Thursday, July 3, 2008

We want our rights!

There was a letter to the editor in the paper the other day. Since it was short, I'll just copy the whole thing here:

"America is the land of the free. Smokers have the right to make choices where and when they smoke. Why are we being pushed around in public? We are almost pushed into smoking in our cars and homes. We want our rights to smoke where and when we desire to light up." Waneta Tardy, Dallas

You got it Waneta! I say you have the right to light up anywhere you want -- as long as you stick the lighted end in your mouth!

And if you really don't know why non-smokers don't like smokers, let me give you a partial list of reasons:

1) They stink.
2) Their smoke makes our clothes and hair stink.
3) They stink.
4) Their smoke makes our noses burn.
5) They stink.
6) They litter our streets and parking lots with their butts.
7) They stink.
8) They leave disgusting little ash trails everywhere they go.
9) They stink.
10) Most of them are inconsiderate.
11) They stink.
12) They start grass fires when they throw their butts out the car windows.
And finally,
13) They stink.

Just remember, Waneta, America is the land of the free, but your rights end where my nose begins!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AMEN! She has the typical smoker's attitude. If she ever quits smoking, she will realize just how disgusting the habit. I say this not from personal experience, but from listening to former smokers. Smokers, in general, have no respect for others. Honestly, we shouldn't have to pass laws or ordinances to ban smoking....smokers should have enough respect to not thrust their disgusting habit on others!

Anonymous said...

You are right, they do STINK!