Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why It's Our Business

Homosexuals are fond of tossing out the misleading "What I do in my bedroom is not your business" argument. Here's one reason it is our business.

Did you know that effective January 1, 2010, all Texas pregnant women must be tested for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B during their first prenatal visits? Then, they must have a second HIV test during the third trimester. And why is there so much HIV out there? Because of what homosexuals and bisexuals do in their bedrooms. And who do you think will be footing the bill for a lot of this testing? We taxpayers who are already paying to rear a bunch of other people's illegitimate children.

And what about all the mothers out there who are married and in monogamous relationships with their own husbands? They're at a very low risk for these diseases, yet they're going to have to pull out the wallet to pay for tests they don't even need. And we're going to let the government control all our health care. Sheesh!

Paris News funnies (and I'm not talking about the comics page): Krista Goerta wrote last Sunday about the Herrmann Family who make artistic pieces from scrap metal. She writes, "Half of a gear becomes a paw, nuts and washers become a set of eyes . . . all put together will (sic) several dozen other odds and ends of metal scraps and viola! -- the 'Byron Nelson' as the family calls the statue of the golfer, is created." First, I'm not sure Byron Nelson had paws. Second, I wonder if Krista is aware that a viola is a flower or a musical instrument or a lady's name. I'm quite sure she meant voila. At least three times in the photo captions accompanying the article, she refers to "The Herrmann's sculptors," their "sculptors of people," and "the sculptors spread throughout the yard and home." Krista, Krista, Krista -- sculptors ARE people. Sculptors create sculptures. Were all your proofreaders on holiday last week?

"Dozens of laws to take effect Friday." The Dallas Morning News; December 31, 2009; p. 2A.

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