Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Texas legislature takes a stand!

I am so proud of the Texas legislature. Last week, the Senate passed 20-12 a preliminary approval of a bill requiring photo ID for voters. Democrats, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and the Texas NAACP are adamantly opposed to the bill. Guess that gives you some indication as to where the voter fraud is located.

The Mexicans claim the law is discriminatory. I don't know where they get that. It will apply to all voters. If it applied only to Mexicans and blacks, then we could say it was discriminatory, but we're not asking them to do something we're not asking white voters to do. But that's the norm -- if there's no good argument against something, just yell, "Discrimination!"

"Voter ID bill passes first vote in Senate." The Dallas Morning News; January 26, 2011; p. 3A.

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