Sunday, March 6, 2011

Here's a solution for ya'!

Texas State Representative Lois Kolkhorst has introduced legislation that would allow sheriffs to take illegal aliens to the local offices of any U.S. Representative or Senator and deposit them there. Local jurisdictions have found themselves holding these illegals indefinitely and footing the bills for their incarceration while they wait on an inefficient-don't-care federal agency to pick them up.

Kolkhorst said, "I think ICE will come over if one of our local U.S. Representatives or Senators makes a phone call." Which I'm sure they'll do when they have a few illegals sitting around their offices. Does this bill have a chance of passing? I don't know, but Kolkhorst said when she floated the idea, several of her colleagues wanted to co-sponsor it.

Paris News funny for the day: On March 2, Texas Independence Day, the paper ran an editorial about the republic/state's 175th anniversary. The headline read, "Celebrating our great state's sesquicentennial." I guess Texas must be taking lessons from Jack Benny. He celebrated his 39th birthday 41 times.

"Bill would let sheriffs drop off offenders with U.S. lawmakers." The Dallas Morning News; February 22, 2011; p. 3A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant solution! It's extremely irritating to turn in an illegal and have every agency you contact ignore the situation.