Thursday, November 13, 2008

Would you let her babysit your children?

Dena Schlosser cut off her 10-month-old baby's arms in 2004. She was found not guilty by reason of insanity and committed to Rusk State Hospital.

Last week, State district Judge Chris Oldner ordered her released. He says that "her needs and the safety of the community can be met with outpatient services." The Collin County District Attorney's office feels that Mrs. Schlosser needs to be hospitalized longer, because her last psychotic episode was less than two years ago.

Her attorney says that reports and testimony from mental health professionals who have been treating her convinced the court that she's not a threat to herself or to others. I'm not convinced that a woman so mentally ill that she thought God told her to cut off her baby's arms can be cured in the two years she's been at Rusk. I kind of doubt the judge really is convinced of it, either. If he allows her to babysit for his children or grandchildren, I'll eat my words.

"mom who killed baby to be freed." The Dallas Morning News; November 8, 2008; p. 1A.

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