Sunday, February 6, 2011

Essie Award Time

It's Essie Award time. The Essie is given anytime Essie comes across someone she deems worthy of the award given on the basis of incredible stupidity.

This Essie goes to Stacey Champion, age 39. Stacey lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She took a package to the post office to mail it to Atlanta, Georgia, on January 25. It was a birthday gift for some unnamed person. As the box sat on a counter at the post office, it moved by itself and fell off. Startled postal workers opened the box to find a 4-month-old panting poodle puppy inside. No food . . . no water.

Stacey probably thought she was being very smart when she punched air holes in the box . . . which she promptly covered over with packing tape. The poor puppy was lucky he was found before he was thrown in the back of a mail truck.

Stacey has been charged with animal cruelty. She's also guilty of gross stupidity, and as such, deserves this Essie!

"Charges filed in mailing of puppy." The Dallas Morning News; February 3, 2011; p. 6A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They should have immediately locked her up without food and water, and limited her air for the time it would have taken that box to arrive! What an idiot!