Saturday, July 31, 2010

The NAACP needs a dictionary.

The NAACP has accused the Tea Parties of being racist, yet they can't seem to come up with any concrete examples. They say that tea party supporters have "used signs to degrade President Barack Obama and other racial minorities." Well, duh! That has nothing to do with the color of their skin -- that has to do with their socialistic politics! If the signs were truly racist, the NAACP would have specified what they said, but you notice that that little detail is missing.

And I notice they're not too upset about the Black Panther idiot who's been spouting off about "killing cracker babies." Now THAT'S racist. Let's all chip in and buy the NAACP a dictionary.

"NAACP sees racism in tea parties; movement denies characterization." The Dallas Morning News; July 13, 2010; p. 5A.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Don't like our flag? We'll take our money and go home.

Did you know that Obama will not allow the U.S. flag to be flown at installations where U.S. citizens are helping Haitians recover from the earthquake? He's afraid the Haitians will be "offended" by it. Well, if they are, there's a solution to that. We'll just take our flag and our money along with it and go home!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another Step Closer to Idiocracy

If you've never seen the movie Idiocracy, you should watch it. It's a bit difficult to get beyond the foul language, but it is so relevant to our times that I think it should be required viewing. Idiocracy is based on the premise that people gradually dumbed themselves down, lowered their standards so much, and grew so lazy that at a time somewhere in the future they're all virtually idiots. From the garbage collector (who doesn't do his job) to the President (who doesn't do his job), two words can't be spoken without the "f" word being one of them. They do nothing all day but play video games and watch porn. They don't know the first thing about growing crops. It's supposed to be a funny satire, but it's much too true to be funny.

A federal court has just moved us one more step toward an idiocracy. They removed the authority of the FCC to fine broadcasters for allowing curse words on the air. The court said, "By prohibiting all 'patently offensive' references to sex, sexual organs and excretion without giving adequate guidance as to what 'patently offensive' means, the FCC effectively chills speech, because broadcasters have no way of knowing what the FCC will find offensive."

Seems pretty simple to me. The "f" word is offensive -- always. So's the "s" word. There are a whole bunch of others, but I don't want to put such language on this blog because IT'S OFFENSIVE! But when we allow it to be broadcast over and over and over again, guess what happens. We become desensitized to it, and it no longer offends. Kind of like some of those filthy people you see on the TV show Hoarders. Their houses are literally cesspools, but they've lived in the filth so long, they don't find it offensive at all.

And for all of you over 40, think back to your childhood. How often did you hear the "f" word? Not often, I'll bet. Now you can't walk out your front door without being assaulted by it. Yes, my friends, we are not far from Idiocracy.

"Court tosses fines for TV expletives." The Dallas Morning News; July 14, 2010; p. 1A.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sure you need algebra, Ebonee!

According to the The Dallas Morning News, requiring a passing score on the TAKS test is cheating a lot of students out of a diploma. This is just so, like, unfair! Take Ebonee Manning for example, they say.

Ebonee has taken the TAKS test more than six times, and she has yet to get a passing score on the math portion of the test. Ebonee says she didn't have to work too hard in high school. She saved herself plenty of time for "cruising and clubs with her home girls." She started failing algebra in 9th grade, but she didn't worry about it. She just made it up in summer school where the classes were much easier to pass.

Just before she failed the test again in March 2009, she got a letter from her boyfriend who was in prison on a drug conviction. He had "a hunch" that she was pregnant. She took a pregnancy test and, gee whillikers, she was! That March test was the last chance she had before her class graduated. "I been to school all these years, and this is what I get? Going back every summer to take a test?" (It seems Ebonee has a bit of a problem in the birds and bees and grammar departments as well as the math department).

Anyway, Ebonee says, she doesn't understand why it's so important for her to know algebra. "I'm not going to use it ever again. I know I'm not." Of course you are, Ebonee. For instance, if the government pays you $250 a month for each baby you have, how many babies do you have to have to get $1000 a month? I'll just bet you can figure that out, and that, my dear, is algebra!

"Seeking the right formula." The Dallas Morning News; July 26, 2010; p. 1A.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It must be nice to be so much higher than everybody else.

Patrick Graham, the publisher of The Paris News thinks on a higher plain than the rest of us poor mortals. In an editorial recently, he talked about a double standard pertaining to the case of a local female high school teacher accused of having sex with several of her male students.

Graham says that society will hold her to a lesser standard than a male teacher in similar circumstances would be held. While that may be true, he then deigns to speak for the rest of us (himself excluded, of course). In a hypothetical, he offers the same circumstances as in the case at hand except he switches the genders of perpetrator and victims. "You can't tell me your initial reaction to the first scenario wasn't a lot different than your initial reaction to the second. Well you can, but I won't believe you." I got news for you, Mr. Graham, my reaction is the same. A sexual predator is a sexual predator, no matter what gender.

Then he says, "Personally, I don't make a distinction." Well, Mr. Graham, as a man who's a legend in his own mind once said, "Well you can [tell me that], but I won't believe you."

"Teacher case will be a study in a societal double standard." The Paris News; July 4, 2010; p. 4A.

Monday, July 26, 2010

It's working - Part II

Illegals are fleeing Arizona by the thousands if the news reports are to be believed. Mexican housewife Gabriela Jaquez, 37, said she is selling up and leaving for New Mexico with her husband, who is a legal resident, and two children born in Phoenix.

"Under the law, if you transport an illegal immigrant, you are committing a crime," she said as she sold children's clothes at a yard sale with three other families. "They could arrest him for driving me to the shops." Well, yeah! That's always been the law. It's just that Arizona will now enforce it. And you're illegal! Why are you headed to New Mexico?

Lunaly Bustillos, a legal resident from Mexico, hoped to sell some clothes, dumbbells and an ornamental statue on Sunday before her family heads for Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Monday.

"It makes me sad and angry too because I feel I have the right to be here," said Bustillos, 17, who recently graduated from high school in Phoenix.

If you're legal, Lunaly, what are you afraid of? All you have to do is not break the law. If you do break the law, and the authorities ask you for proof of citizenship, hand them your birth certificate, your drivers license, your green card -- any number of documents which will take care of the problem.

Wendi Villasenor, an illegal who lives in Phoenix says, "Everyone is selling up the little they have and leaving. She is headed for Pennsylvania. "We have no alternative. They have us cornered." So why, Wendi, are you going north? Shouldn't you be headed south?

I don't really understand the panic. Even if they're illegal, they have to break some other law before they can be questioned about their status. All they have to do is keep their noses clean. I guess that tells us what kind of people these are.

Incidentally, Mr. Essie May and I have sent our donation to the Arizona defense fund. You can do it online at the state website. If you can afford it, this is a great way to show your support for the courage Arizona lawmakers have shown in assuming the responsibility of a derelict federal government.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

And now they're running health care!

I still don't see why we should give people $8000 to buy a house they can't afford, but our generous-with-other people's-money government (headed by Obama) has decided that's a good idea. In fact, it's such a good idea, that at least 1300 prison inmates jumped on the opportunity and got their $8000 tax refund. Some of them even bought the same house -- over and over again. One house was used 67 times. But convicts weren't the only ones. Investigators also found that 87 IRS employees had cheated us taxpayers. And that doesn't count all the children who bought homes.

"This is very troubling," said J. Russell George, the Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration. Gee, ya think?

"Living in the big house, not a new house." The Dallas Morning News; June 24, 2010; p. 4A.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Value of an Education

In a letter to the editor, Angela Collins of Paris bemoans the fact that high school graduates can't seem to get jobs at the factories in Paris because they have no line experience. But I fear Angela's problem goes a bit deeper than that. Her letter demonstrates a woeful lack in our educational system.

I must assume that she is a graduate since that's how she begins her letter: "Why is it that when students who graduate from high school, who want to get a good paying job where we the pay is steady -- like some of our local industries -- in order to get an application we have to have six months line experience just to get the job." If her verbal skills are no better than her writing skills, the personnel department probably didn't understand that she was asking for an employment application.

"How are we suppose (sic) to get the experience," she asks. Well, your problem is stated in your run-on opening sentence. You want a "good paying" job. Those usually come later, dear. First, you usually have to take the cruddy jobs at the bottom of the ladder and prove your worth. Especially in this economy, a factory is not going to give a green 18-year-old high school graduate (especially one with such poor communication skills) a job of great responsibility. Those jobs must be earned.

"Experience needed." The Paris News; June 28, 2010; p. 4.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Did you know . . .

. . .in 2008, the government paid more than $47 billion in questionable Medicare claims? And now they're running the whole shebang! Ya' think we're in trouble???

"Revised Medicare reporting casts a poor light." The Dallas Morning News; November 15, 2009; p. 8A.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Essie's hero of the Day!

Tawana Couch makes her living as a flight attendant, but her real job is rescuing dogs. She started and heads up Operation Transport and founded Society for Companion Animals.

Though it's kind of hard for us to grasp the concept, in the northwestern states there are waiting lists of people who want to adopt shelter dogs. So Tawana makes the rounds of the shelters here and takes dogs that are closest to being euthanized. She and Frontier Airlines transport them to the northwest where they are placed with new families. More than 50 dogs have been saved in this doggie airlift project.

Tawana has a cadre of volunteers who participate in the projects. The dogs must be delivered before 4 a.m. to the cargo planes, because it's too hot for them to fly later in the day. Frontier discounts the rate for shipping the dogs to $100 to $150 each.

So to Tawana and Frontier Airlines and all the volunteers -- you're my heroes! If you want to be one of Essie's heroes, too, you can visit Tawana's website at

"Going where they're really wanted." The Dallas Morning News; June 29, 2010; p. 1B.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Good news -- Bad news

The good news -- the Obama administration is launching a special $5 billion coverage program to run until the end of 2013 for uninsured Americans with medical problems.

The bad news -- Most of those people can't afford the premiums, and the $5 billion will be completely spent by the end of 2011.

"Program starting for uninsured ill." The Dallas Morning News; June 30, 2010; p. 6A.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sometimes we learn, sometimes we don't.

Laura Sandifer is a single mother with one child. She finished her degree at the University of North Texas with $50,000 in outstanding student loans. She says she can't make the $90 a month payments on what she makes -- a total of $34,000 a year. But, she says, the loans "had to be done" or she wouldn't have been able to get that degree in photojournalism. But did she really need that degree? She works at Sally Beauty Supply in information technology, a job I feel sure she would have without expertise in photojournalism.

Anyway, she's exploring civic service programs to find one that will wipe out her student debt. Then, she says, she'd like to go to law school. "We'll see what kind of financial aid I might be able to get," she says. Sometimes people learn, sometimes they don't. And sometimes the system is a terrible enabler.

"UNT student graduated to 30 years of payments." The Dallas Morning News; July 18, 2010; p. 21A.

Monday, July 19, 2010

World's dumbest criminals.

Man, you'd think a police officer would be smarter than this. Dallas Police Officer Jeffrey Thorn faces an aggravated sexual assault charge. The allegation is that he told a woman she would be taken to jail unless she agreed to a sex act with him. The woman argued that she didn't want to do that, but he eventually convinced her that she would have to.

Now here's the dumb part -- How do we know what happened? It was recorded on his squad car audio recording system. And this guy graduated from the police academy!

"Police arrest officer accused of sex assault." The Dallas Morning News; June 30, 2010; p. 2B.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

He doesn't need our help!

Lucille Wilson of Cedar Hill condemns Republicans for voting no on yet another extension of unemployment benefits for those who have been employed for more than six months. She says their reasons have nothing to do with boosting the economy or limiting the government. She says, "It's really about causing a political failure of the Obama administration in any way possible." Now, really, Lucille -- do you think the GOP has to do one thing to hasten Obama's failure? He's doing quite well by himself, you know. Anyway, the Democrats don't need a single Repubican vote to pass anything they want to -- they are the majority party, you know.

"A costly political ploy." The Dallas Morning News; July 1, 2010; p. 18A.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Did you know . . .

Did you know that as a Texan, you are paying almost $100 million a year for drugs for more than 14,000 uninsured people who have AIDS? For those who contracted this blight through no fault of their own -- blood tranfusions or medical accidents or unfaithful spouses -- I'm all for helping them out. For the rest of them (and I feel sure that's the vast majority), if they'd been behaving themselves, they wouldn't be sick. I'd rather spend that money on patients who aren't suffering the consequences of illicit behavior.

As reported by The Paris News: High School Principal Gary Preston says, "We have had less discipline problems . . ." With role models like Preston, no wonder our kids can't speak or write proper English.

"Cuts may be ahead for AIDS program." The Dallas Morning News; July 2, 2010; p. 5A.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hey, Michelle, put your cabbage where your mouth is!

Michelle Obama's big campaign is to prevent childhood obesity. "Plant a garden and eat your broccoli and carrots," seems to be her mantra. Well, Michelle, let's see you put your cabbage where your mouth is.

I challenge Michelle to ask Congress to pass legislation that mandates any federal dollars going to fund food stamp type programs be spent only on low calorie, heart-healthy foods. That cuts out Little Debbie's snack cakes, sodas, chips, candy, cake and brownie mixes, cookies, most red meat, and a whole host of other foods that contribute little to a nutritious diet. If Michelle is truly serious, she'll do it.

Of course, I have my doubts that she's familiar with my blog. That means we all need to write her a letter and encourage her to take on this project. If she doesn't, she proves my contention that she's a great big ol' hypocrite.

Paris News' flimsy grasp of English: Krista Goerte reports on the recent City Council meeting and Councilwoman Rogers' opposition to raising sanitation fees. "She mentioned looking into trash pickup once a week, instead of two." Krista, when you're not consistent, your sentences don't make sense. "Instead of two" what? What you've said is that Ms. Rogers wants to look into picking up trash once a week instead of once every two weeks. That would increase the cost, dear. However, the city already picks up trash twice a week, so I'm sure what you meant was "once a week instead of twice." I know you go to college, because I've seen your photo in the newspaper with awards you've won. If you have the best English skills in your class, I'm concerned!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Going to hell in an Obama basket

Obama's Labor Secretary has given the order. Businesses will be required to allow homosexuals time off to care for newborns or "loved ones." Earlier, the Administration ordered government agencies to extend child care services and expanded family leave to workers.

And then Obama had a big soiree at the White House honoring gays, lesbians, and trans-genders. Wonder how he explained that gathering to his little girls? Wonder how unbiased he really is? Wonder how he'll feel if, in a few years, Malia or Sasha says, "Daddy, guess what? I'm a lesbian!"

Yes, we're being sent to the devil in Obama's basket!

"Gay workers to get equal family leave benefits." The Dallas Morning News; June 22, 2010; p. 5D.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How many chances?

You probably all remember Dena Schlosser. She's the Collin County woman who cut off her baby's arms in 2004. She was found not guilty by reason of insanity. She spent the next four years in a mental institution, then she was released. This past March, she was found walking down a Richardson Street at 2 o'clock one morning. She has been sent to Terrell State Hospital, but for how long? How many more chances does she get?

William Autrey was out on bond after he masterminded a series of violent North Texas home invasions from 2005 to 2008. He formed a new gang and began all over again. In June 2008, he was arrested for impersonating an officer and trying to steal a safe. But he wasn't in custody long. Since last November, he robbed almost 2 dozen homes in the Dallas area stealing at least a million dollars in cash and valuables. All this while his probation officer was sure he was being electronically tracked via an ankle monitor. He was arrested April 17 in possession of a large amount of stolen property. At least for now, he's still locked up. How many more chances should he get?

Todd Henry, a high school teacher in Tyler, Texas, warned everyone he could think of that student Byron was a ticking time bomb -- that he was going to kill somebody. How sad that Todd Henry was the somebody he ended up killing. When Byron was 9 years old, he tried to stab his brother. And he stole a truck. When he was 13, he tried to choke a fellow student. At 14, he tried to kill his brother with a meat cleaver. A few months after that, he stabbed his sister in the back with a steak knife. In Texas Youth Commission custody, he fought prison guards and other inmates and hid razor shards in his cell. Released to go to public school, he had 21 suspensions in the 2006 fall semester. In spring 2007, he pled guilty to car burglary and received probation. He was subsequently arrested for smoking marijuana, but the juvenile jail deemed him too dangerous for them to hold him. And now Todd Henry is dead. How many more chances should Byron get?

Thomas Grady Layton pleaded guilty in 1991 to burglarizing homes. He had already been paroled in 1994 when he pleaded guity to marijuana delivery and received a 25-year sentence. He was paroled again in 2002. He helped arrange a drug deal outside a McDonald's last April 21. Even though he had nearly 6 grams of meth, a glass pipe and a digital scale, he wasn't charged with a drug violation. He was released. Five weeks later, he murdered his mother. How many more chances should he get?

Adam Theall was on probation for second-degree vehicular assault. He had been charged with assault and endangering the welfare of a child. The police made numerous domestic dispute calls to his home. On June 22, someone called 911 saying Theall was going to kill his 3-month-old baby. When officers arrived and got out of the car, Theall killed the infant with a shotgun. He then fired on police. How many more chances should he get?

"Mother who killed baby no longer free." The Dallas Morning News; April 24, 2010; p. 1B.

"Free to rob again?" The Dallas Morning News; May 8, 2010; p. 1A.

"Dangerous teen shuffled from jail to clinics to class." The Dallas Morning News; May 30, 2010; p. 1A.

"Suspect freed after raid." The Dallas Morning News; June 15, 2010; p. 1B.

"Father kills baby in police standoff." The Dallas Morning News; June 23, 2010; p. 8A.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

If it were possible . . .

The Obama administration has unveiled a plan to end child and family homelessness in 10 years while wiping out chronic homelessness and homelessness among veterans in five years. Well, they said it was a plan. This is actually what it is: "The proposal leaves details to states and communities. Donovan said the homeless would benefit from more ideas outside the nation's capital." Sounds kind of like how he's been in charge on this oil spill from "day one," but he wants somebody else's a_ _ to kick.

So Obama's going to wipe out homelessness, but he doesn't have a clue how to do it, so he's just going to leave it up to the states and cities. Then he'll take all the credit if they accomplish the goal. But since it's doomed to failure, he won't have to take any of the blame, because he told somebody else to do it.

Anyway, I guess he never read that scripture that says we'll always have poor people. That other great Democrat, LBJ, didn't read it, either, when he proposed basically the same "plan" in his war on poverty almost 50 years ago. And we see what a great success that one's been.

"Initiative unveiled to help homeless." The Dallas Morning News; June 23, 2010; p. 6A.

Monday, July 12, 2010

This is a great idea!

In attempts to show that illegal aliens aren't taking away American jobs, Stephen Colbert and the United Farm Workers of America are encouraging the unemployed and anti-immigrant activists to apply for the thousands of agricultural jobs being posted with state agencies. They think they are being cute, but I think it's a great idea.

Anyone who is able-bodied and drawing unemployment and/or any type of welfare should be offered one of the jobs. If he refuses, his government benefits are stopped immediately. Instant jobs for those who really want to work. Instant savings to the taxpayer from those who don't want to. It's a win-win situation!

If you are out of work and want to apply, go to

"Farmworkers, Colbert issue job challenge." The Dallas Morning News; June 25, 2010; p. 11A.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

What hypocrites!

While Michelle Obama is out trying to make little kids eat broccoli and carrots, Obama is pictured in the newspaper treating Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to lunch at his favorite burger joint -- Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington. They had cheddar cheeseburgers with onion, jalapeno peppers, mushrooms, french fries, and Cokes.

Then there's the photo of Obama in Racine, Wisconsin, sampling the wares from the O&H Danish Bakery.

Do I care what Obama eats? No -- it doesn't really matter to me. What matters is that they run around with a "healthier than thou" attitude trying to tell ME what to eat and feed my children while they're gorging on grease and sugar and smoking cigarettes. What hypocrites!

"Obama, Russian leader show little concern for grease crisis." The Dallas Morning News; June 25, 2010; p. 8A.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's working!

The new Arizona law is working! "Anecdotal evidence" suggests that large numbers of illegal aliens are leaving the state. Suriano and her husband invaded the state six years ago. They're moving to Albuquerque. "I don't want to go," wept Suriano. "We're leaving everything behind. But I'm scared the police will catch me and send me back to Mexico." They should do that in New Mexico, too, and the rest of the states as well. Sarah Williams, a neighbor of Suriano's sums up my feelings perfectly: "Bye-bye, see you later."

"Families weigh a painful dilemma." The Dallas Morning News; June 25, 2010; p. 5A.

Friday, July 9, 2010

I don't get it.

People camped out for a week in the sweltering Texas heat to be first in line to buy an iPhone 4. I guess I'm old, but I don't get it. It's not like these people have no phones or other means of communication. I would bet that all of them are technology geeks and have every other electronic gizmo on the market. And there will be more iPhone 4's. Just because you didn't get one on the first day doesn't mean you'll never have one. David Mars said, "It's like a lifestyle." His lifestyle is defined by a phone? Poor, clueless thing! The idiot who camped out for a week to get his phone said, "I'm still alive. Tired and barely alive." For a fancy phone? One guy who was 54 years old said, "This just proves that there are cool people over 30." Also proves there are idiots over 30. I just don't get it.

"Happy campers get first iPhone 4's." The Dallas Morning News; June 25, 2010; p. 1D.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

There is no question.

Rev. Charles Hubbard says that Christian churches face questions as they attempt to "discern the applicability of words spoken or written many centuries ago" regarding homosexuality. He says he looks forward to a day when we don't evaluate gay people on their gender orientation whether they are "driving a bus or speaking from a pulpit."

Well, Rev. Hubbard, I have no question. God clearly said in more than one place that homosexual behavior is an abomination, and He hasn't changed His mind. Are you really so arrogant that you think you know better than He does?

"Breaking new ground." The Dallas Morning News; June 24, 2010; p. 14A.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Send the intellectually disabled home!

A U.S. Senate committee in May approved a measure to remove the words "mental retardation" and "mentally retarded" from federal labor, health and education laws to help remove what supporters describe as a hurtful label.

The bill, approved by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, would replace the terms "mental retardation" and "mentally retarded" with "intellectual disability" and "individual with an intellectual disability."

Essie has a few things to say about this.

Number 1 -- I can see how this is such an important issue that our Senate must take up time with it. After all, it would be different if we were facing record deficits or if we were hemorrhaging millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf or if we were fighting a war on two fronts or if we had a President determined to take over every aspect of our lives. But seeing as all those things aren't plaguing us right now, the Senate is making good use of its time.

Number 2 -- What does retarded mean? It means slowed down. I think I'd rather be called slow than intellectually disabled. Slow indicates that I can learn, just at a slower pace than others. Intellectually disabled sounds like I can't learn.

Number 3 -- Will all those mentally retarded people suddenly have whole new worlds opened up to them because we can't call them what they are anymore? I truly doubt it.

Number 4 -- Much as I disagree with it, I'll try to be pc -- it's time we get rid of all those "intellectually disabled" people in Washington!

Paris News funny: Speaking of "intellectually disabled," here's a headline from Sunday's paper: "Increasing enrollment make budget cuts a little easier." Perhaps that should be followed up with "News reporters enrolls in remedial English."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

And that's what the NAACP is for!!

I recently witnessed this incident in a local furniture store.

I was browsing the furniture, and a man came in and went up to the service desk. He said he was there to make a payment on his washing machine. He said, "All I have is fifty dollars, and you'll take that, or you'll come pick up my washer and then I'll be in next month and pick up my brand new washer at no charge, because I'm high up in the NAACP," and he threw what looked like a membership card onto the desk.

The clerk in the store responded very appropriately. He said, "You can put that crap back into your pocket, because I find it highly offensive."

And that, my friends, is the kind of greedy racist who is "high up" in the NAACP.

Monday, July 5, 2010

But they're ILLEGAL

I don't know why, but The Dallas Morning News keeps printing these sob stories about poor illegal students who, through no fault of their own, can't get jobs. The latest was about Juan who excelled in his high school class but can't get a job because us mean old people who respect the law won't give him a social security number. That's because he's ILLEGAL. I don't care if his IQ rivals Einstein's, he's still not abiding by the laws of our country. Instead of whining about not being able to get a job, he should be falling over himself in gratitude for the FREE education he got in this country. Unlike the citizens who live here and pay taxes for their children's educations, he truly got his for FREE -- his parents pay no taxes. Juan says he never "saw myself as an immigrant." I don't see you as an "immigrant," either, Juan. Immigrant implies a legal status. You are an ILLEGAL ALIEN!

Juan has decided to major in business administration at our expense -- illegals get in-state tuition, you know. He says that way, he can open up his own shop and won't have to show any papers. In other words, this illegal alien is going to operate an illegal business and illegally hide his assets from the IRS. He also won't be paying social security on himself or his employees.

He says he's worked hard, so "Something might happen to reward me." Reward him? Living and being educated in this country while giving zero back isn't reward enough? Besides, my mama taught me that you shouldn't be rewarded for doing the wrong thing. And Juan is ILLEGAL.

Roberto Gonzales is an assistant professor of social work at the University of Washington. He says of the illegal students in this country, "The best they can hope for is to get into some graduate program and stall for time while they wait for legislation to pass." In other words, mooch around for awhile, and Obama will grant you legal status even though you are a major scofflaw. Another illegal, Viriviana, says, "It feels like my status is my worst enemy." Well, whose fault is that? In the meantime, she's received a bachelors degree from UT and is enrolled in a masters program at Columbia University. Doesn't look like she's suffering much.

Incidentally, Texas awarded $33.6 million in state and institutional financial aid to illegals, temporary residents, and non-citizens between fall 2004 and summer 2008. That's $33.6 million Texas kids didn't get.

"Youths get chance to learn, not earn." The Dallas Morning News; June 28, 2010; p. 1A.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

We're nothing more than animals.

According to Bill R. Swetmon of Plano, we are nothing more than animals. He cites fish, insects, and birds as demonstrating homosexual behavior and says that proves that homosexuality is just something we are -- not something we choose.

So, he equates us, as human beings, to dumb animals who have no concept of sin or its consequences. I'm insulted, Bill. Incidentally, Bill, I've watched my puppy dog eat things that would completely turn your stomach. I guess it should be natural for humans to do that, too, huh?

Paris News funnies -- speaking of animals, there are a couple of classified ads for "Austrian" shepherds in The Paris News. We'll send you a map, guys, so you can see how far Austria is from Australia.

"A question of theology." The Dallas Morning News; June 27, 2010; p. 3P.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Well, Duh!

Wolf de Vallette of Dallas says he just can't understand why GOP senators refuse to extend unemployment benefits for a million Americans who are facing starvation, loss of homes and other hardship. "Will someone out there please tell me?" he begs.

Well, Wolf -- it's very simple. WE HAVE NO MONEY! And these folks have already been collecting unemployment for months. This would be the second, and maybe even the third, extension of their benefits. And, really, Wolf, do you think with the prevalence of food stamps moochers in this country anyone is truly facing starvation?

"Aid bill's failure stumps me." The Dallas Morning News; June 27, 2010; p. 2P.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Well, except for . . .

Columnist William McKenzie says not allowing homosexuals to marry each other is unfair. He said he "has run out of reasons to not stick my neck out in favor of gay marriage." I always had only one reason, and it's still valid.

God said it's an abomination. That's all we need to know.

"Same-sex marriage is about fairness." The Dallas Morning News; June 22, 2010; p. 11A.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Your tax dollars at work.

The Arizona Department of Transportation received a $1.25 million federal grant. It's to build bridges for squirrels so they won't be run over crossing the roads. The money is restricted, and can't be used for improvements that might benefit the people of Arizona. The Arizona DOT says they'll return the money rather than spend it on squirrels. If they did use it for that, I suppose they'd have to get another grant to teach the squirrels to use the bridges. Or maybe they could just teach them to look both ways before they cross the street.

They might want to suggest to the squirrels that they migrate to Washington. There seems to be an over-abundance of nuts there!

"Arizona won't build bridges for squirrels." The Dallas Morning News; June 19, 2010; p. 2A.