the Jesus who said, "Then will I say to them, 'Depart from me ye that work iniquity, for I never knew you'"? That Jesus? Or maybe it's the Jesus who said, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. . ." That Jesus? Maybe it was the Jesus who taught that the wages of sin is death. Whichever Jesus it was Mr. Pirtle, I think you know the answer to your question.
"Objections to death penalty." The Dallas Morning News; December 12, 2013; p. 16A.
Mr. Pirtle is being disingenuous in phrasing his question the way he does. It implies that executions are in the same category as murder. People in the U.S. are not executed except for especially heinous crimes. They made the choices they did -- they can blame no one but themselves when they pay the consequences for their crimes. Similarly, Jesus does not kill anyone. He gives every man the opportunity to come to Him in repentance. Yet He does not shield us from reaping what we sow.
But, Mr. Pirtle, I'll humor you and try to answer your question by posing a few of my own? Are we talking about the same Jesus who said, "He that believeth not is condemned already . . . "? That Jesus? Or are we talking about the Jesus who said, "Then will I say to them, 'Depart from me ye that work iniquity, for I never knew you'"? That Jesus? Or maybe it's the Jesus who said, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. . ." That Jesus? Maybe it was the Jesus who taught that the wages of sin is death. Whichever Jesus it was Mr. Pirtle, I think you know the answer to your question.
"Objections to death penalty." The Dallas Morning News; December 12, 2013; p. 16A.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Don't worry -- it's just a little cancer.
We've been told all those mammograms aren't necessary, all those pap smears aren't necessary, and men don't need all those prostate tests. Now we're being told that if we do happen to be diagnosed with breast cancer, in many cases, we don't need all that treatment.
I can't help but think that these new ideas are driven by the Obama Administration promise to decrease the cost of health care. Certainly it won't cost so much if you don't use it! And I wonder if the studies cited in this article weren't begun with the desired result already in mind -- "the research is aimed at curbing overtreatment."
Some of the recommendations coming out of these studies:
Many "older" women can skip radiation for early-stage tumors.
If the cancer has already spread, you don't need surgery.
Only "light" chemo is needed.
According to Dr. C. Kent Osborne of Baylor College of Medicine, the trend is "less and less therapy."
Sounds good, but I don't know if it will still sound good if I'm the one with the dreaded diagnosis.
"Selective approach to breast cancer treatment is backed." The Dallas Morning News; December 12, 2013; p. 5A.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Illegal is as illegal does.
Fernando Rojas says that a person cannot be classified as illegal. He says the implication of doing so is that every person who has ever broken any law is illegal. So if you've ever received a traffic ticket, you are illegal.
Incorrecto, Fernando! A person living here without proper documentation is an illegal alien. A person living here with proper documentation is a legal alien. A person who has received a traffic ticket and neglected to pay it or appear in court is illegal -- hence, he will have a warrant issued for his arrest. If he pays his fine, he is once again compliant with the law -- legal. The difference is that the illegal alien is doing nothing to bring himself into compliance with the law. Quite the contrary, he expects us to change the law to accommodate him and quit calling him what he is -- illegal.
"People aren't illegal." The Dallas Morning News; November 30, 2013; p. 18A.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
Approximately 50 prisoners, most of them murderers and rapists, have been released in Maryland. It's possible that another 200 will follow them.
The reason is that Maryland's highest court decided that prior to 1980, judges didn't do a good enough job explaining the principle of innocent until proven guilty to the jury. These criminals could be granted new trials, but prosecutors are in a bind. These cases are more than 30 years old. Witnesses have died or can't be located. Who knows the status of the physical evidence in the trials. So my guess is that these convicts will not, for the most part, be retried.
It's only a matter of time, however, before they'll re-offend and end up back in jail. And this time, I hope the judge takes all day to explain innocent until proven guilty.
"Murderers going free in flawed pre-1980 cases." The Dallas Morning News; November 28, 2013; p. 4A.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Essie's Crystal Ball
Essie is gazing into her crystal ball. She sees Obama and Kathleen Sebelius issuing a new edict. The edict says, "Doctors must accept Obamacare patients or they will not be licensed to practice medicine in the U.S."
Actually, it doesn't take much prognosticating to see that little bit of the future. The doctors aren't being reimbursed enough, and more and more of them are opting out of accepting Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare plans. As patients scurry to find doctors, wait times for appointments and procedures will increase. Obama will have to do something. And about the only thing he can do is force doctors to accept patients on his terms.
If you think you may have to have your gallbladder removed anytime soon, better do it now or you may have to wait five years.
"As patients sign up, doctors opt out." The Dallas Morning News; November 29, 2013; p. 6A.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Stupid Criminals
I just love stories about stupid criminals. Ray de la Cruz planted a camera in the ladies restroom where he worked. An employee found the camera and took it to her boss. When they played back the digital images it held, there was de la Cruz installing the camera. No mistaking who it was, either. He had on his work uniform with his nametag on his shirt. Priceless!
"Voyeur arrested after filming himself." The Dallas Morning News; December 26, 2013; p. 4A.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Why bring that into it?
"One of the things I'm really looking forward to is maybe some gay and lesbian athletes bringing home the gold or silver or bronze." ~ Barack Obama on the upcoming Olympic Games.
Why not just say he's looking forward to our athletes bringing home the gold or silver or bronze? What makes it better if it's a pervert? Why does the queer agenda have to permeate everything?
"Passing the torch." The Dallas Morning News; December 23, 2013; p. 13A.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
If she were a tree, she'd be a nut tree.
Barbara Walters recently said of Barack Obama, "He made so many promises. We thought that he was going to be -- I shouldn't say this at Christmastime, but -- the next messiah."
Barbara Walters is about as stupid as they come. And that's all I have to say about that.
"Talking Points." The Dallas Morning News; December 22, 2013; p. 1P.
Friday, January 17, 2014
What about you, Meg?
Meg Hillert of University Park says that churches, communities, and government need to do more to provide for those in need. "The system is broken when people cannot feed, clothe, or shelter their kids while the rich are living in luxury."
Speaking of living in luxury -- Meg's home in University Park is appraised at $565,000. Just maybe Meg Hillert needs to do more to help those in need. The omission in her list of those who should do more is glaring. No "I need to do more." No "the Hillert family needs to sacrifice a little more."
I wonder if Meg knows the meaning of "hypocrite"? If she doesn't, she can just look in the mirror.
"We have to do more." The Dallas Morning News; November 16, 2013; p. 18A.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
We don't care if you're a lawbreaker.
Sergio Garcia has been living in this country illegally for twenty years. The California Supreme Court just granted him a license to practice law.
Meanwhile, in Nevada, thousands of illegals lined up at the DMV office to get their drivers licenses through the new state law allowing them driving privileges.
Where is the INS/ICE? Oh, silly me, I forgot. Obama, who is sworn to enforce the law, has told them not to arrest these poor immigrants, illegal though they may be.
"Door is opened on jobs." The Dallas Morning News; January 3, 2014; p. 1A.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor . . . Period.
Do you remember that one of Obama's selling points on Obamacare was that it would greatly reduce the cost of emergency room care because people who don't have insurance use the emergency room a lot more? Well, that was evidently a guess of the same caliber as "if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance."
A study in Oregon found that those who got insurance for the first time made 40% more visits to the ER than those who still lacked coverage. The pattern was very strong and held true for conditions that could have been treated by a primary care physician.
The study was begun when Oregon held a lottery in 2008 for Medicaid coverage. It compared the people who received Medicaid by random selection to the people who were in the lottery but were not selected.
Surprise! Another Obamacare myth bites the dust.
"Study: ER trips rise with coverage." The Dallas Morning News; January 3, 2014; p. 1A.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Awww - he's not so bad!
Obama's illegal alien uncle is being allowed to stay in the U.S. Judge Leonard Shapiro says that Onyango Obama is a hard worker and has been arrested only once. Of course, that arrest doesn't include the fact that he's been breaking U.S. immigration law for 50 years and has ignored the deportation order issued 20 years ago.
By the way, this is the uncle that Obama's people said he had never met. As it turns out, he actually lived with him for a short time. How can you tell when Obama (or Jay Carney) is lying? Are his lips moving?
One other note -- Onyango's arrest was for driving while intoxicated. When he kills someone, will Judge Shapiro still think he's an OK guy?
"Obama's uncle allowed to remain in U.S." The Dallas Morning News; December 4, 2013; p. 4A.
By the way, this is the uncle that Obama's people said he had never met. As it turns out, he actually lived with him for a short time. How can you tell when Obama (or Jay Carney) is lying? Are his lips moving?
One other note -- Onyango's arrest was for driving while intoxicated. When he kills someone, will Judge Shapiro still think he's an OK guy?
"Obama's uncle allowed to remain in U.S." The Dallas Morning News; December 4, 2013; p. 4A.
Monday, January 13, 2014
I wonder . . .
I just heard a news report that in the first week the sale marijuana has been legal in Colorado, merchants have raked in $5 million. I wonder how much of that $5 million came from people on food stamps and/or other government wealth redistribution programs?
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Who's behind it all?
Have you noticed lately how many train derailments, chemical spills, fertilizer plant "accidents," and pipeline ruptures we've had?
I'm sure at least some of them have logical explanations, but do you suppose there is a pattern emerging? Have you thought about how this might be a new terrorist tactic?
It's just crossed my mind.
I'm sure at least some of them have logical explanations, but do you suppose there is a pattern emerging? Have you thought about how this might be a new terrorist tactic?
It's just crossed my mind.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Nightmares happen.
When I was a kid, they always televised the Rose Parade from California. I loved it. I was fascinated by the roses covering the floats, by the bands, and by the gowns on the beautiful girls riding the floats. It was quite a pageant, and I can only imagine how beautiful it must have been to see it live.
But now that's been ruined. This year, a float with a giant wedding cake was the venue for two queer guys to "get married." And the organizers of the parade allowed this travesty because the float "fit the theme of Dreams Come True." As the teenagers used to say, gag me with a spoon!
Jennifer Adair was on the streets with her lesbian partner cheering. "We're a modern-day society, so accept it," she said. What happened to "just tolerate us"?
"Gay couple wed at Rose Parade." The Dallas Morning News; January 2, 2014; p. 6A.
But now that's been ruined. This year, a float with a giant wedding cake was the venue for two queer guys to "get married." And the organizers of the parade allowed this travesty because the float "fit the theme of Dreams Come True." As the teenagers used to say, gag me with a spoon!
Jennifer Adair was on the streets with her lesbian partner cheering. "We're a modern-day society, so accept it," she said. What happened to "just tolerate us"?
"Gay couple wed at Rose Parade." The Dallas Morning News; January 2, 2014; p. 6A.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Dallas County Tax Dollars at Work
Dallas County citizens just paid $15,000 for a video display above a water fountain in the Dallas County Records Building. Some years ago during renovation, remnants of the old "whites only" sign above the fountain were uncovered. Black activists decided they wanted to leave it there, and it's been there ever since.
But that wasn't enough for Lauren Butterfly Woods, some kind of an "artist." She came up with an idea. She installed a device on the fountain so that when somebody pushes the button to get a drink, a digital civil rights video from the 1950's-1960's era starts playing on the wall. I don't think I like my awareness heightened just because I'm thirsty. I'll get my drink somewhere else.
"Fountain of Progress." The Dallas Morning News; November 16, 2013; p. 1B.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Tear them all down.
Ben Harrison of Far North Dallas, an admitted Pennsylvania Yankee, thinks we should tear down the old Texas School Book Depository Building, now the site of the Sixth Floor Museum. He says we should erase all aspects of the crime associated with this building and the City of Dallas.
Sorry, Ben. You can tear down all the buildings you want to, but it doesn't change history. I find it interesting that you're not calling for Ford's Theater to be torn down or the Washington Hilton (site of the assassination attempt on Reagan). Gosh, I guess we should even tear down the U.S. Capitol where Puerto Ricans gunned down several members of the House of Representatives in 1954. How about the Louisiana State Capitol where Huey Long was shot? How about tearing down Westwood Baptist Church in Ft. Worth?
Yes, bad things happen, and I can understand those who were present at the time and/or lost loved ones having bad memories from the locations. However, we don't close roads because people were killed in auto accidents, and we don't tear down airports where planes crashed.
At any rate, the Sixth Floor Museum is well worth a visit if you've never been there. I spent only an hour or so there when I went, but you could easily spend the whole day if you read all the exhibits. Why would we want to tear down such a valuable archive?
"Raze it and forget it." The Dallas Morning News; November 26, 2013; p. 12A.
Sorry, Ben. You can tear down all the buildings you want to, but it doesn't change history. I find it interesting that you're not calling for Ford's Theater to be torn down or the Washington Hilton (site of the assassination attempt on Reagan). Gosh, I guess we should even tear down the U.S. Capitol where Puerto Ricans gunned down several members of the House of Representatives in 1954. How about the Louisiana State Capitol where Huey Long was shot? How about tearing down Westwood Baptist Church in Ft. Worth?
Yes, bad things happen, and I can understand those who were present at the time and/or lost loved ones having bad memories from the locations. However, we don't close roads because people were killed in auto accidents, and we don't tear down airports where planes crashed.
At any rate, the Sixth Floor Museum is well worth a visit if you've never been there. I spent only an hour or so there when I went, but you could easily spend the whole day if you read all the exhibits. Why would we want to tear down such a valuable archive?
"Raze it and forget it." The Dallas Morning News; November 26, 2013; p. 12A.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Obamacare -- making life better (and more affordable) for you!
Yes, folks, Obamacare is good for you! We all like higher prices, so you're going to get to pay more for your Cheetohs, Snickers, Cokes, Paydays, and other vending machine items.
Included in Obamacare is the mandate that vending machines display on the outside of the machine the calorie counts for all the treats inside. It doesn't matter that those counts are already on the individual labels. It will cost the companies operating the vending machines in this country $25.8 million initially with an additional annual cost of $24 million. That's with no return on that particular expense, so how do you think they will make up the shortfall? The only way they can -- raise their prices.
Three-fourths of the companies affected are small concerns with three or fewer employees. A spokesman for the National Automatic Merchandising Association says an initial investment of $2,400 plus $2,200 in annual costs is a lot for a small company that clears only a few thousand dollars a year. One woman who runs one of those companies says that another problem is variety. She says she will be forced to limit the items offered so her employees don't spend all their time updating calorie counts.
How did we ever make it before we had Obama looking out for us?
"Vending machines must display calorie counts." The Dallas Morning News; December 29, 2013; p. 15A.
Included in Obamacare is the mandate that vending machines display on the outside of the machine the calorie counts for all the treats inside. It doesn't matter that those counts are already on the individual labels. It will cost the companies operating the vending machines in this country $25.8 million initially with an additional annual cost of $24 million. That's with no return on that particular expense, so how do you think they will make up the shortfall? The only way they can -- raise their prices.
Three-fourths of the companies affected are small concerns with three or fewer employees. A spokesman for the National Automatic Merchandising Association says an initial investment of $2,400 plus $2,200 in annual costs is a lot for a small company that clears only a few thousand dollars a year. One woman who runs one of those companies says that another problem is variety. She says she will be forced to limit the items offered so her employees don't spend all their time updating calorie counts.
How did we ever make it before we had Obama looking out for us?
"Vending machines must display calorie counts." The Dallas Morning News; December 29, 2013; p. 15A.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
You can say that again, Kathleen!
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says, "Jan. 1 will mark a new day in health care for millions of families and individuals throughout Texas." Boy! You can say that again, Kathleen!
She says that a family of four earning $50,000 per year can get coverage for as little as $26 a month. She says that 60% of uninsured Americans can obtain coverage for $100 a month or less. That sounds great, doesn't it? Until you think about it. It must cost far more than that to insure those people, so who's paying for the rest of it?
"New year a new day for health care." The Dallas Morning News; December 31, 2013; p. 15A.
She says that a family of four earning $50,000 per year can get coverage for as little as $26 a month. She says that 60% of uninsured Americans can obtain coverage for $100 a month or less. That sounds great, doesn't it? Until you think about it. It must cost far more than that to insure those people, so who's paying for the rest of it?
"New year a new day for health care." The Dallas Morning News; December 31, 2013; p. 15A.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Oh . . . Really?
Jeffery Weber of East Dallas doesn't like the Catholic Church maintaining the biblical doctrine on homosexuality. He says, "Scripture was written down over 1,500 years ago. The definition of sexual orientation was unknown."
Oh, really, Jeffery? You really don't think God knew what a homosexual was? That's odd. How did He know to tell us it was an abomination? Come to think of it, God was well aware of sexual perversion way back in the Old Testament more than 3,000 years ago -- check out the Book of Leviticus as penned by Moses. It sounds to me like Moses knew perfectly well what he was talking about. And it sounds to me like Jeffery Weber doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.
"Catholics living in the past." The Dallas Morning News; December 4, 2013; p. 20A.
Oh, really, Jeffery? You really don't think God knew what a homosexual was? That's odd. How did He know to tell us it was an abomination? Come to think of it, God was well aware of sexual perversion way back in the Old Testament more than 3,000 years ago -- check out the Book of Leviticus as penned by Moses. It sounds to me like Moses knew perfectly well what he was talking about. And it sounds to me like Jeffery Weber doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.
"Catholics living in the past." The Dallas Morning News; December 4, 2013; p. 20A.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
How refreshing!
The first new baby of 2014 in our area was actually born to a married couple! Not only that, but they've been married more than nine months!
Congratulations to Willi and Anni Unger and their beautiful new baby, Isaiah Luke.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
It's Aunt Sarah's money.
Herman Morris says "most right-wing Republicans feel that they have worked hard and earned their social and economic position in this country," and they wonder why they should contribute to people who just want to get a free ride and take from the government instead of working hard on their own. Perhaps most right-wing Republicans feel that way, because it's a fact. Even if they inherited their wealth, their parents or grandparents worked hard and earned their "social and economic position."
Then Herman tells us about his Aunt Sarah. Aunt Sarah was evidently a soft touch. He says scores of people wrote to her for money which she usually willingly sent. Her philosophy was that if one out of a hundred needed her help, it was worth it to her.
Hooray for Herman's Aunt Sarah. She did with her money what she wanted to do . . . as was her right. But Herman has completely missed the boat. Herman should accord all those "right-wing Republicans" he despises the same right his Aunt Sarah had. If Herman really wants to be consistent, he should have reprimanded his Aunt Sarah and told her to send her money to the government so the government could redistribute it for her.
By the way, maybe Herman should redistribute some of his own money. I looked up his home value on the Tarrant County Appraisal District Records, and it's more than $400,000. Wonder if he thinks he "earned his social and economic position."
"It will help someone." The Dallas Morning News; December 2, 2013; p. 12A.
Then Herman tells us about his Aunt Sarah. Aunt Sarah was evidently a soft touch. He says scores of people wrote to her for money which she usually willingly sent. Her philosophy was that if one out of a hundred needed her help, it was worth it to her.
Hooray for Herman's Aunt Sarah. She did with her money what she wanted to do . . . as was her right. But Herman has completely missed the boat. Herman should accord all those "right-wing Republicans" he despises the same right his Aunt Sarah had. If Herman really wants to be consistent, he should have reprimanded his Aunt Sarah and told her to send her money to the government so the government could redistribute it for her.
By the way, maybe Herman should redistribute some of his own money. I looked up his home value on the Tarrant County Appraisal District Records, and it's more than $400,000. Wonder if he thinks he "earned his social and economic position."
"It will help someone." The Dallas Morning News; December 2, 2013; p. 12A.
Friday, January 3, 2014
No, it's not free.
I've written before about school districts that are serving free breakfasts in the classroom to all the kids so as not to stigmatize those who are on the dole. A recent article says that serving them in the classroom is necessary because they don't make it to school early enough to eat in the cafeteria. My guess is they're not all that hungry if they don't show up. One teacher says of the breakfast in the classroom program, "They like that they don't have to stand in a line for breakfast." Well, let's make it as easy for them as possible! We certainly don't want to inconvenience them in order to give them a meal!
Here's the real problem with catering to these kids who are learning that they shouldn't have to put forth any effort to live in this world. Jacobey Simpson, 8 years old, said that the best thing about eating in class was "it's free." No, Jacobey, it's not free. You may not be paying anything for it, but the rest of us are.
It's also noteworthy that the teachers say it takes 10 to 15 minutes to serve, eat and clean up. That's 10 to 15 minutes taken out of classroom time while we have school districts such as Sioux Falls, South Dakota, who won't take the 10 seconds required to say the Pledge of Allegiance because "it takes too much time."
"Breakfast at desk fills bellies, brains." The Dallas Morning News; December 2, 2013; p. 1A.
Here's the real problem with catering to these kids who are learning that they shouldn't have to put forth any effort to live in this world. Jacobey Simpson, 8 years old, said that the best thing about eating in class was "it's free." No, Jacobey, it's not free. You may not be paying anything for it, but the rest of us are.
It's also noteworthy that the teachers say it takes 10 to 15 minutes to serve, eat and clean up. That's 10 to 15 minutes taken out of classroom time while we have school districts such as Sioux Falls, South Dakota, who won't take the 10 seconds required to say the Pledge of Allegiance because "it takes too much time."
"Breakfast at desk fills bellies, brains." The Dallas Morning News; December 2, 2013; p. 1A.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Does Tony Torres really know anything about Theodore Roosevelt?
Mark Davis wrote a column on redistribution of wealth and how it logically and economically makes no sense. Tony Torres takes issue with Mark's conclusions.
Tony says that Theodore Roosevelt would not have been impressed by Mark's column. I wonder if Tony knows that Roosevelt was our third wealthiest President? In 2010 dollars he was worth $125 million. On top of that, he didn't earn the bulk of his wealth . . . he inherited it.
I wonder if Tony knows that Theodore Roosevelt said, "Probably the greatest harm done by vast wealth is the harm that we of moderate means do ourselves when we let the vices of envy and hatred enter deep into our own natures"?
I wonder if Tony knows that Theodore Roosevelt said, "When I say I want a square deal for the poor man, I do not mean that I want a square deal for the man who remains poor because he has not got the energy to work for himself"?
Maybe Tony needs to read up a bit on Theodore Roosevelt before he presumes to tell us what would and would not impress him.
Along the same lines, Alexander Davie of Richardson derides trickle-down economics. Not to mention the other flat-out misstatements he makes, he says that trickle-down is a total failure. "Just ask the pope!" he says. I've read a biography of Pope Francis, and I hope Davie will fill in the gap for me -- I completely missed where the Pope got his degree in economics.
"Mark Davis' rationale: That's rich." The Dallas Morning News; December 20, 2013; p. 28A.
"Give middle class, poor a chance." The Dallas Morning News; December 20, 2013; p. 28A.
Tony says that Theodore Roosevelt would not have been impressed by Mark's column. I wonder if Tony knows that Roosevelt was our third wealthiest President? In 2010 dollars he was worth $125 million. On top of that, he didn't earn the bulk of his wealth . . . he inherited it.
I wonder if Tony knows that Theodore Roosevelt said, "Probably the greatest harm done by vast wealth is the harm that we of moderate means do ourselves when we let the vices of envy and hatred enter deep into our own natures"?
I wonder if Tony knows that Theodore Roosevelt said, "When I say I want a square deal for the poor man, I do not mean that I want a square deal for the man who remains poor because he has not got the energy to work for himself"?
Maybe Tony needs to read up a bit on Theodore Roosevelt before he presumes to tell us what would and would not impress him.
Along the same lines, Alexander Davie of Richardson derides trickle-down economics. Not to mention the other flat-out misstatements he makes, he says that trickle-down is a total failure. "Just ask the pope!" he says. I've read a biography of Pope Francis, and I hope Davie will fill in the gap for me -- I completely missed where the Pope got his degree in economics.
"Mark Davis' rationale: That's rich." The Dallas Morning News; December 20, 2013; p. 28A.
"Give middle class, poor a chance." The Dallas Morning News; December 20, 2013; p. 28A.
Probably the greatest harm done by vast wealth is the harm that we of moderate means do ourselves when we let the vices of envy and hatred enter deep into our own natures.
Probably the greatest harm done by vast wealth is the harm that we of moderate means do ourselves when we let the vices of envy and hatred enter deep into our own natures.
Probably the greatest harm done by vast wealth is the harm that we of moderate means do ourselves when we let the vices of envy and hatred enter deep into our own natures.
Probably the greatest harm done by vast wealth is the harm that we of moderate means do ourselves when we let the vices of envy and hatred enter deep into our own natures.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Here we are at the beginning of a brand new start. Along with the resolutions I usually make, I try to use January to clean up the clutter left over from the previous year.
So here's a bit of clutter from 2013 we're going to get out of the way first thing. What color is Santa Claus?
Fox News' Megyn Kelly took a lot of heat for telling the truth -- Santa Claus is white. "Oh No," all the PC folks cried. Santa can be any color. Kathleen Parker says it should come as no surprise that, as demographics shift, "so do cultural icons." Does that mean that George Washington can be Asian or black or Mexican? How about George Washington Carver? Can we make him white? The response to that is that Santa is a mythical figure, so we can make him whatever we want to. So can we make the Grinch red instead of green? How about Uncle Remus? Can we make him Swedish?
The fact of the matter is that our Santa Claus was brought to America by the Dutch as Sinterklass. He is, therefore, white. If you want a black guy or a Mexican who brings gifts, have at it, but he will not be Santa Claus.
Now that we have that out of the way, I'm looking forward to an un-PC year!
So here's a bit of clutter from 2013 we're going to get out of the way first thing. What color is Santa Claus?
Fox News' Megyn Kelly took a lot of heat for telling the truth -- Santa Claus is white. "Oh No," all the PC folks cried. Santa can be any color. Kathleen Parker says it should come as no surprise that, as demographics shift, "so do cultural icons." Does that mean that George Washington can be Asian or black or Mexican? How about George Washington Carver? Can we make him white? The response to that is that Santa is a mythical figure, so we can make him whatever we want to. So can we make the Grinch red instead of green? How about Uncle Remus? Can we make him Swedish?
The fact of the matter is that our Santa Claus was brought to America by the Dutch as Sinterklass. He is, therefore, white. If you want a black guy or a Mexican who brings gifts, have at it, but he will not be Santa Claus.
Now that we have that out of the way, I'm looking forward to an un-PC year!
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