Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Essie's Crystal Ball

Essie is gazing into her crystal ball. She sees Obama and Kathleen Sebelius issuing a new edict. The edict says, "Doctors must accept Obamacare patients or they will not be licensed to practice medicine in the U.S."

Actually, it doesn't take much prognosticating to see that little bit of the future. The doctors aren't being reimbursed enough, and more and more of them are opting out of accepting Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare plans. As patients scurry to find doctors, wait times for appointments and procedures will increase. Obama will have to do something. And about the only thing he can do is force doctors to accept patients on his terms.

If you think you may have to have your gallbladder removed anytime soon, better do it now or you may have to wait five years.

"As patients sign up, doctors opt out." The Dallas Morning News; November 29, 2013; p. 6A.

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