Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm gonna protect you . . . NOT!

I came across this video yesterday, and I find it quite alarming. Listen to what Obama has to say, and see if you agree.

He spends most of this minute and a half video telling us he's going to cut billions in defense spending, he's going to end the war in Iraq (he doesn't say how), he's going to stop investment in missile defense systems, he's going to allow no weapons in space, he's going to stop the development of future combat systems, he's not going to allow new nuclear weapon development, he's going to take our ICBM system off alert.

And then he says, "My sole defense priority will be protecting the American people." Now, Essie May doesn't believe in bad words, but JUST HOW IN THE HELL IS HE GONNA DO THAT WHEN WE HAVE NO WEAPONS?

And by the way, all those defense contractors making all that money -- they're providing thousands of JOBS. When you shut them down, where are all these people going to work? I know -- they can go to work for Obama's welfare department, because it will certainly be growing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish every democrat in America would take the time to watch that clip. I cannot imagine anyone willing to vote for him after seeing it!