Monday, September 6, 2010

Where's the apology to Toyota?

I can't remember if I posted on it or not, but when all the front-page brouhaha was going on about unexplained acceleration in Toyotas, I said I wouldn't think twice about buying one. In my experience, the Toyota is the best car I've ever owned.

At any rate, it seems Toyota is owed an apology. A government safety examination of vehicles involved in crashes attributed to sudden acceleration so far has pointed to driver error instead of flaws in the vehicles. They took electronic recording devices from 58 of the suspect cars. Thirty-five of them showed that at the point of impact, the drivers hadn't braked at all. Fourteen showed partial braking, and nine showed braking at the last second before the crash. There was one case where the pedal was trapped under the mat.

So why was this on page 5D instead of page 1A where the original allegations were printed?

Paris News Stephanie Norman funny: The Sandwich Etc. menu includes deserts. I don't know which ones, but my guess is probably the Gobi and the Sahara.

"Federal study finds driver error in crashes." The Dallas Morning News; August 11, 2010; p. 5D.

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