Sunday, September 8, 2013

The name your mother gave you . . .

The media has gone stark-raving mad. Of course, they didn't have too far to go to get there. The standard journalistic (and I use the term loosely) rule now is to call people whatever they wish to be called and to use whichever gender pronouns they prefer.

Thus, there is an article in the newspaper about Chelsea Manning seeking a presidential pardon for her crimes. Chelsea is the name that Bradley Manning now wishes to go by.

The newspaper does identify her by stating, "Manning, formerly Bradley Manning, is serving a 35-year sentence at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., for her conviction July 30 . . ." She was not convicted -- he was!

Bradley Manning is still the same person who betrayed his country and received that sentence. He was not then Chelsea, and he is not now Chelsea. He has not legally changed his name. I haven't personally checked, but I assume he still has male genitalia.

So what will the media do when someone decides they wish to go by the name, "Obama Stinks"? Do you think they will comply? I doubt it. The rule should be to use legal names only. The rule should be masculine personal pronouns for those with male genitalia and feminine pronouns for those with female genitalia. Ah, but that's too logical and un-pc for these days.

"Manning seeks presidential pardon." The Dallas Morning News; September 5, 2013; p. 6A.

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