Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Obamacare -- making life better (and more affordable) for you!

Yes, folks, Obamacare is good for you! We all like higher prices, so you're going to get to pay more for your Cheetohs, Snickers, Cokes, Paydays, and other vending machine items.

Included in Obamacare is the mandate that vending machines display on the outside of the machine the calorie counts for all the treats inside. It doesn't matter that those counts are already on the individual labels. It will cost the companies operating the vending machines in this country $25.8 million initially with an additional annual cost of $24 million. That's with no return on that particular expense, so how do you think they will make up the shortfall? The only way they can -- raise their prices.

Three-fourths of the companies affected are small concerns with three or fewer employees. A spokesman for the National Automatic Merchandising Association says an initial investment of $2,400 plus $2,200 in annual costs is a lot for a small company that clears only a few thousand dollars a year. One woman who runs one of those companies says that another problem is variety. She says she will be forced to limit the items offered so her employees don't spend all their time updating calorie counts.

How did we ever make it before we had Obama looking out for us?

"Vending machines must display calorie counts." The Dallas Morning News; December 29, 2013; p. 15A.

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