Friday, May 18, 2012

And the point is proven.

Teenagers in Dallas aren't happy with North Park Mall. The mall has instituted new rules -- no one under the age of 18 without a parent or guardian after 6 p.m.; no underwear showing, and other clothes must adequately cover important body parts; no spoken foul language or obscenities on clothing; no conduct of a sexual nature -- reasonable rules pertaining to common sense and decency. If parents had been taking more responsibility, it's most likely the mall wouldn't have had problems with the teenagers hanging around there at night.

At any rate, I think the point has been proven by the reactions of some of the teens and parents:

Cynthia Pineda says, "It's a dumb rule. They shiesty with their store." Perhaps Cynthia would be better served to spend more time in English class than hanging out at the mall. North Park is doing her a favor.

Austin Tran says, "It's a bit like tyranny." No, Austin, it's not at all like tyranny. Now that you can't spend time being a nuisance at the mall, you'll have a chance to study what real tyranny is -- you might start with Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin, Kim Jong Il, Adolph Hitler, Fidel Castro, Ayatollah Khameini -- just to name a few. North Park is doing Austin a favor.

Maria Sosa is a parent. She likes the rules. "It helps parents because it puts more responsibility on us. As a parent, I want to be able to monitor where my child is and how he's dressed." And you can't do that, Maria, unless North Park makes the rules? No wonder we have kids like Cynthia and Austin.

"Teens bridle at mall constraints." The Dallas Morning News; May 13, 2012; p. 1A.

A funny from The Paris News: ". . .the Trail de Paris is also a great place for cyclists to enjoy an afternoon stroll." Hmmmm -- I'd think they'd rather ride their bikes.


Anonymous said...

NOW I might like mall shopping! LOL, on the Paris News funny!!!

Midnight Baroque said...
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