Tuesday, June 19, 2012

These people are nuts!

Would you allow your 13-year-old son to go to Beijing to protest in Tiananmen Square? This is old news, but I just now came across it in an old newspaper.

Jonathan Lee who lives in Ridgeland, Mississippi, wants the DMZ between North and South Korea made into a children's peace forest. So he and his mother decided to protest in Beijing's Tiananmen Square -- you know, the place where Communists haul off those who disagree with them. But Jonathan's mother says, "He understands the risks, he's been talked to, and he's ready to go forward, and he's doing something to help this Earth. How can I say no?" Very simply -- you say to your kid, "Not while you live under my roof!" The kid is 13 years old! He doesn't understand the risks! 

So sure enough, Jonathan had not much more than unfurled his picket sign in Beijing until he was whisked away by a plain clothes officer. It's not clear what happened, but some journalists say they saw him a short while later getting on a plane for South Korea.

They should have put his mother and father on a plane headed for the loony bin.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, people are absolutely nuts!