Saturday, February 9, 2013

Are you mean and backward?
Jacquielynn Floyd is patting herself on the back as if she has something to do with the Boy Scouts considering lifting their ban on queer members and leaders. But, she says, " . . .if the organization chooses at long last to drop its ban and join modern civilization, it won't be my victory." She says the ban is "pointlessly cruel." No, it's not -- it's morally sound!
Jacquielynn says that if you oppose homosexuals taking your little boys out to hike or canoe or toast a marshmallow on a stick, you must be one of those "mean and backward" people who can't grasp that homosexuality and pedophilia share the same similarities as heterosexuality and pedophilia. I guess Jacquielynn is just too close-minded to grasp that I wouldn't want a heterosexual man taking my little girls camping any more than I would want a homosexual man to take my little boys camping. Jacquielynn completely misses the whole crux of the matter. There is nothing with being a heterosexual. There is something wrong with being a queer.
Jacquielynn says that if the Boy Scouts follow through with this "about-face," the kids win. Sorry, Jacquielynn, but that's not what God says, and He's even more knowledgeable about what modern civilization is than you are.
And just for the record, I have decided that I will no longer refer to queers as gay. They are not gay -- they are perverted. Gay was a perfectly good word until they stole it from us. I'm taking it back to be used in its proper definition. But queer has always meant . . . queer, so the queers can keep it!
"Scouts' about-face is about time." The Dallas Morning News; January 29, 2013; p. 1B.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post Essie! Glad you're back!