Sunday, March 16, 2014

We just want to be tolerated. . . and to change your rules, and to march in your parades.

A gay group called MassEquality wants to march in the South Boston St. Patrick's Day parade. The organizers of the parade, the Allied War Veterans Council, have not allowed them to participate before now, and that is their right. They plainly state on their entry form:

"The participating organization recognizes that the Parade Committee, Parade Representatives and/or Parade Organizer, has full and exclusive authority to interpret, determine compliance with, and take any action to enforce the Parade Committee's standards and regulations. . ."

The organizers of the parade gave in this year and tried to reach a deal with MassEquality. They said they could march in the parade and carry a banner with their name on it, but participants could not wear T-shirts or carry placards that identified their sexual orientations. Not good enough for MassEquality -- they want to do whatever they want to do. If I were the parade organizers, I'd say take it or leave it, and frankly, we prefer you leave it.

By the way, I imagine old St. Patrick is twirling in his grave. Too bad we don't have him here to drive out the queers like he drove out the snakes.

"Boston parade might include gay group." The Dallas Morning News; March 2, 2014; p. 4A.

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