Saturday, June 8, 2013

Give in an inch . . .
Remember some years ago when the homosexual mantra was, "We only want tolerance"? Many people of orthodox thought predicted that tolerance was only step one. And, boy, were they right!
Jimmy Smith of Jefferson doesn't like Governor Perry's use of the word "tolerance." He says when he uses "tolerance" instead of "acceptance," it exposes his "underlying bias and prejudice." Poor Jimmy finds this "insulting, debasing and just plain wrong." As one of my favorite people, Michelle Malkin says, "Waaaa! Waaaa! Waaaa! Cue the world's smallest violin!"
Judy Shepard says, "We need more acceptance now. We need to move away from tolerance and towards acceptance because you don’t tolerate people, you accept them. You tolerate a bad hair day."
Judy may have a point. Perhaps we do need to move away from tolerance . . . and shove them all back in the closet where they belong!
By the way, when I googled for Judy's quote and clicked on the website, it immediately popped up an ad for a perverted porn website. So I would advise extreme caution in clicking on the reference link!
"Gay slurs aren't funny." The Dallas Morning News; April 1, 2012; p. 2P.

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