The islamist radicals aren't the only ones who are nuts!
I came across some very disturbing information the other day. It makes me fearful of and for the generation charged with caring for those of us who are Baby Boomers when we are no longer able to care for ourselves.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon bomber, has a bunch of groupies. And I'm not talking about brainwashed muslim girls. I'm talking about ordinary all-American girls. They call him Jahar and have started websites, petitions, etc. to "Free Jahar." What could they possibly be thinking? They want to free the man who did this?
And this?
And this?
And killed this little boy?
And took the leg from his little sister, the Irish dancer? And took the sight from one of his mother's eyes? And permanently damaged his father's hearing?
Believe me, I haven't included the most graphic pictures. They are nauseating. Those poor people were out enjoying a good time together -- they weren't bothering anybody. And many of them went home maimed for life and emotionally scarred, and some of them didn't go home at all.
And the idiots want to "free Jahar"? They accuse the police of being "mean" when they fired on the boat where he was found hiding. Really? And they don't think what this terrorist did was "mean"? But, they say, he has "Bambi eyes" and he's cute. Look again at that little boy he slaughtered. Google "Boston Marathon Victims" images. Do those look "cute" to you? Does being "cute" now get you a free pass to commit such carnage and mass murder?
One clueless 18-year-old says she's going to have Dzhokhar's last tweet before the bombing tattooed onto her arm: "If you have the knowledge and the inspiration all that's left is to take action." Perhaps she should be investigated as a possible threat. If she's that stupid, he might inspire her to take action.
A Mother's Day message on one of the "Free Jahar" websites said, "Let your next prayers go out for a young man sitting alone in his prison cell with nothing but himself and his sorrows, who doesn't get the opportunity to see his mother." Well, now, let's think about that. Bambi Eyes is there by the choice he made to kill and maim a bunch of innocent people. How many mothers and children did he leave sorrowing on Mother's Day? I'm sure the mother of that little boy would have liked to celebrate Mother's Day with her son, but she can't do that. My tears are for her -- not for an unrepentant terrorist and his moronic groupies.
"Dzhokhar's fangirls." The Dallas Morning News; May 24, 2013; p. 21A.
1 comment:
Literally makes me sick to my stomach.
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