Sunday, March 30, 2014

Let's put that into context.

Much has been written recently about the rights of business owners to refuse to provide services such as wedding cakes, catering, photography, venues, etc. for queer weddings (and I use the term very loosely in this instance). In these arguments, I am quite tired of people insinuating that Jesus approves of homosexuals.

I am also quite tired of queers comparing themselves to black people. Robert Henderson of Dallas/Turtle Creek says that the right of a business owner to refuse service to someone is just a veiled discrimination tactic. He says that in the 1960's, it was a "not so subtle way to let blacks know they were not welcome." The issue at hand, Robert, is not race. It is no sin to be black. It is a sin to practice homosexuality.

Robert goes on to enlighten us to the fact that "Many forget that Jesus mixed and mingled with the sinners and outcasts of his day." Yes, He did. But Robert won't find where Jesus ever baked a cake or presided over a homosexual "wedding" or said, "God approves of this marriage," or said, "Love is love no matter what kind of family it is." Jesus never has and He never will condone perversion.

"Faith-based discrimination." The Dallas Morning News; March 10, 2014; p. 12A.

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