Saturday, December 1, 2012

Now, wait just a minute . . .
Jim Barber of Dallas responded to an op-ed piece by John Davidson in which Davidson says that Medicaid expansion will put a huge financial burden on the states -- and Davidson is right.
But Jim disagrees. He says that Davidson omitted the fact that health care for the poor in Texas now is paid by the counties. And, to some degree, he is right. Jim says that caring for the poor in Dallas County costs the Dallas County taxpayers approximately $300 million a year. He says expanding Medicaid will take the bulk of this burden off Parkland and Dallas taxpayers. Well, yeah -- and it will put it on those of us who don't even live in Dallas County. How about Jim and the citizens of Dallas County take care of their poor, and we'll take care of our poor?
"A better way to care for poor." The Dallas Morning News; November 28, 2012; p. 22A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because like most of the country, they want someone else to pay for them!