Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Let's think about this.

Those who deem themselves enlightened bend over backwards to convince the rest of us of their superior status. I am always amused that, while they chastise us for being judgmental, they don't see that that's exactly what they are.

Maggie Dunham of Dallas bemoans the fact that we don't all celebrate "diversity." She says that her neighbor once said, "All my friends think like I do." Maggie regrets that she did not respond, "Oh, I'm so sorry." How condescending is that? Is she not celebrating the fact that her neighbor has a diverse opinion from hers?

Maggie says there are people in this world who look and think "dramatically differently" than we do. "That does not make them wrong any more than it makes us right." I beg to differ. If the Muslim who says the way to eternal glory and 70 virgins is by killing infidels is right, then how can the Christian who says that the way to eternal glory is through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ be right? One of them is definitely wrong! 

Maggie is evidently perturbed that Muslim women have been denied the "right" to wear their head coverings when having their state ID photos taken. She quotes a post on her Facebook page: "If a woman is free to show her body, why should she not be free to cover it?" And therein lies the difference. Muslim women are not free to decide whether or not they cover their bodies. Under sharia law, women are required to cover all of their bodies except hands and face. Women that are caught in violation of these restrictions can be subject to high fees and lashings.

Does Maggie think that's right? If she doesn't, is she failing to celebrate diversity? I somehow don't think those women who receive the beatings feel like celebrating.

"Enjoy the differences around you." The Dallas Morning News; September 23, 2012; p. 2P.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As always, EXCELLENT post!