Saturday, June 4, 2011

I can fix that plate for $1 million!

Remember the old game show "Name that Tune"? The contestants would bid on how many notes they thought they needed to identify a tune. "I can name that tune in 3 notes," one would say. Then his opponent would counter with, "I can name that tune in 2 notes."

I thought of that when I read about Michelle Obama's new take on the food pyramid. In her quest to get people to eat healthy (which does not include eliminating junk food from food stamp purchases), she thinks the pyramid we've used for several years now is outmoded. So she came up with a food plate showing the proportions of vegetables and fruits, grains, and proteins we should have. It cost $2 million to come up with it. And it took two years.

Hey, Michelle! I could have fixed that plate in 20 minutes for $1 million. I'd be a million richer, and the government would have saved a million (according to Democratic ideology). Win/Win!

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