Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Where do the three r's fit in here?

There was an article in the paper recently about Robert E. Lee Elementary School in Dallas. The second-graders there are learning how to do a garden. On a school day, they were outside digging, raking, and planting.

Now I'm all for the kids learning about gardening. I think that's wonderful. But shouldn't this be an extra-curricular activity? Especially given the fact that so many of our children graduate high school with only rudimentary literacy skills. One parent said, "The kids are happy, and it's great to see them having fun outside." Maybe so, but is that why we send them to school? Let's teach them to read, write, and as Jethro Bodine used to say, cipher, before we send them out to play in the garden.

"The Growing Season." The Dallas Morning News; March 4, 2010; p. 1A.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What freedom of religion?

The Dallas Housing Authority recently overstepped its bounds. For many years, Lake Highlands United Methodist Church has held a worship service at one of the Dallas projects. Many of the elderly people who live there cannot get out to go to church. But clueless Housing Authority president MaryAnn Russ all of a sudden decided that the worship services violate the separation of church and state, and told the church they could no longer have services there. However, a HUD spokesman said the Fair Housing Act did not prohibit religious activity in common areas of public housing as long as the activity did not result in unequal treatment of residents.

I guess Ms. Russ never heard of the First Amendment -- that little thing that says the government cannot stifle religion or force it upon anyone. Other than that, religion is none of the government's business. At any rate, Ms. Russ intended to stick to her guns, but a couple of days later the newspaper reported that she had done an Obama and reversed her decision. Sounds to me like she just doesn't like Christians.

"Church services halted at complex for seniors." The Dallas Morning News; March 4, 2010; p. 10B.

Monday, March 29, 2010

So what's the difference?

Did you hear about the three Los Angeles elementary school teachers who lost their classroom jobs? They were instructed to have their children participate in a Black History Month parade. They had to give the children signs with pictures of black role models on them. These teachers handed out signs with Dennis Rodman, O. J. Simpson, and RuPaul.

The parents were indignant. They wanted positive role models! One they specifically named was Nelson Mandela (of the African National Congress and husband of Winnie who participated in the grossest torture of human beings imaginable). They also didn't complain about their children carrying a role model sign of child molester, drug abuser, and all-around freak Michael Jackson. The district spokeswoman said, "The superintendent will not let anyone make a mockery out of Black History Month." Well, isn't O. J. a part of black history? Isn't Dennis Rodman a part of black history? History is history -- the good and the bad. You can't take one without the other.

"Three LA teachers removed over choice of black heroes." The Dallas Morning News; March 4, 2010; p. 5

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Give me a cup of that Starbucks!

Paying $4 for a cup of coffee is not something I do very often. I find I can brew coffee at home that tastes just about as good as Starbucks, if not better. However, Starbucks deserves a pat on the back. They've refused to be pc by prohibiting licensed handgun carriers in their stores. So go get you a cup of expensive coffee and thank them for upholding the 2nd Amendment!

"Starbucks stuck in crossfire of gun-toting and gun-control groups." The Dallas Morning News; March 1, 2010; p. 8A.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Much has been made of Michelle Obama's garden and her campaign to fight childhood obesity. Perhaps she should work on her own family before she starts telling others what to do. She's not on the slim side herself, and her husband's recent medical exam showed him to have elevated cholesterol. To top that off, he smokes! I wouldn't be preaching about healthy eating if I had a habit that was much worse. Hypocrites!

"Obama's health found 'excellent.'" The Dallas Morning News; March 1, 2010; p. 8A.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Remove your filter, Leonard!

Leonard Pitts wrote an editorial the other day about people who ignore the facts in any given situation. He said they have "fact filters." He uses as examples people who don't believe that Obama was born in Hawaii and people who don't believe that the planet is warming.

Has he read the news lately? I still haven't seen incontrovertible proof that Obama was born in Hawaii. In fact, I've seen more evidence to the contrary. As for global warming -- it seems Mr. Pitts is filtering out all the manipulation, lies, and made-up "science" that has been revealed in the last few months. Not to mention one of the coldest, snowiest winters we've had in decades.

Remove your filters, Leonard!

"Remove your fact filters." The Dallas Morning News; February 22, 2010; p. 13A.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Are these people smart enough to be parents?

Pediatricians want the government to protect us from ourselves again. As if there aren't already enough inane warning labels on products, they're now pushing to put a label on wieners that warns that a person could choke on them.

This comes from an activist whose 4-year-old child tragically choked to death on a piece of a hot dog. While she has my deepest sympathy, what she is advocating is, to put it bluntly, stupid. She says that she never dreamed that a hot dog could be so dangerous. Chances are, the child, as children will do, had his mouth too full, and the hot dog itself was not the problem. It could have been candy, green beans, or macaroni and cheese. If a parent is not smart enough to know that anything a child puts into his mouth is a potential choking hazard, is he or she smart enough to be a parent?

Grocery Manufacturers Association spokesman Scott Openshaw said making parents aware of choking dangers is key to keeping kids safe. I think parents with a modicum of common sense are key to keeping kids safe.

"Choking warning labels urged for food." The Dallas Morning News; February 22, 2010; p. 4A.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

That certainly didn't take long.

I've written earlier about Houston electing a gay mayor. She was inaugurated last month with her "partner" by her side. Isn't that sweet?

Anyway, the Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau has launched a new website -- It features gay-friendly restaurants, night life, hotels and attractions. The visitors bureau says that "Gay travelers want to feel welcome."

Hope they attract a lot of 'em -- because I and a lot of other people I know won't be spending our tourist dollars there!

"New Internet site welcomes gay travelers." The Dallas Morning News; January 24, 2010; p. 3K.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Coming to a public school near you!

I don't have any thoughts too much on this particular incident, because it occurred in a private school, and they can do what they want. I just know I'd be pulling my kid if he went to that school. The danger I see is it spreading to a public school near you. And since it's not Christian, I'm sure we'll have to be tolerant.

Last month, the Episcopal School of Dallas celebrated the Indian Holi festival of colors. It is usually celebrated in countries with large Hindu populations, and it is closely associated with the god Krishna. The celebration included food, music, henna tattoos and throwing colored powder on each other. Many devotees also burn bonfires in celebration of the god Vishnu burning a demon goddess.

The link below will show you all the pagans-in-training celebrating.

Paris News funnies: I've commented on this before, but it drives me nuts. There was an engagement announcement in last Sunday's paper. It said, "Mary Smith and the late John Smith announce the engagement . . ." I'm here to tell you that if John Smith is indeed "the late" John Smith, he didn't announce anything. And if he did, there's something really spooky going on in the Smith household. The announcement next to it said, "Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy and Susie Jones and Mr. Billy Bob Johnson announce . . ." Is bigamy legal in Texas?

"Welcoming spring with a flourish." The Dallas Morning News; March 12, 2010; p. 10B.

Monday, March 22, 2010

It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

Tomas J. Cantrell of Tyler lauded the Democratic candidates for Texas governor after their televised debate. He says, ". . .it doesn't really matter whether you agreed with what either candidate had to say. At least you got to hear them without the cacophony and vitriolic rhetoric that has infected and distorted other debates."

So it doesn't matter what they stand for or what they say as long as they say it nicely? Isn't that what gave us Barack Obama?

Paris News funny for the day: in the "free pets" section of the want ads -- "Free!! dogs 2 LITERS 3/4 Lab 1/4 Cow dog. Others - Great Pyrenees." And if you don't want the dogs, we have a quart of kittens we'll let you have.

"Democrats show how it's done." The Dallas Morning News; February 10, 2010, p. 14A.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

You'll have to excuse my son . . .

When I was a child and I threw a temper tantrum, I got a smack on the butt. When kids throw temper tantrums now, they get a diagnosis. Doctors are recommending new labels for what my parents and grandparents would have called a spoiled brat. For children who "have bursts of rage and can be moody, anxious and irritable," the diagnosis is "temper dysregulation disorder with dysphoria." How many kids do you know who don't have "temper dysregulation disorder with dysphoria"? I think these doctors have a deficiency called "wits not exceeding 50% of capacity."

Paris News funny for the day: When actor Corey Haim died last week, The Paris News headline read "Corey Haim prolonged tragic Hollywood tradition." Prolonged? They were referring to the numerous child stars who come to tragic ends. I guess this means The Paris News prolongs stupidity in journalism.

"Diagnostic changes proposed." The Dallas Morning News; February 10, 2010; p. 1A.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Don't they believe in MLK anymore?

A group of black "leaders" including Al Sharpton met with Obama last month. The newspaper reported that they "pressed him to pursue an economic agenda that includes targeted help for blacks." Hmmmmm -- I thought MLK said we should look past the color of a person's skin. Why should a person get more from the government just because he's black? Perhaps we pigmentally-challenged people should be demanding our rights.

"President urged to aid blacks." The Dallas Morning News; February 11, 2010; p. 7A.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Airport Security

Muslim-American groups are urging Muslims to refuse to go through full body scanners at the airport. I imagine our courts and the TSA will go along with this "religious" refusal. That means the only ones being scanned will be those of us who aren't carrying bombs aboard the planes. Go figure.

"Fatwa urges Muslims to skip full-body scaners at airports." The Dallas Morning News; February 12, 2010; p. 8A.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why mothers in the military is a bad idea.

Alexis Hutchison refused to deploy to Afghanistan when her unit was called up. She says she has no one to care for her son. The army filed criminal charges against her -- as well they should have. What if all our soldiers did that? Why does she think she is exempt from the rules? She's more than willing to take the benefits of being in the military, but she is averse to the risks. I could feel sorry for her if she had been drafted, but she volunteered.

The sad part is that they dismissed the charges against her. What does that say about our readiness for national defense? Not a lot. Her attorney says, "She's excited that she's no longer facing jail and can still be with her son, which is the most important thing." No, it's not. The most important thing is having soldiers we can depend on.

The army says it has evidence that her son was just an excuse -- she had no intention of deploying at all.

"Single-mom soldier to be discharged." The Dallas Morning News; Feburary 12, 2010; p. 2A.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How long do we let the mad hatters run around?

Asma Al-Homsi and Yasinul Ansari were finally arrested in Arlington last month after they pointed a gun at a motorist, ran from police, and then were caught with an incendiary device in their car. My question is why Al-Homsi was not already in jail. She's obviously a dangerous character.

In 2005, she waved a fake grenade at a passing car on Central Expressway. She received probation for that incident. In July 2007, she was arrested after a six-hour police standoff. She had in her possession an illegal firearm, black powder, shotgun shells, pipes and putty. She was also seen around that time (when she should have been in jail) hanging around Love Field and DFW International in Muslim garb. She says she's a personal friend of former Arlington resident Wadih el Hagi, the former secretary to Osama Bin Laden. According to a 2007 intelligence report, she has had "explosives training."

Yes, she's mad as a hatter and she's repeatedly broken the law. Why was she still running around free?

"Suspect has been on radar of anti-terror investigators." The Dallas Morning News; February 15, 2010; p. 1B.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

And these nuts are mad as hatters, too.

I saw a CSI episode one time about furries. I thought it was an entirely made up thing. I was wrong. Furries are grown people who dress up like cartoon animals. According to the CSI episode, it's more than just dress-up -- it's a disgusting sex fetish thing.

Anyway, Dallas hosted a Furry Fiesta last month. More than 2000 of these nut jobs showed up dressed like bunny rabbits, coyotes, wolves, -- you name it. Steve Dailey of Seattle is 43 years old. He says, "It's just fun to dress up like a big stuffed animal." Right, Steve. What happened to you that arrested your development? He insists it's not a sexual thing. So if that's the case, why do they have erotic art available for viewing at these gatherings?

Another furry says that "You have dreams where you are a wolf, and boom, now you're one." I guess my dream states aren't as deep as hers. I've never dreamed I was an animal. And if I did, I would make an appointment with a good psychiatrist first thing the next morning.

Daniel Barron says everyone has his quirks. "How do you define normal?" Well, Daniel, I'm not exactly sure what normal is, but I'm darn sure what it's not!

"Costumed critters show their wild side." The Dallas Morning News; February 20, 2010; p. 1B.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Diane Ragsdale must be mad as a hatter, too.

Dallas black activist Diane Ragsdale encouraged everyone in Texas House District 100 to vote for Terri Hodge, the convicted bribe-taking tax cheat who was on the ballot for state representative. She says of Hodge's opponent in the race, "It's not pro-Eric or anti-Eric." Asking someone to vote for a person who cannot assume the office even if she's elected isn't about her opponent?

Ragsdale says that voting for Hodge is a way to thank her for her 14 years of service. We're supposed to thank her for taking bribes and cheating the taxpayers? Does she think we're stupid? Or is she mad as a hatter?

"Calls still urging votes for Hodge." The Dallas Morning News; February 20, 2010; p. 1B.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stephen D. Spotswood must be mad as a hatter.

Last month, the new Alice in Wonderland movie debuted. I haven't seen it yet, but I love the old story. Johnny Depp is one of my favorite actors, and he plays the Mad Hatter.

Stephen D. Spotswood of Plano is perturbed by the movie. He says that it makes fun of a serious disease. In case you don't know, the phrase "mad as a hatter" comes from a malady commonly suffered by hatters in the 19th Century. They used mercury in the hat-making process and unwittingly poisoned themselves. Spotswood asks, "What will kiddy fantasy stories use next: characters with PTSD?" Perhaps he should ask Lewis Carroll. In the meantime, maybe he should just lighten up a little bit.

"Mad Hatter's very real problem." The Dallas Morning News; February 19, 2010; p. 22A.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Your tax dollars at work.

Back a year or so ago, I wrote about the U.S. Department of Agriculture settlement with black farmers who claimed they'd suffered discrimination in receiving USDA loans. This suit was originally settled in 1999, but a bunch of these farmers didn't file the necessary paperwork by the deadline, so they sued to get paid anyway. And they won. They should have been told, "Sorry, you knew the terms." But that would take someone with a backbone, and there aren't very many of those sitting on our judicial benches.

Anyway, these procrastinators will now be rewarded with $1.25 billion. Obama says, "These long-ignored claims of African American farmers" will finally be brought to a rightful conclusion. What ignoring? The government would have had to have been aware of their claims to ignore them, and it couldn't have been aware of them because the farmers didn't file the claims! Duh! Your tax dollars hard at work!

"$1.25 billion settlement with black farmers announced." The Dallas Morning News; February 19, 2010; p. 11A.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Somebody tell poor Harry!

In the wake of nutcase Joseph Stack's suicide mission against the IRS, Stephen Ohlemacher of the Associated Press wrote an article about tax myths. One of the myths he dispelled was the myth that paying taxes is voluntary. "You would think a little light bulb would go on in their head and they would say, 'Why in the heck is everybody else paying taxes?'" said Peter R. Zeidenberg, a former federal prosecutor. The official IRS statement is "The term voluntary compliance means that each of us is responsible for filing a tax return when required and for determining and paying the correct amount of tax."

Somebody please inform poor old Harry Reid who insists that paying taxes is voluntary and that we're not like the European countries who hold the taxes out of people's paychecks!

"Suicide pilot follows long line of tax protesters." The Dallas Morning News; February 21, 2010; p. 3A.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

God is surely weeping!

Royal Lane Baptist Church should write Ichabod ("And she named the child Ichabod saying, 'The glory of the Lord is departed . . .'" I Sam. 4:21) on its doors. They started down the slippery slope some time ago. First, they welcomed openly gay and lesbian couples into their congregation. Then they began ordaining them as deacons. Now they have added to their website "We are a vibrant mosaic of varied racial identities, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and denominational backgrounds."

They say this is to reflect the church's "affirmation" of gays and lesbians. So now, not only do we have to be tolerant, we have to "affirm" them. The pastor of the church says the church "welcomes gays and lesbians and does not think they need to remain celibate nor try to change their sexual orientation." So not only do we have to "affirm" them, we also have to say, "Go, have sex with anyone, anything -- whatever you do is good!" The pastor also says, "The thought of Jesus being unaccepting of somebody because of their sexual orientation . . . that's unthinkable to me." I don't guess he's read Revelation 21:8. And it really doesn't matter what the pastor thinks or doesn't think. What matters is what the Scripture says.

One of the church members is Bruce Lowe. He wrote an essay entitled "A Letter to Louise: A Biblical Affirmation of Homosexuality." I don't know what Bible he reads, but the only affirmation of homosexuality in my Bible is the one that affirms it's an abomination. I guess next they'll be affirming pedophiles and rapists -- if their urge is to have sex with children and demean women, it must be OK. After all, God made them that way, didn't he?

Yes, God is surely weeping.

"Church ends silence on welcoming gays." The Dallas Morning News; March 6, 2010; p. 1B.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We're saving money!

Yes, I believe that our federal government is cutting waste and inefficiency. We received an envelope from the Census Bureau yesterday. I decided to go ahead and get the thing done and send it back in.

When I opened it, there was no form -- only a letter telling me they're mailing the form next week. Brilliant! And so cost-effective, too!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What fools these mortals be.

In a recent letter to the editor, Tom Heines of Dallas takes issue with a statement made by another letter-writer, Wayne Fournier. I did not read Mr. Fournier's letter, so I really can't comment on what he said. But here is what Mr. Heines said: "But no, that's not enough for Fournier, who, in classic my-daddy-can-whup-your-daddy fashion, goes on to proclaim that Jesus was somehow better than Gandhi."

Well duh! Is Heines seriously comparing a seriously flawed man to the sinless Savior? What fools these mortals be!

"So many moles to whack." The Dallas Morning News; February 8, 2010; p. 12A.

Monday, March 8, 2010

And this is what's wrong with America!

When Obama had his photo op town hall meeting in Nashua, New Hampshire, last month, there were protestors awaiting him. The newspaper featured a photo of John McCarthy carrying his protest sign. The sign read, "Give me health care and give me jobs."

And that's what's wrong with America! It's not the function of government to give away health care, jobs, or anything else. It's the function of government to get out of the way so John can go get his own job and health care!

"Easier said than done." The Dallas Morning News; February 5, 2010; p. 21A.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Aw, Judge, give him another chance!

James Giraldo pleaded guilty to manslaughter for killing 27-year-old Juliana Rincon-Cuartas in October 2008 as he drove drunk the wrong way on the Dallas North Tollway. He begged the jury for leniency. He says he thinks about Juliana every day. He has her picture on his refrigerator. "It's one of the most difficult things I've ever had to deal with in my whole life . . . I think about her family. I think about what I took away from the family because of my own stupidity."

I think James is a good actor and just doesn't want to go to prison -- because if he really was so remorseful, it's not likely he would have been arrested again last August driving drunk on the Dallas North Tollway.

His attorney asks if justice is always imprisonment. Maybe not always, but unfortunately, the death penalty can't be used in this case. And the jury saw it that way, too. They imposed the maximum sentence.

"Drunken driver asks jury for leniency." The Dallas Morning News; February 5, 2010; p. 3B.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

What are our schools teaching?

I have suspected for quite some time that the education our kids are receiving is something less than adequate, that morals are certainly not up to par, and that the younger generation tends to the lazy side. A recent column in the newspaper seems to confirm my fears.

The Dallas County Sheriff's Department advertised for deputies. Applications were accepted from 206 individuals. Those applicants were required to take a test covering things they should have learned before graduating high school -- reading comprehension, grammar, and analytical ability. Out of 206 people, 39, fewer than 20% passed the test.

The next phase was a physical fitness test -- nothing too strenuous for young, healthy people. It consisted of 21 push-ups, 29 sit-ups, a vertical leap of 15.5 inches, and a 1.5 mile run. This test eliminated 23 of the 39 applicants left.

Next was the background check. Another 6 people were eliminated. A polygraph eliminated another. Two more went down after a psychological evaluation.

After two people voluntarily dropped out, only 5 people out of 206 made it to the academy. As an aging American, I fear for my health and safety.

"Two discouraging snapshots of society." The Dallas Morning News; February 7, 2010; p. 1B.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Pigs to the Trough

Tessa Savicki isn't married. She gave birth in 2006 to her ninth child. She's suing Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Massachusetts, because when she had her last child by Caesarian section, the doctors did a little more work -- they tied her tubes. She says her current partner wants another son, and she can't give him one. She's afraid he'll leave her.

Tessa says how many children she has is no one's business but hers. I beg to disagree. You and I are paying for all her illegitimate kids. She's a welfare moocher. Professor Linda Fentiman of Pace University School of Law sees things Tessa's way. She says that some people " . . .think poor people shouldn't have the same rights to reproduce as everybody else." Their reproductive rights are not the problem here -- their drain on hardworking sensible people is. What idiot thinks having nine children when you can't put food on the table is a wise thing to do? Tessa's lawyer says, ". . .it just blows your mind, because you see how ingrained the bigotry is against poor people." What a crock! Being resentful of welfare cheats has nothing to do with bigotry against the poor. I have every sympathy for the poor. I have nothing but contempt for moochers like Tessa.

Fentiman further says that we have a lack of respect for "women's reproductive autonomy." I say that if a woman really wants to be autonomous, she'll take care of her own children and not expect the taxpayers to foot the bill.

Tessa says, "Does it really matter how many kids I have? They sterilized me without my permission, and here in the United States you have your rights. No one can tell you to do anything." That sounds good, but let's analyze it. Does it really matter how many kids she has? Not if she's paying for them, but when I'm paying for them, it does. "Here in the U.S., you have your rights -- no one can tell you to do anything." Guess the IRS hasn't heard that one -- they tell me every pay period how much they're going to take out of my check and hand over to Tessa and her ilk. They sterilized her without her permission -- and they're my heroes for having done so!

"Sterilizing the poor." The Dallas Morning News; January 31, 2010; p. 6P.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

But I don't know him . . .

State Representative Terri Hodge was convicted last month of taking bribes and failing to report them on her income taxes. This was all part of the big Dallas City Hall corruption scandal involving Don Hill and others. Ms. Hodge was up for re-election, and her name remained on the ballot despite the fact that a convicted felon cannot serve in the position she held.

What amazes me are people like Gloria Hogg, the Democratic precinct chair for Hodge's district. She said, "If Hodge's name is still on the ballot, then I will vote Terri. . . . We don't know a lot about Mr. Johnson [Hodge's opponent in the race] . . ."

Does she have to know anything about him? She knows that Hodge is a thief, a liar, a tax cheat, and a convicted felon. That should be enough to ensure a vote for her opponent -- in all probability, he's more honest than she is. I wonder if Gloria is from Chicago?

"Talking Points." The Dallas Morning News; February 7, 2010; p. 1A.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Just suppose . . .

Suppose Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, in evaluating Obama's State of the Union speech, had said, "I forgot he was black tonight for an hour."

Do you think there would have been an outcry? Do you think all the liberals and the blacks would have been demanding their heads?

Now suppose MSNBC's Chris Matthews said it. What do you think would happen? Well, he did say it, and nothing happened. The story was buried on page 9 of the newspaper. Guess it all depends on who you are and/or which network you work for.

"'Black' remark stirs furor." The Dallas Morning News; January 29, 2010; p. 9A.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

P.T. Barnum was right.

Have you heard about the latest preacher scam? Franklin Frisby says God has entrusted him with hundreds of billions of dollars (it's all in a Swiss bank somewhere). He's going to distribute that money ($50 million each) to people who pay him dues. Some suckers have been doing that for five years or more. How many do you think have received their $50 million?

Frisby says he knows the money is good. He knows "a guy who works for the FBI who knows the CIA, and he knows the banking business." He confirms everything is real. But Frisby didn't tell us his FBI guy's name. See, it hasn't been distributed yet because it's coming from the "international foundation department" of the U.N. And you know what that U.N. red tape is like. The thing is, the U.N. doesn't have an international foundation department.

Well, you see, according to Ingrid Jeffrey who is a consultant for Frisby, this money was "accumulated by governments in World War II." She says she's well-qualified to authenticate all this -- she has a 164 IQ and a Ph.D. in finance from California State University at Fullerton. The thing is, Cal State at Fullerton doesn't offer a Ph.D. in finance. And they never heard of her.

Tamara Guy is a spokesman for Frisby in North Texas. She says the FBI, the CIA, and everybody else has checked Frisby out and he's OK. And what's her source for this information? Frisby, himself.

Yes, folks, this man has grown rich by taking P. T. Barnum at his word.

"Pastor's Pitch: pay dues, reap millions." The Dallas Morning News; January 31, 2010; p. 1A.

Monday, March 1, 2010

If you can't do the fine, don't do the crime.

The Texas Driver Responsibility Program was designed to assess additional fines on motoring offenses such as drunken driving. If the money is not collected, the offender's license is supposed to be suspended.

Well, this isn't fair to poor people says state Senator Elliott Shapleigh. He wants a provision that indigent people don't have to pay the fines. He says people can't pay their fines, they get their licenses suspended, then they have no way to work. Uhhhh -- Senator Shapleigh --- if they weren't violating the law, they wouldn't have a problem now, would they? And a large portion of those currently in arrears were cited for not having a drivers license in the first place.

Mary Moody is an Austin resident who was cited for no insurance. She says that it is hard to see why a program that criminalizes so many Texans would be allowed to continue. Mary, the program doesn't criminalize Texans. I'm a Texan and it hasn't bothered me any. That's because I buy insurance, I don't drive drunk, and I keep my drivers license current. No Texan who does those things need worry about becoming "criminalized."

"High traffic surcharges uncollected." The Dallas Morning News; January 31, 2010; p. 1A.