Wednesday, June 19, 2013

These hospitals?
Phyllis Guest takes the churches to task for building church buildings instead of hospitals. She says that churches are not stepping up, they're not doing their share.
Just FYI, Phyllis, there are at least 600 Catholic hospitals in the U.S. That doesn't count the ones outside our borders. There are at least 49 Methodist hospitals in the U.S. That doesn't count the ones outside our borders. I couldn't get a count on the Baptist hospitals, but it appears there is at least one in every state and several in some states. That doesn't count the ones outside our borders. I couldn't find a comprehensive count on Presybterian hospitals, either, but I found plenty of Google listings for them. There are at least 25 or 30 in Texas alone. Most of the Jewish hospitals have been sold off, but the proceeds from the sales went into charitable foundations to aid the poor.
Those are just a few of the mainline denominations I checked. There are Lutheran, 7th Day Adventist, and any number of other denominational hospitals. Now, Phyllis, what are you doing to help?
"Dog-eat-dog isn't human." The Dallas Morning News; June 5, 2013; p. 18A.

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