Friday, November 30, 2012

How to Take Over a Country Without Firing a Shot
Mexico's new President is forming an alliance with Obama to push for Obama's comprehensive immigration reform which will grant legal status to millions of illegal Mexicans. Enrique Pena Nieto came to Washington this week to meet with Obama along with Representatives Ruben Hinojosa, Xavier Becerra, Silvestre Reyes, and Henry Cuellar.
He said to Obama in his oval office visit, "We fully support your proposal." Hinojosa said that Pena Nieto wants to "address . . . the benefits that would come from comprehensive immigration reform." Benefits for whom, I wonder? Maybe we'll find out when we become the Estados Unidos de Mexico.
"New leader backs Obama on immigration." The Dallas Morning News; November 28, 2012; p. 5A.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

You heard it here first.
Obama gets to be inaugurated one more time. Thank heavens for presidential term limits! But don't rejoice too quickly. Just because Barack can't run again doesn't mean there won't be an Obama in the race in 2016.
After the inauguration, watch for a much more prominent role for Michelle as a "trusted advisor" to the President on all sorts of issues. Watch for Barack to begin using terminology such as the "co-president." Sound vaguely familiar? Think Bill and Hilary. Watch for her to show up in a lot of presidential-looking meetings. Watch for more business suits instead of the horrendous "fashions" she's usually seen in. Watch for more press conferences and TV talk show guest appearances. Then, somewhere around January 2015, we'll get the announcement.
Essie just could be wrong about all this. It could be Valerie Jarrett instead of Michelle, but I promise, it will be one of the two. Sort of nauseates you, doesn't it?

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Which one is really the hostage-taker?
The arrogance and duplicity of Obama really annoys me. In his weekly video address last week, Obama said that the House of Representatives "shouldn't hold the middle class hostage." Of course, he's speaking of the Bush tax cuts. The House leadership has said that because it would be bad for the economy, a vote for raising tax rates on people who already pay the bulk of the taxes is not an option. Instead, they want to tighten up deductions with plans such as putting a cap on total deductions allowed. Obama has said that he'll see taxes raised on the middle class before he'll agree to not raising the rates on the upper wage-earners, even though he admitted that raising taxes is bad for the economy. So who is really holding the middle class hostage here?
What Obama is really saying is, "I don't care if our economy goes straight to the sewer -- I want my way and I want it now!" And as he, himself, said -- he doesn't have to run anymore, so he can pretty much do whatever he pleases.
"Obama: Extend tax cut." The Dallas Morning News; November 18, 2012; p. 5A.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Why work if you don't make any more than welfare pays?
Emory Burton of Dallas argues that the minimum wage should be raised. He says he'd like to see a proposed budget for a family of three living on one minimum-wage salary.
First, Mr. Burton, if we assume that the family of three is a father, a mother, and a child, then there should be at least two minimum wage salaries coming in. If that's not possible, then there shouldn't have been a child in the family until there was more than minimum wage coming in. If the family consists of a single parent and two children, then the missing parent should certainly be contributing to the living expenses of the children. If the missing parent is deceased, then we can assume that the children are drawing Social Security survivor benefits
Second, Mr. Burton, we can assume that the minimum wage earner will not always be a minimum wage earner. If he is performing well in his job, then he most certainly will receive raises and/or promotions.
Third, Mr. Burton, suppose the minimum wage earner is mopping floors for a living or loading garbage into a truck. There is absolutely nothing wrong with those jobs, but just how much are they worth? Would you pay the floor mopper, a pimply-faced 16-year-old who doesn't know up from down, $12.50 an hour? Is that enough? If you pay the floor mopper $12.50, what about the cashier who is responsible for making sure the money balances at the end of the day? Surely he would be worth $15 an hour. Let's assume the floor mopper and the cashier work at a fast food restaurant. How much are you willing to pay for an order of fries so that the teenage floor mopper can make more money? Is $3 too much? $5?
Mr. Burton sums up by asking, "Why work if you don't make any more than welfare pays." I guess Mr. Burton, like 47% of the people in this country, has never heard of strength of character, self-reliance, self-respect, pride in a job well-done, ambition, goal-setting, and consideration of others.
"Wage gives workers a chance." The Dallas Morning News; August 2, 2008; p. 18A.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

For your convenience.
I sometimes buy the refrigerated Jello pudding packs to keep on hand for my afternoon snack. About six weeks ago, I noticed on the 6-pack a grand new announcement by the Jello folks. "Coming Soon!" it said. "Jello Pudding in a 4-pack!"
They were trying to get me excited about them short-changing me by two pudding cups! You see, the 6-pack is no longer available, and we pay the 6-pack price for the 4-pack. The same thing has happened to butter. If you're used to buying a pound of butter (four sticks in a box), you'll have to adjust. It's now two sticks in a box. Some of the brands still had some of the pound packages on the shelf last week, but I anticipate that we won't be seeing them around very long.
I've written before about the new 3-pint convenience carton of ice cream at Braums. For our convenience, it costs the same as the old inconvenient half-gallon carton. Propane suppliers are doing the same thing. They've reduced by two pounds the amount of gas they put in a 20-pound tank. Blue Rhino spokesman Chris Hartley says that was done to "save consumers a price jump." Now let's analyze this. I don't know what propane cost, but just for ease of example let's say that you've been paying $18.00 for 18 pounds of propane. That's $1 per pound. But now you get only 15 pounds of propane for $18.00. That's $1.20 a pound. Is that a price jump? I'd say that's a 20% price jump.
I understand that prices go up and companies must economize or raise prices. But don't try to fool me into thinking you're doing me a big favor by giving me two sticks of butter (in the new convenience pack) for the price of four. And don't cut down on the quality of my food -- I'm tired of getting the stem end in my Del Monte canned carrots!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Oh, well, then -- you're excused. Take whatever you want.
Robert Daniel Webb walked into a convenience store with his little 9-year-old daughter, Meadow, pulled a gun, and threatened to kill the clerk if he refused to give him the contents of the till. But don't think harshly of Robert. As he told the clerk, "I'm out of work. My daughter's got to survive." And he might have added, "And I have to have cigarette and booze money."
Oh well, then, you're excused, Robert. You're not supposed to have to buck up to adversity as long as there is someone out there who has more than you do. You just go take what you need. We understand. Except that the jury who convicted him didn't.
"Dad accused of robbing store as child watched." The Dallas Morning News; April 3, 2009; p. 6A.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Where is she now?
Some parents just aren't hip! About four years ago, the Detroit, Texas, ISD won a lawsuit filed against it by some really cool parents. These parents were upset because the school doesn't allow students to use its computers to access inappropriate websites. Their child should be allowed to look at anything she wants to, they contend.
The lawsuit was a result of several sixth grade students being disciplined when the teacher caught them on a naughty website called "Sexy Dress-Up." The site involves nudity and sexual fetishes.
So, why am I bringing up something that happened three years ago? I'm just curious. I wonder where the unnamed student of these really cool parents is now and how she and they are handling her teenage years.
"Detroit ISD wins discipline lawsuit." The Paris News; April 5, 2009; p. 1A.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

If you voted for Obama, we have you to thank!
Obama's insistence on raising taxes on those who already provide the bulk of the government's handouts is resulting in the average taxpayer (that's you and me) getting hit with an extra $3,700 on this year's taxes.
Some Denny's restaurants will add a 5% surcharge to each meal to help them pay for the cost of Obamacare. Every business that falls under Obamacare will also have to raise prices even if they don't label it as Obamacare.
Many restaurants are cutting their employees back to part-time, and some are simply closing their doors rather than deal with the hassle. Economists say that the Obamacare regulations coupled with higher taxes will most certainly plunge this country back into recession.

The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates that in 2015, the country will have 62,900 fewer doctors than needed. That number will more than double by 2025 as the expansion of insurance coverage under Obamacare takes full effect. Medicare has been and is being raided to pay for Obamacare -- that means less reimbursement to hospitals and doctors. That means the hospitals will have fewer nurses to care for more patients. According to some health care experts, this will result in more elderly patients failing to survive a hospital stay.
Texas is a right-to-work state. That means you don't have to join a union to work if you don't want to. This is protected under Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act. On Obama's agenda -- removing that provision so that union membership is required in all states. And we see what unions are good for -- no more Twinkies and HoHos and the loss of 18,500 jobs because of stupid union rules such as prohibiting shipping bread and Twinkies in the same truck. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka made some startling statements this week. This is the same Richard Trumka who advises the President on a regular basis: "I’m at the White House a couple times a week. Two, three times a week. I have conversations everyday with someone in the White House or in the administration — Everyday.” This is the same Richard Trumka who said that there's no fiscal cliff and any address of runaway government spending is just "a manufactured crisis." An almost $17 trillion debt is a manufactured crisis??? And why is Obama so beholden to Trumka? Because the unions dump hundreds of millions of dollars into his campaign coffers.
What really sticks in my craw is that Obama, himself, has admitted that raising taxes will hurt rather than help the economy. He knows that when taxes on the wealthy are cut, the economy booms -- and the IRS brings in more revenue. It works this way -- when the wealthy get a tax increase, they hold on to their money instead of investing it. When they get a tax cut, they invest in and expand their businesses and create jobs. They make more money to pay taxes on, and they employ more people who make more money to pay taxes on, and those people spend their money creating even more jobs for more people to make more money to pay taxes on. Obama knows this and has said as much, yet he still insists on taxing the wealthy. Why? Because it's not about raising revenue -- it's about punishing the rich and destroying capitalism and providing a lavish lifestyle for the big union bosses.
And that, my friends, is just the tip of the iceberg. So if you voted for Obama, thank you, thank you, thank you (if you have problems recognizing sarcasm, that was it)! May you reap what you have sown.

Read More At IBD:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It is our moral obligation to protect porn stars.
As if the recent election, General Petraeus, Benghazi, legalized pot and outlawed soft drinks were not enough, would you like more proof that our country is going to hell in a handbasket?
It seems that an AIDS group in California is looking for a California lawmaker to introduce legislation that will require porn stars to use condoms while they are working. "It is only fair that these performers be afforded the same safeguards as other Californians in their workplaces," said Michael Weinstein. Hmmmm -- do other workplaces in California require their employees to wear condoms while they're on the job?
Weinstein wants the local public health departments to enforce safety laws on condom use on porn sets. I just gotta' tell you, if Mr. Essie May worked for the health department, and he told me he was going down to the porn studio to inspect a bunch of people having sex, Mr. Essie May would be looking for another job.
"AIDS group wants to take porn condom law statewide." The Dallas Morning News; November 10, 2012; p. 8A.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What kind of a father is this?
Ron Cuff of Heath thinks people are a little paranoid. He thinks we need to create a Department of Chicken Little. What has his feathers in a fluff?
The ridiculous action of the authorities on college campuses who insist on evacuating the facilities and searching when a bomb threat has been received. Ron says, "No bomb has ever been found, to my knowledge, for any of these threats." That reminds me of a councilman we had many years ago. When the city staff recommended installing a tornado warning system, he considered it a waste of money, saying, "We've never had a tornado before." It was only about a year later that a tornado wiped out a large portion of the city, killed approximately 10 people, and injured dozens of others.
I assume Ron has no children in college. What kind of a father would not want his child evacuated from a building that has been threatened? Maybe no bomb has been found before, but would a loving father really take the chance that no bomb will ever be found? I can assure you that if my child called me and said that his college had received a bomb threat, and they were going to ignore it, I'd tell him to get his fanny off the campus - pronto!
I might be wrong, but if I were a betting woman, I'd bet a week's wage that old Ron would be the first one yelling about the authorities doing nothing if the campus did blow up!
"Stop playing up bomb threats." The Dallas Morning News; October 26, 2012; p. 26A.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Seems pretty straightforward to me.
The ACLU and other civil rights organizations are calling for an investigation. As far as I can see, the story is pretty simple. I really don't know what needs investigating.
October 25, Texas State Troopers tried to pull over a pickup they suspected of carrying illegal drugs. The truck fled. A department helicopter was called to assist in the chase. One of the tactical flight officers, Miguel Avila, fired his weapon to disable the pickup. Two people in the pickup were killed.
As it turns out, the pickup was not carrying illegal drugs. It was carrying illegal aliens from Guatemala. Either way, it appears to me the officer was justified in stopping the fleeing lawbreakers.
"ACLU seeks probe of killings by trooper." The Dallas Morning News; November 2, 2012; p. 4A.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

You better get it right!
Upset with the weatherman because he said it wasn't going to rain, and you got caught in a deluge without your umbrella? If we follow Italy's example, you can make him pay for that one!
An Italian court convicted seven scientists of manslaughter for failing to predict the earthquake that killed more than 300 people in the central part of the country in 2009. The indictment alleged "inexact, incomplete and contradictory information." They were sentenced to six years in prison. Wonder if we could indict all the political pollsters for "inexact, incomplete and contradictory information"?
"Scientists get prison for not warning about quakes." The Dallas Morning News; October 23, 2012; p. 16A.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Obamacare is good for everybody . . . or is it?
Obama is the President who cares about the middle class. He passed Obamacare, and it's good for everybody. Or is it?
Starting in 2013, a couple of provisions of Obamacare will kick in that economists and health care professionals say will impact middle class families -- especially those with special needs children. These people will have to pay more out of pocket for medical expenses as well as higher taxes (but that can't be . . . Obama said no one making less than $250,000 would have his taxes raised).
One of the provisions is that a cap will be placed on pre-tax dollars that can be placed in a medical flexible spending account. People with high medical expenses often deposit enough in their flexible spending accounts to pay for insurance premiums and deductibles. The cap means they will have to pay more tax, because they won't be able to put as much money in the account as they have been. Many employers currently cap the amount at $5,000 -- some have no caps at all, but Obamacare caps it at $2,500. In a 25% bracket, that means an additional $625 in taxes for the average person who uses a flex account.
The other provision increases the tax deduction threshold for medical expenses from 7.5% to 10%. So before Obamacare, if a taxpayer had unreimbursed expenses of $9,000 on an income of $100,000, he could take a $1,500 deduction. After Obamacare kicks in, he takes zero deduction.
Yes, Obama certainly is making health care more affordable!
"Special-needs setback." The Dallas Morning News; November 3, 2012; p. 1D.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pigs are flying past my window!
I just looked out the window, and I saw pigs flying by! Why? Because I think Barack Obama is being unfairly criticized by Pete Earley.
Pete takes the President to task for this quote: "We have to . . . make sure that we're keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, those who are mentally ill."
I happen to agree with old Barack on this one. It's stupid to allow the mentally ill and criminals to legally possess firearms. But Pete says we shouldn't include the mentally ill in that group -- that we wouldn't say we should keep firearms out of the hands of blacks or hispanics or Republicans.
Well, no, because unless a black or a hispanic or a Republican is a criminal or mentally ill, he has a constitutional right to own a firearm. Pete makes his argument from a personal experience. His son has a severe mood disorder. Pete says his son has been stigmatized -- that he cannot find a job or friends, and that people whisper behind his back (do you think he's paranoid, as well?).
If his disorder is so visible that he doesn't have a job or friends and that people talk about it, would you want him to have a gun or two? What if his mood gets really dark, and he decides he'll no longer put up with the man who turned down his employment application, or the girl who won't go out with him, or the people he thinks are talking about him? Do you think they'll be safe?
And I wonder -- would Pete Earley, himself, feel comfortable if his son had ready access to a gun?
"Vilifying mentally ill is offensive." The Dallas Morning News; October 26, 2012; p. 27A.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Take heart!
Like many of you, I awoke yesterday morning discouraged, downhearted, depressed, and feeling as if it just isn't worth trying to fight the battles anymore. How could America vote for a man and party whose values and platform are so antithetical to God's principles and the American way?
As I puttered around taking care of morning chores, I had the television on. I heard one commentator say, "Fifty-six million people did NOT vote for Obama." And the light went on! My mind immediately went to the story of Elijah.
Elijah lived under the most evil ruler with the most evil wife that the Nation of Israel had ever seen. Jezebel had a bounty on his head. So Elijah gave up and went out and sat down under a tree and said to God, "Why don't you just go ahead and kill me?"  [Essie's paraphrase].
God sent an angel to feed him, and Elijah got up and went and hid in a cave. And God said to him, "What are you doing here?" And Elijah said, "I've stood up for right while my nation has gone down the tubes through disobedience to you -- they've made fun of spiritual things and persecuted your people. I'm the only one left, and they're trying to kill me." [Again, Essie's paraphrase].
And God said to Elijah, "I have seven thousand in Israel who have not bowed the knee to Baal."
Take heart, America! There are 56 million who have not bowed the knee to Baal! Though it may seem that we have been forsaken, God is still in control. He gave our nation a clear choice, and the majority chose unwisely, but God will not forget those 56 million who remain true to Him and His Word. So double up on your prayers, keep doing what's right, and be not discouraged!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

He's a good boy . . . well, if you don't count the murder and attempted murder.
Austin Reed Sigg has been arrested for the kidnap and murder of 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway. He has confessed to the especially heinous crimes -- little Jessica was dismembered.
Sigg has also confessed to trying to abduct a jogger who fortunately got away. Sigg's attorney, Ryan Loewer, argued for bail for his client. He says he has no prior criminal history. Does that mean you get one free murder? Ted Bundy didn't have a prior criminal history, either, before he raped and murdered several women. I have to wonder if Loewer has any conscience at all. I wonder how he would feel if bail were granted to this murderer without a record and Loewer's daughter disappeared while Sigg was running around free.
"Teen confesses to girl's slaying, tied to attack on runner." The Dallas Morning News; October 26, 2012; p. 9A.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What's important to the Obama's?
At a fundraiser after the last Presidential debate, Michelle Obama said, "On Nov. 7 we're going to party hard."
We're going to party hard despite a 7.9% unemployment rate (if you believe the latest skewed numbers where the rate miraculously fell below 8% for the first time in his Presidency. The true unemployment rate is somewhere around 14.5%).
We're going to party hard despite a $16 trillion debt that's grown more under his Presidency than in in other in history.
We're going to party hard despite $3.50 a gallon gasoline.

We're going to party hard despite having rammed through a national health care system that threatens to bankrupt small businesses.
We're going to party hard despite four Americans losing their lives to terrorists in Libya.

We're going to party hard despite all the reports of a GSA that's out of control with Las Vegas and Hawaii "conferences" involving hot tubs, clowns, and other lavish spending.

We're going to party hard despite a Mexican drug cartel problem that is costing the lives of border patrol agents.
Yes, partying hard seems to be all this President and First Lady have cared about for the last four years. Don't expect it to change in the next four if they are re-elected.
"Talking points." The Dallas Morning News; October 21, 2012; p. 1P.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Good Guys 2 - Bad Guy Dead
Beverley Valentine-Creeks came home about midnight the other night. But somebody had arrived before her -- she saw the door had been kicked in, and she encountered three strangers in her home.
Beverley ran back to her car, grabbed her gun, and "maintained a position outside her home." When two of the men came out of the front door, Beverley opened fire. When she saw the third coming out of a bedroom window, she shot at him, too.
Beverley has pretty good aim. One of the robbers died at the scene. A wounded one made it to a nearby convenience store where he was arrested along with his unhurt partner in crime.
Now, if we could just educate Beverley on which party will protect her right to continue defending herself and her property -- Beverley has a "Vote Democrat 2012" sign in her yard.
"Woman kills home burglar." The Dallas Morning News; October 28, 2012; p. 1B.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Oklahoma fires one for the 2nd Amendment!
Effective November 1, those with concealed carry permits in the State of Oklahoma may openly carry their weapons. Score one for the 2nd Amendment! However, as I read the 2nd Amendment, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed -- there shouldn't have to be a state law permitting a person to carry a weapon since the Constitution already guarantees the right to do so.
I do hope the Texas legislature is taking note of our neighbor's action and will follow suit.
"No longer concealed." The Dallas Morning News; November 1, 2012; p. 3a.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gotta love those PETA nuts!
PETA folks are in mourning. They have lost some dear, dear friends in a tragic traffic accident. They want a roadside memorial to these friends, and they want the City of Irvine, California, to pay for it.
Who were these dear friends whose lives were cut short? They were 1,600 pounds of saltwater bass being hauled to market. PETA spokesnut Dina Kourda says that the sign, "In memory of hundreds of fish who suffered and died at this spot," would remind drivers that fish value their lives. Spokesnut Ashley Byrne said, "They are on their way to slaughter . . . To suffer an accident on the way and be left in the middle of the street is unthinkable."
Irvine spokesman Craig Reem says there won't be a memorial to the dearly departed. I guess when PETA asked if he had any signs, he told them to, "Go fish."
"Sign sought for fish killed in road crash." The Dallas Morning News; October 31, 2012; p. 6A.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Is it just barely possible . . .
State senators in Texas are worried that the state has gone too far in its zero-tolerance policy for bad behavior in schools. While I agree that may be the case -- we've all heard the stories of kids who have been suspended for technically breaking the rule without any intent whatsoever to misbehave or disobey -- the senators are looking at it from a different angle than I am.
They note that more minority students than non-minority students are disciplined under zero-tolerance. This is inherently unfair, they say. They cite studies that show that 83% of black male students and 70% of black female students statewide have faced at least one disciplinary action. One of the cases they refer to is that of a 14-year-old girl. She was cited for truancy and fined $500. She couldn't help it, they claim. She was pregnant and too embarrassed to go to school. In today's society, I find it remarkable (though admirable) that a 14-year-old is embarrassed by pregnancy. However, the fact remains that she did not go to school. If zero-tolerance applies to white girls who don't go to school, then certainly it should also apply to black girls who don't go to school regardless of the excuse they give.
At any rate, is it just barely possible that minorities are written up more often because they flaunt the rules more often?
"Panel questions zero tolerance." The Dallas Morning News; October 31, 2012; p. 3A.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Stupid or deliberately misleading?
Paula Haynes of Irving says that the GOP wants to win the election so they can keep women barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen where they think they belong. Is she honestly stupid enough to believe that? Does she think Condoleezza Rice thinks that? Does she think Sarah Palin thinks that? Does she think Kay Bailey Hutchison thinks that? Or Laura or Barbara Bush? Or Ann Romney? Or Michelle Malkin? Or Dana Perrino?
Paula says that women have fought long and hard for contraception rights. Well, Paula, nobody is threatening your right to contraception, and to say they are is nothing less than fear-mongering and disingenuous.
Paula says the GOP admits it doesn't want to pay women the same as men. I'd like to know where she heard that one. I haven't heard it. I have heard, however, that women in Obama's White House make substantially less than their male counterparts. According to a report published by the Free Beacon in April, the 2011 annual report on White House staff revealed that the median annual salary for female White House employees was 18 percent less than male employees — $60,000 compared to $71,000. And in 2008, Scripps Howard syndicated columnist Deroy Murdock noted that as in Obama’s U.S. Senate office, women were paid less than men: While the average male staffer brought home $54,397, female staffers averaged $45,152.

And of course, under President Obama, more and more women have come to rely on food stamps. What better way to keep a woman under control than to make her dependent on a government handout?  In fiscal 2011, the federal government spent more than $75 billion on food stamps, up from $34.6 billion at the end of fiscal 2008. "We ought to be looking for ways to save money in the program, not to encourage more people to use it," said Chris Edwards, an economist with the Cato Institute. In other words, we should be doing something to improve the economy so all women can be independent and pay for their own food and their own contraceptives. That's what will keep them shod and unpregnant.

"A vote for GOP against women." The Dallas Morning News; October 30, 2012; p. 14A.