Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Way to go, Cameron!

Don't you just love it when criminals get what they deserve? Cameron Sands of Fort Worth kicked in the door of a house in Grand Prairie with the intention of robbing the homeowner. As he pulled his gun out of the waistband of his pants to shoot his victim, the gun fired prematurely and hit Cameron in the stomach. Police found his dead body in the driveway of the home. Way to go, Cameron!

"Man accidentally kills self during crime." The Dallas Morning News; June 19, 2008; p. 5B.

Monday, March 30, 2009

If only we could tax . . .

There was an article in last week's newspaper about states facing budget deficits raising sin taxes -- those taxes on cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Consumers are complaining. They say that these are the last vices they have to help them cope with the slumping economy.

I say, in that case, raise away! I cannot imagine how smoking cigarettes and getting drunk will improve anyone's economic situation. These are really smart folks anyway. You know how they protested? The ones in Pittsburgh went out and bought a bunch of booze, then poured it into the river to protest. The ones in Kentucky bought bourbon and poured it on the Capitol's front steps. Duh! If they could just tax stupidity, all our troubles would be over!

"States raise sin taxes to ease budget crunch." The Dallas Morning News; March 25, 2009; p. 5A.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I knew Tim the Toolman, and Obama is no Tim the Toolman!

I used to watch the sit-com "Home Improvement." I was always amused at Tim "The Toolman" Taylor. He went completely bananas over power tools, and his mantra was, "More power."

The headline in Wednesday's newspaper said, "More power sought over financial firms." Today's headline was about more power over the auto industry. Obama wants more power over the health care industry. He seeks more power over our youth via his youth corps program. He wants more power over the states via the strings attached to his stimulus money. We better watch him, because these headlines tell us exactly what his goal is -- More Power. And this time, it's not amusing!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Shhhh! We don't want Obama to hear about this one!

Japan has a new law. Companies and local governments are required to annually measure the waistlines of people between the ages of 40 and 74. Those exceeding 33.5 inches for men and 35.4 inches for women and suffering from a weight-related ailment will be told what they may and may not eat if they do not lose weight after three months. Local governments and companies that don't meet specific targets will be fined.

With all the Obama propaganda about universal health care, I fear we may look forward to the same ridiculous policies here in the USA!

"Slimming down: In Japan, it's the law." The Dallas Morning News; June 22, 2008; p. 21A.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Yes, we can!

Last week, Obama said he wants to follow through on his promise to fix the immigration system, BUT the goal faces the major hurdles of the economy, drug violence in Mexico, and a full agenda already before Congress. Don Kerwin of the Migration Policy Institute said, "The issue is where immigration falls in the range of a lot of pressing priorities. Can you do them all together? Can they all be accomplished this year or next?"

What was it we kept hearing through Obama's campaign -- "YES, WE CAN!" Sounds to me like it's now "Maybe we can't."

"Fixing flawed system is one priority among many." The Dallas Morning News; March 23, 2009; p. 1A.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who is in control?

The new right-to-die law took effect March 5 in the state of Washington. It allows doctors to give a lethal dose of drugs to terminally ill patients who request it. I say that such a law shoves us further down the slippery slope. It's by patient request now -- how long until it's at the doctor's or the government's discretion?

Booth Gardner, a proponent of this measure, said, "It's about autonomy, personal choice and respect. I was in control of my life. I should be allowed to be in control of my death." I submit to you, Mr. Gardner, that God should be in control of your life, and God should be in control of your death.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

No handouts for you!

The Octonut says that she will never reveal the identity of the father of her children. In that case, she should not be able to get one penny of government assistance in any form. Why should the taxpayers foot the bill for Octodad?

"Octuplet mom won't reveal father's identity." The Dallas Morning News; March 22, 2009; p. 6A.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just wait until it's free.

I am afraid of Obama's "universal health care." I'm afraid what it should be called is "universally bad health care." Even those who like the plan have their doubts when it comes to their own health. Eugene Robinson, a Washington Post columnist, says he realizes it won't be as good as the private systems we now have.

He had to have surgery on his hand recently. He says the renowned surgeon said to him as he was rolled into the operating room, "You know, if you and Obama had your way with health care, it wouldn't be me doing this operation. It would just be some guy." Robinson says he's grateful it was this surgeon and not "some guy" who wouldn't have known as much about the nerves and blood vessels in his hand as this experienced professional. Robinson says it made him think about all the people who can't afford the health care he got. He says, "The way we ration health care now -- according to the individual's ability to pay -- is immoral, and if higher taxes are needed to ensure that no one has to choose between health and bankruptcy, I'll pay."

First of all, our health care is not "rationed." That's like saying Cadillacs are rationed because not everyone can afford one. "Rationed" is when controls other than cost are placed on commodities. On the other hand, what Robinson and Obama are advocating is rationing. What he is saying is that because some people can't afford health care, we all should suffer. I don't buy that. We have safety net programs, and most people get the care they need. I don't want the inferior health care our govenrment will offer. I don't want the government telling me what doctor I must go to and what tests I may have, and I doubt anyone else does, either. If Obama gets his way, that's exactly what we'll get. If you think "universal health care" is a good idea, ask someone who lives in Canada, or Great Britain, or France -- someone who's had to wait 18 months to have a bad gall bladder removed. I guarantee you, they don't like it!

"Care you care about." The Dallas Morning News; March 18, 2009; p. 15A.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh really?

I've written before about a phrase that really bothers me -- "He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Most often, it's spoken of a crime victim. What's irritating about the phrase to me is that it places the blame on the victim. If I'm in a bank making a deposit, and a robber comes in and shoots me, the reporter will say, "Essie May was in the wrong place at the wrong time." No, she wasn't! Essie May was in the right place to conduct her business during regular business hours.

I came across an old newspaper article that takes this phrase to new heights of stupidity. James Broadnax and his cousin killed two men while they were robbing them. Mr. Broadnax said of his victims, "They were in the wrong spot at the wrong [expletive] time. They should have had their [expletive] at home." The victims were in the parking lot outside their business. According to Mr. Broadnax, anytime you leave your house, it's your fault if you are assaulted. You should have had your [expletive] at home!

Another phrase that bothers me comes from the ACLU. I heard on the news this morning that one of the metroplex cities is considering a daytime curfew for teenagers. The ACLU says this move will "turn law-abiding teenagers into lawbreakers." Not if they don't break the law! That's like saying, "The state has turned me into a lawbreaker because they refuse to raise the speed limit to 80 mph." The only one who can turn me into a lawbreaker is me. I may not like the laws, but I control whether or not I will abide by them or break them.

The whole thing boils down to personal responsbility -- the criminal is responsible for his conduct; not the victim, not society, not the government, and not circumstances.

"Suspects say killings netted them 'just $2.'" The Dallas Morning News; June 24, 2008; p. 1B.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

America - Rated XXX

You know our society has become sex-obsessed when even the churches start advertising sex. A church in Cullman County, Alabama, is the latest to jump on the hormonal bandwagon with a sermon series entitled "Great Sex: God's Way." This is after a Texas preacher, perched on a bed on the dais, preached a series of sermons in which he encouraged his congregation to have sex for seven straight days. Evangelist Roland Belew makes a very valid point: "Paul said preach the Gospel. Talking about sex ain't gonna get nobody to heaven."

How many advertisements have you seen recently that don't have at least some hint of sexual innuendo? Most of them don't even rely on innuendo -- they are quite overt. Even children's animated movies have veiled references to sex.

This week, the Pope issued a statement in which he said that condoms are not the solution to HIV/AIDS. He has been ridiculed by those who say that abstinence is unrealistic. What those people are, in effect, saying is that we are no better than animals -- we have no control over our urges and cannot make moral choices. I agree with the Pope. Our world is much too concerned with sex and "if it feels good, do it," and "do whatever is right for you." If we all went back to God's way, monogamous relationships in marriage, there would be no AIDS epidemic, and there wouldn't be a world full of fatherless children and welfare mothers.

"Church causes a stir with sermons on sex." The Dallas Morning News; March 12, 2009; p. 9A.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What a hypocrite!

Obama made a big deal about earmarks in his campaign -- "I'll veto legislation that includes them." Last week he continued his tirade against them just before he signed a bill that included billions of dollars of earmarks. He said that in the future, all earmarks should have a "legitimate and worthy public purpose." What about right now? Why didn't he do what he claimed he'd do and veto this waste of taxpayer money? Any legislation that includes wasteful spending should be vetoed. I think Representative Jeff Flake of Arizona summed Obama up very well -- "Give me sobriety, but not yet."

"Obama signs spending bill, vows reform." The Dallas Morning News; March 12, 2009; p. 6A.

Friday, March 20, 2009

What if the situation were reversed?

Dallas Municipal Court Judge C. Victor Lander writes a column for a newspaper whose target audience is black. In last week's column he commented about an ongoing controversy between District Attorney Craig Watkins and the Commissioners Court. Judge Lander said, ". . .black folks have been cleaning up white folks' messes for hundreds of years, so why should we expect any different now?"

The only person I've heard of with enough courage to call this what it is is Council Member Mitchell Rasansky. He said he was extremely offended by the comment and asked for Lander's resignation.

Other council members, while expressing displeasure with the remark, were evidently too afraid of political fallout or being stuck with a racist label to take a stand. Angela Hunt said, "He's new to this job and new to having this much focus on his words. He needs to be more thoughtful in the future, and I'm hopeful he'll clarify his statement." Being new to the job has nothing to do with his remark, Ms. Hunt. What he said was racist no matter how much experience he has, and it was most certainly inappropriate for one who is deemed unbiased enough to be a judge. Clarify his remark? What's to clarify? It's pretty plain to me what he meant.

Dwaine Caraway said in defending this racist, "Society has changed. People are able to put more on the table and discuss it without feeling like they're being slapped in the face." Only if you're not white, Mr. Caraway. And I believe what you are saying directly contradicts what "Judge" Lander said -- didn't he say nothing had changed in hundreds of years?

This remark was not "Judge" Lander's first racist remark. He said on February 28, "I wanted to make sure that you who read this and other African-American newspapers know that the only place you will get the truth is from your own people . . ." From that, one can only surmise that he believes all white people are liars. Can you get any more racist than that?

What's the best argument that what this man said indicates he is a racist? Reverse the situation. What if a white man had said it? I seriously doubt he would still be a judge.

"Judge faces flak for racial remarks." The Dallas Morning News; March 18, 2009; p. 1B.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

They have to pass a law for this?

Did you know that a registered sex offender can be licensed as an EMT or paramedic? What are they thinking?!! A person who sees you when you are most vulnerable, and no one thought to say, "Hey, we probably shouldn't have sex offenders in these positions"?

Thanks to State Senator Jane Nelson from Flower Mound, this situation may be remedied. She is sponsoring a bill that would preclude licensing these perverts. Thank you, Senator Nelson! At least a few people have at heart the good of the citizens of Texas.

"Bill would deny EMT jobs to sex offenders." The Dallas Morning News; March 12, 2009; p. 3A.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Does Al Gore know about this?

That darn global warming -- the first part of this month, the southeast portion of the country received an unusual 4-7 inches of snow. Somebody alert Al Gore.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Questions for Willa

Willa Kulhavey of Garland says that she wishes Governor Rick Perry weren't so proud of Texas being a right-to-life state. She says the only right-to-life people she's met are bullies. She says that right-to-life people should be concentrating on getting love and care to "already-born Texans."

I have some questions for Willa. Number 1, how many "right-to-life" people has she met? Number 2, by what criteria does she deem them "bullies"? Because they express an opinion different than hers? Number 3, how does she know right-to-life people aren't getting "love and care to already-born Texans"? I happen to know several pro-life people who run adoption agencies and offer counseling, emotional support, and financial assistance to unwed mothers -- a lot more than some of the abortion activists I know of are doing.

I think Willa is making some erroneous assumptions and showing her ignorance!

"Perry's right-to-life approval." The Dallas Morning News; March 2, 2009; p. 12A.

Monday, March 16, 2009

In tiny Emory?

A year ago, a young girl in Emory, Texas, planned the murders of her entire family. Her boyfriend and two others assisted in carrying out the awful crime. But they left a survivor. The girl's father, despite being shot multiple times and left for dead in a burning house, managed to escape through a window and painfully make his way to a neighbor's home for help.

The Dallas Morning News ran a special series last week detailing his experience and the aftermath. One of the things he commented on just boggles my mind. He said, "Emory has a lot of bisexual kids; it's like it was almost cool to be bisexual. One of the first things that happened [when they first sent their children to school there] was some girl wanted to be Erin's little girlfriend. And I was like, 'That ain't happenin'.'"

The population of rural Emory is 1,200. If what he says is true, we have degenerated far further than even I thought. I had heard rumors that there were quite a few "confused" girls as young as junior high in our local school district, but for some reason, that didn't shock me as much as this. I guess because our school district is so much bigger.

Parents, you better get a hold on your kids! Satan is attacking them, and without some Bible-based guidance and discipline, he'll wrest them out of your hands as surely as the sun's coming up in the morning! From all appearances, this man did everything right, but Satan was still able to grab this girl through her associations with people who weren't getting the positive training she was. Be good role models for your kids, watch what they watch, monitor their computer and cell phone usage, know who they're associating with, and pray, pray, pray!

"East Texas man recounts escape." The Dallas Morning News; March 8, 2009; p. 12A.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Can a river flow upstream?

I've mentioned this before, but this idea that wealth flows upward is absurd! In a letter to the editor, Stephen Brueckner finds Republicans hypocritical for opposing Obama's redistribution of the wealth policies. He states, ". . .Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush reduced the taxes on the rich and redistributed the wealth upward while creating huge deficits."

First of all, the huge deficits were not created by tax cuts -- they were created by profligate spending. Second of all, reducing taxes on higher incomes does not adversely affect what lower income groups pay in taxes unless their rate is raised accordingly. Neither Reagan nor Bush did that. Third of all, reducing taxes on higher incomes has been proven over and over to actually increase the amount of revenue the government takes in. When people have more money in their pockets, they invest more, thus providing more jobs to more people who will then also be contributors to the government coffers. Fourth and maybe most important of all, "wealth" does not violate the laws of gravity. The low income earner does not support his employer. The employer supports the earner by providing him a wage for services rendered. The low income earner provides jobs only in the sense that he takes the money he earns (because someone "wealthy" was allowed to keep enough of his own money to invest it in a business) and spends it on his needs and wants. When he does that, he provides the kind of stimulus package that works! Take away the money his employer has, and his employer may have to cut his job along with others, then he'll be a drain on society rather than a contributor to it.

No, Mr. Brueckner, wealth does NOT flow up!

"Tax aims for class equality." The Dallas Morning News; March 9, 2009; p. 14A.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Well, now, isn't she special?

I was just passing by the television and caught Robin Roberts interviewing Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama said, "The things I do are universally popular and important." Bet she'll be glad to tell you how humble she is, too!

Friday, March 13, 2009

What country did you say this is?

I found this news item on Yahoo. It's not surprising -- one of Obama's staffers is on leave after the FBI raided the office he worked in up until being appointed to the Obama White House. I'll give you the bare bones of the story.

Vivek Kundra is Obama's computer chief. Until his appointment to this position, he worked for the Washington, D.C. technology office. The FBI raided that office Thursday and arrested a city employee who worked under Kundra and a technology consultant on corruption charges.

Yusuf Acar, the acting security chief in the technology office, was held without bond. Technology consultant Sushil Bansal was released until his next court date of April 21. They are accused of participating in schemes to defraud the government through false billings, ghost employees, and other embezzlement tactics.

Barack Obama -- Vivek Kundra -- Yusuf Acar -- Sushil Bansal -- what country did you say this is?


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Even the liberals aren't sure.

Is it just conservative Republicans who have little or no confidence in Obama? Not according to Tom Raum of the Associated Press. Raum says that some economists are "beginning to question" Obama's agenda of increased government activism, and they think it could prolong the recession. They say that despite the Obama administration's plea that he inherited the recession and deficits, things have only grown worse since he took office. Every day, they say, the economy is becoming more and more an "Obama economy."

And when Charles Rangel, one of the most if not the most liberal member of Congress, questions Obama's proposal to limit charitable contribution and mortgage interest deductions for wealthy Americans, you can be assured that Obama is NOT the savior he's been touted to be.

"No signs of a turnaround." The Dallas Morning News; March 8, 2009; p. 6A

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Best Place to Commit a Murder

The Paris News has this big contest every year where readers vote for "the best" in about 100 different categories. I vote for Clayton, Missouri, as the best place to commit a murder. Aaron Poisson stole a tip jar from a Starbucks there in March 2008. As he was making his getaway, Roger Kreutz tried to stop him. Kreutz was struck by Poisson's car and killed.

The penalty for this egregious crime? One year in jail. With good time, he'll probably be out within three months. Pretty cushy sentence for taking a man's life.

And how much money was in that tip jar? Five dollars. Life is cheap.

"Teen's sentence for killing man with car: 1 year." The Dallas Morning News; March 7, 2009; p. 11A.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is there such a thing?

Obama wants to "reach out" to the Taliban moderates. Wow! I didn't know there was such a thing.

On the home front, he explains why our economic crisis doesn't seem to be getting any better despite his massive pork barrel projects and proposed tax increases. First, it was because he inherited this mess from George Bush. Now he says it's Europe's fault -- "part of what you're seeing now is weaknesses in Europe that are actually greater than some weaknesses here, bouncing back and having an impact on our markets." Wish we could bounce him back!

"Obama weighs outreach to Taliban." The Dallas Morning News; March 8, 2009; p. 2A.
"Prudence urged, but not too much." The Dallas Morning News; March 8, 2009; p. 2A.

Monday, March 9, 2009

What an idea!

At the same time we are supposed to be strengthening our border with Mexico by increased patrols and a big fence, we now have installed a pair of emergency beacons to "help stranded illegal immigrants as they try to head north from the border along a popular desert trail," the U.S. Border Patrol said. They are solar-powered with mirrors on them to make them more visible during the day, and they are lighted at night. They have instructions in English, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese. Wonder what idiot came up with this brilliant idea?

"Beacons intended to guide immigrants." The Dallas Morning News; March 6, 2009; p. 3A.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Whichever it is, we're still in trouble!

Texas Representative Joe Barton more or less has told Obama to put up or shut up -- of course, not in those words. Obama held a "fiscal responsibility summit" a few days ago, and Barton reminded him of his promise to seek bipartisanship. He should lean a little on his Congressional allies, Barton said. "It's very easy in the House, since it's set up to get things done quickly if the majority's united, to forget about the minority." Obama's tepid response? "I don't want to interject myself too much into congressional politics."

As Todd Gillman, the Washington bureau chief of The Dallas Morning News, points out, either Obama is afraid of the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, or he is a bona fide hypocrite. I think it's probably a 50/50 proposition. Whichever it is, we are in big trouble for the next four years and the subsequent years it takes to straighten out the "change we can believe in."

"Barton presses Obama on real bipartisanship." The Dallas Morning News; March 1, 2009; p. 4A.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What a difference a year makes!

Last March 7, I wrote a very short post entitled "We've come a long way, baby." This is what it said:
"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

"I'm going to provide health care for you. I'm going to give you a $3500 tuition tax credit and expand Pell grants for you. I'm going to allocate up to $5 billion in immediate assistance to help you weather the foreclosure crisis. I'm going to give you $1 billion to pay your energy bills." Hillary Clinton.

"Basically ditto." Barack Obama.

The Democrats sure have changed in the last 48 years.

Wow! How much those Democrats can change in just one year! Those numbers sound awfully tame compared to the $1.75 trillion Obama's throwing around now that he's in office -- and the hogs at the trough continue to ask for more every day. I hate to have to say it, but I told you so!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Ultimate reference or blueprint for destruction?

The Dallas Morning News is lauding a new book called One Big Happy Family. It's a book of essays that talk about "truly modern love."

What is truly modern love? Well, it turns out that it's whatever you want it to be. Want an open marriage. Fine. You should do whatever suits you, and everyone else should accept it. Want a gay marriage. Fine. You should do whatever suits you, and everyone else should accept it. Want to allow two gay men to adopt a little boy and "build a relationship" with the child's homeless birth mother? Fine. You should do whatever suits you, and everyone else should accept it. Want to shack up? Fine. You should do whatever suits you, and everyone else should accept it.

Jenny Block, the author of one of the essays, details her love for another woman "while happily married to her husband." She says, "There's this one plan we're all supposed to follow, this heterosexual, monogamous, child-rearing, one-size-fits-all model that we're all supposed to goose-step into line with. But I can't." She says we owe it to ourselves to figure out what works best for us.

I disagree, Ms. Block! We owe it to ourselves and society to abide by God's heterosexual, monogamous, child-rearing, one-size-fits-all model! What makes you think you're smarter than He is? It's arrogant thinking and degenerate actions like yours that have left our country in the mess it's in. This book is not, as the reviewer describes, "the ultimate reference book for all of us." Instead, it is the blueprint for destruction.

"One home, many doors." The Dallas Morning News; March 1, 2009; p. 6E.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What an inspiration for your little girls!

Have you heard about the newest Barbie? Mattel has released Stylin' Tattoo Barbie. She comes with tattoos on her body, stick-on tattoos, tattoo gun, and tattoos for her young owners. You would think most parents would say, "Absolutely not!" But reports say the stores are completely selling out of the first shipments. Of course, I guess most of the moms and dads have tattoos, so they see nothing wrong with it. What a mixed up, ignorant world!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What will they tax next?

State Representative Rafael Anchia has proposed a tax on plastic bags. Every time you go to the grocery store or Wal-Mart, you'll pay seven cents for each bag of merchandise you carry out. The purpose is to get people to choose paper over plastic or bring their own bags.

Number 1 -- how many stores have you been in lately that even have paper bags? I used to request paper when they had them, because they were more stable in the trunk of the car than the wimpy plastic. But no one has paper any more.

Number 2 -- if they do have paper, you'll have all the green people protesting about cutting down the forests to make the paper bags, and they'll tax those, too.

Number 3 -- when I shop, I sometimes go in for three or four items and walk out with a cart full. How many bags should I take? And where will I put them while I'm shopping? If I put my merchandise in them as I shop, will I be suspected of shoplifting?

Number 4 -- just what the retailer needs -- another tax to report!

The Dallas Morning News says, "Perhaps paying 7 cents will compel consumers to use common sense at the check-out by taking a pass on the plastic." I think perhaps The Morning News should use some common sense in their silly editorials!

"Think Twice at Checkout." The Dallas Morning News; March 4, 2009; p. 10A.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Cheese Sandwich

I heard a discussion on Fox and Friends Sunday morning that kind of boggled my mind. I missed what school district they were talking about, but it seems that in this district, kids who forget their lunch money or kids whose parents are behind in paying their lunchroom bill are given a cheese sandwich for lunch. The sandwich meets nutritional guidelines as most children don't have enough calcium in their diets.

I was thinking, "That's pretty nice -- they give those kids a free sandwich to make sure they don't go hungry all afternoon." Ah, but I'm thinking like a conservative! In today's world, you have to think like a liberal. You see, by giving those children a free lunch, that mean school district is punishing them. It's embarrassing for them to have a cheese sandwich when the children who paid for their lunches get to have a hot lunch (Mr. Essie May says as he recalls, those hot lunches weren't all that hot anyway). We must stamp out this injustice and give them a hot lunch, too.

I can only assume that the children they are talking about are not poverty-stricken -- all those kids already get free lunches. These are people who are just irresponsible. But "personal responsibility" is a foreign concept now. I deserve what you have, but I don't want to pay for it!

Monday, March 2, 2009

We're not forcing anyone to do anything. Right!

The State of Washington has decided that it's OK to go ahead and give a terminal patient a lethal dose of medicine if the patient wants it and is certified to have less than six months of life left. Dr. Stu Farber is against the law and says he will not assist his patients in committing suicide. Other doctors who opposed the measure have argued that a six-month terminal diagnosis is never a sure thing. "There is no question in my mind that, if this is too easy of a task, people will die prematurely," said Dr. Linda Wrede-Seaman, a family physician and palliative care specialist in Yakima. There is an opt-out provision in the law for doctors and pharmacists. "We're not forcing anyone to do anything," Dr. Larry Robinson said. For now, that is.

It was interesting to me that I found this news item just a couple of days after I came across the one detailing how Obama will more than likely reverse conscience protection provisions for doctors and other health care workers. Under the Bush administration, a Health and Human Services regulation reinforces the right of health care workers to refuse to provide abortion and contraception if it violates their conscience or moral precepts. It also protects doctors like Dr. Vicki Duncan. She testified last fall that she was pressured by her insurance provider to provide artificial insemination for a lesbian couple or lose her coverage. "I contacted my malpractice carrier for legal advice, and was told that if I refused for them, but did so for a married, heterosexual couple, I would likely be sued, and they would not provide coverage. It also extended to a non-married couple. That was when I decided to no longer perform intrauterine inseminations,” Duncan said. Obama says that doctors should not be able to refuse abortions, because that is discriminatory and denies equal access to health care.

If they can force doctors to perform abortions and other procedures they find morally repugnant, it's only a short time before they will force them to assist in suicides.

There is another slippery slope assisted suicide leads down. What if Obama decides he should be making the decision on whether or not you should hang around any longer to be a drain on the health care system? It is now to the point that the doctor is not in control. I'm afraid it will come to the point that the patient will no longer be in control. That's the point when "assisted suicide" becomes "government mandated murder."


Sunday, March 1, 2009

You go, Ellen!

My new hero is Ellen Basinski. If you haven't heard Ellen's story, you'll see why I like her so much after you view the video. It tells the story so much better than I could relate it, so watch it and enjoy!


By the way, the police confiscated Ellen's saucepan as evidence, so Emeril is sending her a complete new set. He's renaming this one "The Bam Pan."