Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thank God for the Kardashians.

Stephanie Alexander of Coppell said she was in her classroom on her laptop during the severe storm day that struck the Dallas/Ft. Worth area last April. Since she was in the classroom, I assume she is a teacher. I just wonder what she was doing on the laptop in her classroom.

At any rate, she got a tweet from Khloe Kardashian about the tornadoes and hail. She called her family who were on the way to the airport. According to Stephanie, Khloe's tweet saved the day, because Stephanie "wasn't in the position where I could just get up and look outside to see if a tornado was around."  

Gosh, I guess Stephanie doesn't realize that she can pull up local radar from any number of websites on her laptop. I guess the school doesn't keep an eye on the meteorology reports during bad weather. I guess her family didn't have enough sense to look out the window or turn on the radio.  I guess the moral of the story is that we'd all be blown away without the Kardashians! And this woman is, I assume, teaching our children. How much lower can we go!

"Social tornado warning." The Dallas Morning News; April 8, 2012; p. 2P.

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