Saturday, October 8, 2011

Is there a link?

"Don't ask, don't tell" is history, and gays can serve openly in the military. We've trained all the military personnel to be sensitive. And now the Defense Department has issued a new rule: military chaplains are "allowed" to officiate same-sex marriages. I don't expect it to be long before that ruling is changed to military chaplains "must" officiate same-sex marriages. Remember -- all they want is tolerance.

Interestingly, the page opposite the one carrying this article had the headline: "Americans' income dips for first time since '09." Coincidence? I think not. I don't understand why our officials are so blind that they don't see that our country started its downhill slide when we started catering to perversion.

"Same-sex weddings approved." The Dallas Morning News; October 1, 2011; p. 8A.

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