Rights and privileges are two different things.
Mike Thomas of Denton thinks an open carry law for Texas is a "poor idea." Mike bases his theory on a common but highly inaccurate interpretation of the Bill of Rights.
Mike says, "The Second Amendment and one's rights are certainly privileges to be enjoyed to the fullest, but only when tempered with discretion."
No, Mike, one's rights are just that -- rights. They are not privileges. A privilege implies one has received permission to do something. No permission is needed to exercise a right.
For example, Mike has the right to spout off silly arguments to support his untenable position. Mike does not have a right to have those arguments printed in the newspaper -- The Dallas Morning News granted him the privilege of printing his thoughts.
Perhaps this will help clear up Mike's confusion -- the founding fathers did not call those first ten amendments "The Bill of Privileges."
"Open carry not safe, sensible." The Dallas Morning News; December 1, 2012; p. 20A.
1 comment:
Excellent post as always Essie!
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