Sunday, November 18, 2012

If you voted for Obama, we have you to thank!
Obama's insistence on raising taxes on those who already provide the bulk of the government's handouts is resulting in the average taxpayer (that's you and me) getting hit with an extra $3,700 on this year's taxes.
Some Denny's restaurants will add a 5% surcharge to each meal to help them pay for the cost of Obamacare. Every business that falls under Obamacare will also have to raise prices even if they don't label it as Obamacare.
Many restaurants are cutting their employees back to part-time, and some are simply closing their doors rather than deal with the hassle. Economists say that the Obamacare regulations coupled with higher taxes will most certainly plunge this country back into recession.

The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates that in 2015, the country will have 62,900 fewer doctors than needed. That number will more than double by 2025 as the expansion of insurance coverage under Obamacare takes full effect. Medicare has been and is being raided to pay for Obamacare -- that means less reimbursement to hospitals and doctors. That means the hospitals will have fewer nurses to care for more patients. According to some health care experts, this will result in more elderly patients failing to survive a hospital stay.
Texas is a right-to-work state. That means you don't have to join a union to work if you don't want to. This is protected under Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act. On Obama's agenda -- removing that provision so that union membership is required in all states. And we see what unions are good for -- no more Twinkies and HoHos and the loss of 18,500 jobs because of stupid union rules such as prohibiting shipping bread and Twinkies in the same truck. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka made some startling statements this week. This is the same Richard Trumka who advises the President on a regular basis: "I’m at the White House a couple times a week. Two, three times a week. I have conversations everyday with someone in the White House or in the administration — Everyday.” This is the same Richard Trumka who said that there's no fiscal cliff and any address of runaway government spending is just "a manufactured crisis." An almost $17 trillion debt is a manufactured crisis??? And why is Obama so beholden to Trumka? Because the unions dump hundreds of millions of dollars into his campaign coffers.
What really sticks in my craw is that Obama, himself, has admitted that raising taxes will hurt rather than help the economy. He knows that when taxes on the wealthy are cut, the economy booms -- and the IRS brings in more revenue. It works this way -- when the wealthy get a tax increase, they hold on to their money instead of investing it. When they get a tax cut, they invest in and expand their businesses and create jobs. They make more money to pay taxes on, and they employ more people who make more money to pay taxes on, and those people spend their money creating even more jobs for more people to make more money to pay taxes on. Obama knows this and has said as much, yet he still insists on taxing the wealthy. Why? Because it's not about raising revenue -- it's about punishing the rich and destroying capitalism and providing a lavish lifestyle for the big union bosses.
And that, my friends, is just the tip of the iceberg. So if you voted for Obama, thank you, thank you, thank you (if you have problems recognizing sarcasm, that was it)! May you reap what you have sown.

Read More At IBD:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's "mindbottling," isn't it?!