Saturday, June 23, 2012

Private vs. Public

Angela Meek of Southlake is upset about a brochure she received in the mail. The brochure advertised a private school there. 

Part of the brochure detailed a trip to Bali made by three of the school's faculty members for an environmental sustainability conference. Angela takes the school to task for wasting money on such a thing. Now, I agree that environmental sustainability sounds like it's some sort of liberal brainwashing curriculum, and surely one can learn about it closer to home than Bali. But Ms. Meek misses a salient point here: this is a private school, not a public one.

Certainly, we should be upset if taxpayer dollars are being squandered in such a manner, but a private school may allocate its dollars any way it sees fit. If Angela doesn't like the way it spends its money, she doesn't have to send her children there.

"Just a little continuing ed." The Dallas Morning News; June 8, 2012; p. 14A.

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