Monday, December 24, 2012

Oh, we just forgot!
Robert Menendez is a Democrat Senator from New Jersey. Until the first part of this month, he employed a registered sex offender who also happens to be an illegal alien as an intern. It has been known for weeks that Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta was in this country illegally and that he was a sex offender. But the Department of Homeland Security instructed federal agents not to arrest him until after the election -- presumably when Menendez's opponent couldn't do him any harm with the information.
Menendez offers an excuse/reason/rationalization for Zavaleta's position on his staff: "I can't know who is here to pursue the American dream vs. who is here to do it damage if I cannot get people to come forth out of the shadows, go through criminal background checks and then determine who is here to pursue the dream and make sure that those who are here and have criminal backgrounds ultimately get deported." Huh?
I don't care why they are here, if they are here illegally, they should be deported. As for coming out of the shadows, Zavaleta wasn't in the shadows -- he worked in Menendez's office! Did Menendez not check him out before he hired him? If that's the case, then Menendez doesn't have enough sense to be in Congress. If he did check him out, then he flagrantly broke the law. Either way, he should have some 'splainin' to do as should Homeland Security!
"Ex-Senate intern faces deportation." The Dallas Morning News; December 13, 2012; p. 7A.

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