Friday, October 7, 2011

I don't fear being deported.

A group of Dallas ISD parents are upset and complaining. The charge is that their children are being mistreated at Ebby Halliday Elementary School, a predominately hispanic school. Whether or not their allegations have any merit, I don't know. But one thing did catch my eye.

Debbie Martinez is a parent and the spokeswoman for the group. She says that many of the parents have not spoken out before because they fear deportation. Hmmm -- if you're in this country legally, why would you fear deportation? If you're in this country illegally, and you don't like the education your children are receiving for free, then why don't you go back to where you came from?

"Parents at elementary allege kids mistreated." The Dallas Morning News; September 30, 2011; p. 1B.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Ignorant people! You stay on that page and well see how long you last. What a disgrace.

Essie May said...

Even though I haven't a clue what the above poster is talking about, I went ahead and published her/his post. Perhaps some of you will have more luck than I did translating her/his gibberish.