Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why is this OK?

Suppose one of our white commissioners stood up at a Commissioners Court meeting and said to a bunch of black citizens there to address the court, "You're all black. Go to hell!"

I doubt there's a commissioner or any other white official anywhere who would be that stupid. He would be run out of town on a rail.

Yet John Wiley Price stood up in Dallas the other day at a public meeting and said to a group of white constituents, "All of you are white. Go to hell!" Then he called one of the men there "fat boy." There is no public outcry for him to resign. There is no apology. Why? I don't get it.

"Tempers flare, insults fly in Price's court outburst." The Dallas Morning News; February 16, 2011; p. 1A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not OK, and it's time for all of us (white folks) to stand up and demand and end to such nonsence! It will not get any better if we all sit in silence. There should be a petition in the works to remove him from his position on the council.