Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yes, I am different!

Donna Arego of Tyler says that we should show some compassion to all those women we stand behind in the grocery line. You know, the ones with the food stamps and the WIC vouchers. She says " . . .a mother , who is no different from you -- just trying to feed her family . . ."

In the first place, she's not feeding her family -- I and other taxpayers have that responsibility foisted upon us. I am different than she is -- I didn't have kids I couldn't afford. I am different than she is -- I accept responsibility for my actions. I am different than she is -- I work for a living.

Donna says, "Kindness, not judgment, is what is needed in this world." Kindness is making that woman stand on her own two feet. Or at least making the men who impregnated her stand on their own two feet and pay for the children they fathered. It doesn't take much judgment to see that she's made bad choices and that we are being asked to pay for them. That's just the facts, ma'am.

Paris News Stephanie Norman funny: Stephanie tells us all about the "cliental" at Sandwich Etc. And we know it's not a typo, because it's repeated several times.

"Try a little compassion . . ." The Dallas Morning News; July 3, 2010; p. 20A.

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