Sunday, June 5, 2011

What will they come up with next?

San Francisco will take a vote next November. You will never guess what it's for. The voters will be asked to vote on whether or not to ban circumcising baby boys.

First of all, circumcision is a religious rite for millions of Jews and others. There will be no religious exemption should this ban pass. Most other parents do it for health reasons . . . there is evidence that circumcision prevents all sorts of infections and may be a deterrent to penile cancer.

And I'll just bet that the same people who are all bent out of shape about giving a little boy a snip he will never remember are the same ones who are out fighting for the right to abort that little boy. What happened to their mantra: "This should be a decision between patient and doctor with no government interference"?

"Circumcision ban to be on ballot." The Dallas Morning News; May 19, 2011; p. 6A.

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