Sunday, June 23, 2013

Maybe if he hadn't been on PCP . . .
Collette Flanagan has joined the ranks of those who think it makes them look important to parade around a courthouse with a bullhorn shouting, "No justice, no peace," or some similar inane chant. She had a dozen or so protestors with her -- I would imagine the same dozen or so that show up every time the DPD shoots or has to wrestle a black criminal.
Collette's cause is her son. He was shot by a Dallas Police officer making a domestic violence call. It seems Clinton Allen was threatening to kick in the door of a woman (his girlfriend?) in Oak Cliff. When the officers arrived, he grabbed one of them and began to choke him. When the taser didn't work (which I've heard sometimes happens when a suspect is high on PCP), the officer shot him. Clinton did have marijuana and PCP in his system according to the medical examiner. His family says he didn't. Hmmmm - I wonder who performed the autopsy they're basing their information on?
Clinton has had multiple arrests for assault causing bodily injury and marijuana, yet his family says the media is just trying to portray him as a thug. "I have to visit my son at the grave every morning," she said. Better you than the officer's widow, Collette.
"Mom of man killed by police officer leads protest." The Dallas Morning News; June 11, 2013; p. 8B.

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