Saturday, November 24, 2012

Which one is really the hostage-taker?
The arrogance and duplicity of Obama really annoys me. In his weekly video address last week, Obama said that the House of Representatives "shouldn't hold the middle class hostage." Of course, he's speaking of the Bush tax cuts. The House leadership has said that because it would be bad for the economy, a vote for raising tax rates on people who already pay the bulk of the taxes is not an option. Instead, they want to tighten up deductions with plans such as putting a cap on total deductions allowed. Obama has said that he'll see taxes raised on the middle class before he'll agree to not raising the rates on the upper wage-earners, even though he admitted that raising taxes is bad for the economy. So who is really holding the middle class hostage here?
What Obama is really saying is, "I don't care if our economy goes straight to the sewer -- I want my way and I want it now!" And as he, himself, said -- he doesn't have to run anymore, so he can pretty much do whatever he pleases.
"Obama: Extend tax cut." The Dallas Morning News; November 18, 2012; p. 5A.

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