Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm appalled, too!
Elizabeth Walley of Mesquite is appalled! She could not believe that Congressman Pete Sessions said that people are buying guns and ammunition because they are afraid of their government and they should be. She says he said that people are afraid that Obama will take away their guns. Mind you, she says, she doesn't for a minute think Pete Sessions believes any of this, and that he was irresponsible for even saying it. She says she hopes it was just a slip and he won't let it happen again.
Well, I'm appalled, too, Elizabeth -- appalled that you would deny Congressman Sessions his First Amendment right to stand up for the Second Amendment. I hope that was just a slip, and that you won't let it happen again.
Incidentally, given that the IRS is circumventing conservative groups and the Department of Justice is spying on reporters and the State Department is being extremely secretive about Benghazi, I don't think Congressman Sessions is off the mark at all. Another point you might want to consider, Elizabeth. NBC, hardly a bastion of conservatism says, ". . .gun sales have skyrocketed on fears about new restrictions . . . Demand for firearms has been so strong over the past year that manufacturers have been running their plants at near capacity to keep up." And here's an analysis from someone in the business: "'The biggest push in sales is coming from panic buying because gun owners are fearful of potential government legislation,' said Rex Gore, owner of Black Wing Shooting Center in Delaware."
It is what it is, Elizabeth, and it's never irresponsible to speak the truth.
"Stay calm and stop inciting." The Dallas Morning News; May 30, 2013; p. 12A.

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