Saturday, March 15, 2014

We are so blessed that you came to enlighten us!

Our newspaper editor seems to think that we were an awfully unenlightened lot before we were blessed by the opportunity to see his Pulitzer caliber prose flow in each Sunday's edition of the local rag. I hate to burst his bubble, but he is about the most hokey excuse for an editor we've ever had here, and he is preceded by some real doozies!

One recent editorial just about made me toss my Cheerios. He was offering his endorsement to the federal judge who ruled that we Texans don't have the right to define marriage in our Constitution.

Here's his first sappy paragraph:

"Remember the great good-byes? Those are the ones that leave no wound and come with an understanding and even a sense of hope. Those good-byes lead to possibility. They lead to potential. They lead to growth and evolution and promise. They make us better." Didn't need any syrup for my pancakes after that! His editorials are all like that one -- like a high school student trying to pad the 500 words for his essay. He uses lots of repetitive phrases that, I guess, he believes make him come off as a great philosopher.

In lauding the judge, the editor agrees with him that "Governments do not have the power to refuse people the basic right to marry and receiving (sic) those benefits." He says a hearty "AMEN" to the judge's ruling that "state-imposed inequality can find no refuge in our United States Constitution."

That being the judge's and the editor's philosophy, doesn't it follow that we must now extend the right to marry to incestuous couples, be they heterosexual or queer? I'm waiting (but I'm not holding my breath) for the editor's essay on those couples being "Just people. People with hearts and minds and the overwhelming capacity to love that each of us holds."

"Same-sex marriage ruling offers promise." The Paris News; March 2, 2014; p. A4.

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