Saturday, June 30, 2012

These people are deciding your fate.

Disclaimer: I hate profanity, and one of my rules is that I will not allow it on my blog. However, in order for you to understand what is going on in this country, I've had to break my rule for the quotes in this post. 

Still a BFD TeeThe Democrats rejoiced at this week's Supreme Court ruling that Obamacare was constitutional. The President of the United States tweeted: “Still a BFD” with a link to a $30 Obama for America T-shirt that reads, “Health Reform Still a BFD.” For those of you who are too decent to know, BFD is the acronym for the profanity that Joe Biden was caught on microphone whispering to the president when health care passed. 

The executive director of the Democratic National Committee tweeted: “it’s constitutional. Bitches.”

Not to be outdone, the media outreach director for the Democratic National Committee tweeted: “Overheard in the office: ‘TAKE THAT MOTHERF*****S!!’’”

How far we have fallen! God is surely weeping.

Read more:

Friday, June 29, 2012

Essie Award

  This one goes to Kenneth Cook. He pulled an armed robbery and stole a woman's cellphone. 

He later used the cellphone to take a photo of himself with his gun pointed at his head. Unbeknownst to him, the victim had her cellphone programmed so that all the photos were automatically sent to her computer.

So for creating your own wanted poster, Kenneth, this Essie is for you!

"Picture perfect evidence." The Dallas Morning News; December 5, 2009; p. 9A.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

What next?

A couple of years ago, the homosexuals at SMU decided they wanted a queer seat on the student senate. It was turned down at that time. If they had gotten it, could the heterosexuals have demanded a seat?

"SMU senate rejects gay representative." The Dallas Morning News; December 3, 2009; p. 2B.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Yes, they are.

Edward H. Smith wrote a letter to the editor about the AIDS epidemic in Africa. He says, "Much of African culture rejects. . .monogamy. This does not mean that they are any less moral than the rest of us."

Yes, it does.

"Solutions for AIDS." The Dallas Morning News; November 22, 2009; p. 3P.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I had no idea it paid that much.

Back in 2009, Steven and Marisela Alva got a letter from a company that said they had bought the $440,000 mortgage on the Alva's home at a discount. They wanted to share the discount with the Alva's, so they were informed that they no longer owed $440,000. They owed only $314,000. Steven and Marisela can't believe their good fortune.

The bottom line is that somebody paid that extra $126,000. I have a sneaking suspicion that it was you and I. Anyway, that's beside the point I wanted to make with this post.

Mr. Essie May and I are a long way from being able to afford a $440,000 mortgage, and Mr. Essie May is in a management position. Steve Alva is a janitor. Gosh, I had no idea being a janitor paid that well! 

"Investors create mortgage win-win." The Dallas Morning News; November 22, 2009; p. 6A.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Why do they keep saying that?

Liberals continue to be all in a tizzy because the Catholic church is challenging Obama's mandate that they violate their religious beliefs by providing birth control to their employees. They keep saying that the Catholic church is denying women access to birth control.

For example, Jim Barber of Dallas says, "The women who are denied birth control are the ones losing a right, not the church."

I don't understand why the media doesn't call them out on that, because nothing could be further from the truth. The Catholic church has issued no mandate that its employees cannot use birth control. It's merely said that it will not pay for it.

What's next? What if bureaucrats decide that drinking a glass of wine every night is good for you, so your employer must cover the cost of wine in its health care provisions? Will Baptists have to comply? What if they decide swimming is good exercise and will help curb obesity? Will employers have to provide each employee a swimming pool in his backyard?

Mr. Barber is in complete error. The women have been denied no rights whatsoever. The church has been denied its First Amendment rights. So why does the media keep printing letters like Jim's and nodding their heads in agreement?

"Women are losers in this fight." The Dallas Morning News; June 7, 2012; p. 14A.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

I wouldn't be bragging about it.

At an LGBT (that's lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender) leadership conference earlier this month, Obama said, "I could not be prouder of the work that we've done on behalf of the LGBT community." I certainly wouldn't be bragging about it if I were he. He just may have to tell Jesus one day why he was so proud of what he did.

And we wonder why our country is going down the tubes.

"Obama sees stars, gets cash." The Dallas Morning News; June 7, 2012; p. 1a.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Private vs. Public

Angela Meek of Southlake is upset about a brochure she received in the mail. The brochure advertised a private school there. 

Part of the brochure detailed a trip to Bali made by three of the school's faculty members for an environmental sustainability conference. Angela takes the school to task for wasting money on such a thing. Now, I agree that environmental sustainability sounds like it's some sort of liberal brainwashing curriculum, and surely one can learn about it closer to home than Bali. But Ms. Meek misses a salient point here: this is a private school, not a public one.

Certainly, we should be upset if taxpayer dollars are being squandered in such a manner, but a private school may allocate its dollars any way it sees fit. If Angela doesn't like the way it spends its money, she doesn't have to send her children there.

"Just a little continuing ed." The Dallas Morning News; June 8, 2012; p. 14A.

Friday, June 22, 2012

There is still hope!

Just when you think there is no hope, an encouraging event occurs. This month, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a lawsuit filed by a Texas prisoner on the grounds that it was frivolous. The case's lack of merit seems obvious, but with some of the fruitcakes on the bench these days, one never knows what kind of ruling will come down.

Courtney Royal, the prisoner who filed the suit against a dozen Texas prison officials, claimed he suffered discrimination for being denied the right to engage in practices related to his religious belief in vampires. Royal is serving a life sentence for aggravated assault, robbery, and escape. Maybe he can just transform himself into a bat and fly away.

"Prisoner loses suit over 'vampire' religion." The Dallas Morning News; June 8, 2012; p. 2a.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Why have you never heard of Michael Brewer?

How many of you know the name Trayvon Martin? I daresay all of you do. But how many of you know the name Michael Brewer? Here is a photo of Michael:

In 2009, Matthew Bent tried to bully Michael into buying a DVD from him. Michael refused, and that's when the real threats began. Here is a photo of Matthew:

Matthew got some of his buddies together, and they set Michael on fire. He was burned over 65% of his body and left in critical condition. The lawyer for one of Matthew's buddies pleaded for his client to be allowed to go home, because he was traumatized by the attack. I'll just bet he wasn't as traumatized as the boy he set on fire.

Luckily, Michael survived. Matthew, now 17, faces a trial this month on attempted murder charges that carry a potential 30-year prison sentence because a weapon was used. He has pleaded not guilty. Jesus Mendez and a third boy, 17-year-old Denver "D.C." Jarvis, have already admitted their roles in setting Michael ablaze and have been sentenced to 11 years and eight years behind bars, respectively.

Aside from the obvious reasons, I have a problem with all this. I see no mention in any of that of a hate crime enhancement. If those photos were reversed, do you think that would be the case?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Essie's Vacation Planner

Here are a few tips from Essie for that summer vacation. These sites were of particular interest to Homeland Security as likely terrorist targets. So much so, that the cities where they are located received Homeland Security funding for protection. Since they seem to be so important, I figured they are must-see attractions for every American -- right up there with the Statue of Liberty, the Smithsonian, and Mt. Rushmore. I've noted the amount of money allocated for the protection of each in 2006. 

  • The world's largest ball of paint in Alexandria, Indiana ($12 million)
  • Barney Smith's Toilet Seat Art Museum in Alamo Heights, Texas ($10 million)
  • Carhenge in Alliance, Nebraska ($25 million)
  • The giant lava lamp in Soap Lake, Washington ($143 million)
So go fill up with some $3.50/gallon gas and take that road trip before the terrorists blow up all the lava lamps and toilet seats! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

These people are nuts!

Would you allow your 13-year-old son to go to Beijing to protest in Tiananmen Square? This is old news, but I just now came across it in an old newspaper.

Jonathan Lee who lives in Ridgeland, Mississippi, wants the DMZ between North and South Korea made into a children's peace forest. So he and his mother decided to protest in Beijing's Tiananmen Square -- you know, the place where Communists haul off those who disagree with them. But Jonathan's mother says, "He understands the risks, he's been talked to, and he's ready to go forward, and he's doing something to help this Earth. How can I say no?" Very simply -- you say to your kid, "Not while you live under my roof!" The kid is 13 years old! He doesn't understand the risks! 

So sure enough, Jonathan had not much more than unfurled his picket sign in Beijing until he was whisked away by a plain clothes officer. It's not clear what happened, but some journalists say they saw him a short while later getting on a plane for South Korea.

They should have put his mother and father on a plane headed for the loony bin.

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Case Against Legalizing Pot or a Case for Sterilizing Morons

Catalina Clouser and her boyfriend were smoking pot at a park. Her boyfriend was arrested for suspicion of DUI. So Catalina went to a friend's home to smoke some more pot.

When she left around midnight, she forgot something. She forgot she had set her 5-week-old son on the roof of the car. The police department was called when a passerby found the baby in a safety seat in the middle of an intersection. 

Catalina is so stupid, I fear she may be breast feeding that poor child. If so, we'll probably have to foot the bills for his mental and physical disabilities for the rest of his life.

"Tot in safety seat falls off car roof; mom held." The Dallas Morning News; June 3, 2012; p. 3A.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Don't call me that!

A New York state appeals court has ruled that calling someone "gay" is not slander, because there is nothing wrong with being gay. The judges say it is not damaging to anyone's reputation. 

The case they heard was one where a woman had spread a malicious rumor about a man in the hopes that it would cause his relationship with another woman to break up. The appeals court denied the defamation claim "based on a false premise that it is shameful and disgraceful to be described as lesbian, gay or bisexual."

False premise? Shameful and disgraceful are mild compared to what it really is. The Bible says it's an abomination. 

Thomas Ude Jr., a staff attorney for a gay rights organization, argued that the case should be thrown out because "Saying that someone is gay is not an insult." Well, I certainly wouldn't take it as a compliment!

It appears, however, that these folks can't decide whether gay is an insult or not. Actor Jason Alexander attracted their ire when he called cricket a gay game. All the gays did their usual thing and demanded an apology, which he fell all over himself to give. So if calling a person gay isn't an insult, why is it so horrendous to call a game gay? When you figure that one out, let me know.

"Courts: Being called 'gay' not slander." The Dallas Morning News; June 2, 2012; p. 6A.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I won't be having a gay old time at Target anymore.

I love shopping at Target. But I won't be shopping there anymore. Instead of just staying completely out of the homosexual rights thing, Target Corp. is selling T-shirts to benefit the Family Equality Council -- a group fighting for same-sex marriage. At least a portion of the proceeds from the sales go to lobby legislators to pass same-sex marriage laws.

What's especially insidious about these shirts is that they are not overtly homosexual. One features a cartoonish girl face at the end of a rainbow with the caption "Love is Love." I can see teenagers and others buying them without realizing they are funding the political campaign for gay marriage and promoting it when they wear the shirt. (By the way -- I abhor the idea that the queers have co-opted God's beautiful symbol of His promises to promote their perversion).

Target has the right to promote whatever cause it wants to. I have the right to shop elsewhere.

"Target gets heat for tie to gay marriage group." The Dallas Morning News; June 2, 2012; p. 2D.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fifty Shades of Degradation

The Fifty Shades of Grey novels have spent several weeks on the top ten best seller list. I haven't read them, and I don't intend to. I'm told they are some of the most graphic and perverted pornography to come down the pike in a long time. 

What does it say about our society that such trash has captured the imagination of so many people? We have sunk to new lows of degradation.

Julia Lepek of Fate takes issue with those who object to the sadistic pornography in the book. "Excerpts taken out of context cannot convey a novel's plot. Reading a work in its entirety is the only way to understand the author's true intentions." I hate to burst your rationalization bubble, Julia, but pornographic sex is pornographic sex no matter what the paragraphs preceding and following it are. And I suspect the author's "true intention" has been fulfilled -- he's making lots of money off of a dirty mind.

"Read all of 'Fifty Shades.'" The Dallas Morning News; June 13, 2012; p. 16A.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thank God for the Kardashians.

Stephanie Alexander of Coppell said she was in her classroom on her laptop during the severe storm day that struck the Dallas/Ft. Worth area last April. Since she was in the classroom, I assume she is a teacher. I just wonder what she was doing on the laptop in her classroom.

At any rate, she got a tweet from Khloe Kardashian about the tornadoes and hail. She called her family who were on the way to the airport. According to Stephanie, Khloe's tweet saved the day, because Stephanie "wasn't in the position where I could just get up and look outside to see if a tornado was around."  

Gosh, I guess Stephanie doesn't realize that she can pull up local radar from any number of websites on her laptop. I guess the school doesn't keep an eye on the meteorology reports during bad weather. I guess her family didn't have enough sense to look out the window or turn on the radio.  I guess the moral of the story is that we'd all be blown away without the Kardashians! And this woman is, I assume, teaching our children. How much lower can we go!

"Social tornado warning." The Dallas Morning News; April 8, 2012; p. 2P.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What if a white mayor had said this?

"We've got to do something about these Asians coming in, opening up businesses, those dirty shops." Former Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Berry.

I guess it's only racist if the quote is by a white person.

"Talking Points." The Dallas Morning News; April 8, 2012; p. 1P.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Good Guys 1 - Bad Guys 0

Willie Moss got more than he bargained for. He tried to rob a furniture supply store in Old East Dallas. He hit the owner in the head with a 2-pound weight.

But a 2-pound weight swung by a 59-year-old man is nothing compared to a speeding 2 ounce bullet. The owner pulled his gun from his fanny pack and shot Willie dead. Score one for the good guys.

"Man fatally shot trying to rob store owner." The Dallas Morning News; May 10, 2012; p. 2B.

Monday, June 11, 2012

I remarked to God . . .

When are we going to stop letting the atheists tell us where we may and may not express our Christianity?  The Lewisville school district has eliminated the terms "invocation" and "benediction" from its graduation program. Even though student-led prayers are perfectly legal, the school district spokesman says, "Our attorneys have made it clear that we can continue to have student-led prayer, but we will call it student remarks."

I guess all of us Christians who have a daily prayer time are now reduced to a daily remark time. I don't know about you, but I don't make remarks to God. I invoke his blessings and praise His name for the good things He's brought into my life. God deserves and expects more from us than remarks.

"Grads' prayers to be 'remarks.'" The Dallas Morning News; May 10, 2012; p. 1B.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

We must be PC.

I found it quite amusing that the Hollywood crowd has changed the name of a movie about a couple of neighborhood watch volunteers who uncover an extraterrestrial plot. The title of the movie was Neighborhood Watch. It's been changed to The Watch so it won't be associated with the Trayvon Martin case. PC run amok!

"Movie title altered." The Dallas Morning News; May 10, 2012; p. 3E.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Is this an indication?

Obama is in deeper trouble than the polls indicate. A lot of the people who respond to the polls don't express their true feelings for fear of being labelled racist. Many of the poll questions/interpretions are probably skewed. For example, "Do you think the government should help the needy?" Of course you do, but when the results are interpreted, your answer to that question will become, "I support increased spending for food stamps."

At any rate, this poll wasn't skewed. In the West Virginia Democratic primary, Obama had an opponent, Keith Judd. Keith got 41% of the vote, a very good showing against an incumbent president who usually draws no opponent from his own party. What makes this especially sweet is that Keith Judd is a prisoner at the Federal Correctional Institution in Texarkana.

Ronnie Brown expressed sentiments that I suspect are representative of most of those who voted for Judd: "I voted against Obama. I don't like him. He didn't carry the state before, and I'm not going to let him carry it again."

I pray this is an indicator of what voter sentiment will be in November. If 41% of his own party would pick a criminal over Obama, surely a moral, upright man like Romney should cinch the election.

"41% pick prisoner vs. Obama." The Dallas Morning News; May 10, 2012; p. 5A.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Ban Deferred Adjudication

Deferred adjudication was created in the hopes that it would give first-time offenders a second chance to straighten up and fly right. The way it was supposed to work was that a first time offender would have his record wiped clean if he successfully completed a probationary sentence meted out by the judge. I can't find figures for lives that have been turned around by the program, probably because there are none. Instead, deferred adjudication is being used by serial criminals to continually wipe clean their records.

Nine years ago, Robert Grove, a tour operator, was ordered to pay $2.8 million to the people he had cheated. He would collect the money for a tour, then for some reason the tour would never happen. He was also ordered to accept no more travel business until the debt had been repaid. Neither happened. He was arrested last year and charged with stealing an additional $100,000. He was sentenced to 10 years of deferred adjudication. He has been ordered to pay another $450,000 which included $375,000 in restitution. It's doubtful that any of that money will be repaid -- he's filed for bankruptcy three times since 1990. When asked for an explanation, Grove told the judge that he didn't collect enough money for the tours, so he used the money from one group to pay for the tours taken by other groups -- a Ponzi scheme.

His lawyer says in his defense, "It's not like he was buying fancy cars and boats and houses." I suppose it makes no difference to the people who lost that money whether he bought a mansion or donated it to charity -- their bottom line remains the same. They were cheated out of thousands of dollars. And adding insult to injury, not only will they probably never see a penny of their money, but the man who cheated them will probably never spend a day in jail. And his theft may not even appear on his record. And that is why deferred adjudication needs to banned.

"A 'big theft' but no time." The Dallas Morning News; March 20, 2012, p. 1A.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Do they need help, or were they just stupid?

The Dallas Morning News has a column called "Problem Solver." People who have problems with utility companies, the city, banks, travel agencies, etc., write in with their issues and "Problem Solver" tries to help. Some of these people really don't need help -- they're just stupid.

Take David and Patricia Seizer. David and Patricia took out a home equity loan for $209,000. That was mistake number 1 -- you should never endanger your home. It was a balloon note. That was mistake number 2 -- a big chunk of money will come due sooner than you may be prepared for. They have "high-end modern furniture," and David enjoys buying and selling exotic cars. He currently owns a Lamborghini. That's mistake number 3 -- living beyond your means.

The Seizers say they understood the terms of their loan to be 2% interest each month for 30 years with the balloon coming due at that time. That's mistake number 4 -- Did they really believe they could get a 30 year balloon at 2% interest?

The actual terms of the Seizers loan are 2% interest per month for 5 years with the principal payments kicking in at that time. When that date rolled around, their monthly payment rose from $217 to $1,377. The Seizers claim they are victims of a bait and switch.

The Seizers admit that those are their initials on the relevant parts of the loan agreement, but, David says, "everyone initials or signs and never reads during a loan closing." That's mistake number 5. The couple say they have done everything to try to keep their home, valued by Denton County Appraisal at $620,000. They've tried to renegotiate their first mortgage of $650,000, but they've been unable to. Add up their debt, and they are underwater on this property by about $239,000. David still insists they will sell it for no less than $1.2 million. And that's mistake number 6.

Some people need help, and some people are just stupid.

"Ballooning loan cost startles couple."  The Dallas Morning News; May 11, 2012; p. 1B.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

She doesn't need a surgeon.

Sheena Bradford wanted a breast augmentation. So she did what any woman would do -- she went to Queen Divas Hair Salon and Spa and followed owner Carmel Mitchelle Foster-Alexander to a back room where Carmel injected an unknown substance into Sheena's breasts. At last report, investigators still didn't know what was in the injection, but a search of the salon turned up Krazy Glue, Super Glue gel, and a type of silicone used in car repair.

The "patient" was hospitalized in critical condition with chest pain and subsequently placed on life support. She spent two weeks in the hospital. She didn't need a surgeon -- she needed a psychiatrist!

"Beautician charged; customer hospitalized." The Dallas Morning News; February 24, 2012; p. 2A.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Maybe I'm just an old fogey who thinks kids should be in school to learn reading and writing and arithmetic instead of selling junk for the PTO and going on field trips, but what I saw in the paper some time ago just absolutely takes the cake.

For selling more than 10 junky over-priced items to cornered parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, and parents' co-workers, 41 students from Justiss Elementary were taken to Cici's Pizza by limo. Ridiculous!

"Ridin' in Style." The Paris News; December 23, 2011; p. 1B.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Your hotel bill just increased.

Thanks to the Obama administration, we'll all probably being paying more for our hotel rooms beginning in 2013. The Justice Department is requiring all hotels, water parks, and health clubs to install fixed lifts for disabled guests. 

Many facilities with pools purchased or planned to purchase portable lifts. But the nit-picky rule says they can't do that -- it has to be a fixed lift. This involves tearing up the pool deck and hiring a contractor. 

But since Obama hopes to have the support of the hotel industry in the coming election, he's putting off requiring compliance until 2013. Then, as he's previously said, he'll have more flexibility (he can do what he wants). 

Once again, I refer to that wise Vulcan: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."

"White House giving hotels until '13 to install pool lifts." The Dallas Morning News; May 27, 2012; p. 4A.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I have a better idea.

Stephen Love of Dallas says that every cent that the government takes in taxes should go right back into the private sector. I have a better idea. Just cut taxes and leave that money in the private sector to begin with.

"Spend taxes full circle." The Dallas Morning News; April 27, 2012; p. 18A.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Why is it free?

Heroin addicts now have available a quick antidote to an overdose. It's sort of like an epi-pen, but it squirts naloxone up the nose. If I had a heroin addict in the family, I'd probably make sure I had some of those on hand. 

What I don't understand is why these pens are being distributed for free. People with chronic diseases they didn't initiate don't get free drugs. Supporters of the program claim that such giveaways have saved more than 10,000 lives. Maybe so, but can't they pay for them? I daresay that insulin has saved a lot more lives than that, but most diabetics don't get it for free. Linda Wohlen, who used one of the OD pens on her son says, "I just didn't want to be that mother standing next to that casket." I understand that. So isn't it important enough that you'd buy them if they weren't giving them to you? Why is it my responsibility to pay for them for you?

Hilary Jacobs, deputy director of the Bureau of Substance Abuse Services in Massachusetts, said, "If you've ever talked to a parent who watched their kid overdose, you wouldn't wonder why we are doing this [the distribution program]." Well, Hilary, I don't wonder why you're doing it, I wonder why you're doing it for free. If an addict can afford heroin, surely he can afford the antidote as well.

"Addicts get dose of help with free antidote." The Dallas Morning News; April 27, 2012; p. 9A.

Friday, June 1, 2012

A Matter of Priorities

Charissa Buxton and her son, Lucian Cox, live at the Trinity Palms complex in Dallas. It's run by the Housing Crisis Center. Charissa is homeless because of domestic violence. She evidently picked a loser. She does not work. She said her caseworker has helped her apply for food stamps and child care. 

Now, a little more about Charissa gleaned from the two photos included with this newspaper article.

Charissa can afford tattoos. She has a rather large one that shows, and who knows how many that don't. Charissa can afford a stud in her lip and a ring in her eyebrow. These things should make finding a job a cinch. Charissa can afford a video game console. I guess since she doesn't work, she and Lucian have plenty of time to play games. Charissa can afford name-brand peanut butter. The jar of Peter Pan on her kitchen counter costs about $3.78 depending on where you buy it. The store brand costs $2.70, give or take a few cents.

Now, a little more about Charissa gleaned from the internet. Charissa filed an employment discrimination suit against Lowe's Home Store in 2006. Another reason getting a job should be a cinch for her. In that suit, it is stated "that other Lowe’s employees reported Buxton had previously talked about her piercings and tattoos, some of which were located on intimate parts of her body. They [her bosses] reminded Buxton that such conversation was against company policy and that by participating in such discussion, co-workers could get the impress (sic) that Buxton was open to, or encouraged, other behavior deemed inappropriate by store policy." Guess I was right about the tattoos! As it turns out, she was fired because she had been told that she would be held responsible if her boyfriend caused trouble at the workplace, and he did. Guess I was right about her picking a loser, too.

I find it very difficult to feel sorry for Charissa. I do wish some of these "do-good" stories would feature someone who truly deserves the help.

"Group wages a quiet battle on homelessness." The Dallas Morning News; December 9, 2010; p. 1B.